Chapter 1871

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
"What kind of consequences will I bear if I refuse?" although Tang Qi wants to go very much, for him, it is still important for his family.

How could he leave Murong Yue and run alone to improve his ability? Although growth is a very important condition for staying, family is also very important.

He also believes that Jingteng taught him the second half of the movement, and he will certainly be able to integrate. At that time, his own strength is just around the corner, and he doesn't have to rely on organization.

Du Yu knows that such learning is voluntary and can choose not to go, but as far as he knows, no one will choose not to go, because the person who can be selected at least proves that his strength can be further improved. For others, it is a rare learning opportunity. How can they refuse it?

"Consequences? You don't have to bear any consequences, but you will feel a special pity. Because you know, such an opportunity is really rare. Maybe the organization gave you this opportunity to learn. If you give up, you won't have such an opportunity in the future. It's really a pity."

Tang Qi also felt pity. It was also very important for him to keep Cheng Cheng. However, it was very difficult. Tang Qi said to Du Yu.

"I know. I'll go back and discuss with my family before making a decision. I won't choose to give up so decisively, but I don't think I'm very likely to go. You'd better not talk to Minister Ma."

Du Yu nodded. Of course he wouldn't. this is Tang Qi's business. How could he talk indiscriminately? Naturally, Tang Qi himself made the final decision. He won't talk indiscriminately, so he promised Tang Qi.

"Boss, you see I look like someone who talks nonsense! Naturally, what the boss says is what he says. I won't talk nonsense. The boss will make his own decision."

Tang Qi nodded. There was nothing else. He wanted to go back. Tang Qi said to Du Yu. "I hope you can continue to manage the organization. Please continue to take care of it. If there is nothing else, I'll go back first."

Du Yu was surprised that Tang Qi thought his management department was very hard. In fact, he didn't know it at all.

After saying goodbye to Du Yu, Tang Qi returned to the central part again. Mickey and they had left, leaving Murong Yue to play with their three children.

Cheng Dieyi is busy in the hospital with those doctors. I don't know what he can do in the hospital as an anatomist? But it is said that Bai Liang's successful bone replacement is entirely due to the help of Cheng Dieyi. Indeed, Tang Qi feels that his ability can't be underestimated.

Tang Qi came in to see Murong Yue. Murong Yue looked up and saw that Tang Qi had come back. He was surprised and said. "Are you back? Have you finished all the things you need to be busy?"

Tang Qi nodded. This is the little crane's first cry. "Uncle Tang, you're back."

Tang Doudou and Cheng Cheng shouted together, "father Tang."

Tang Qi nodded and said to them after greeting them one by one. "Don't make aunt Yue. Be obedient. Aunt Yue has a baby in her stomach now. You can make trouble only after she is born, you know."

They have been careful enough. You know, aunt Mickey, they are very nervous. Aunt Yue, let them be careful. Murong Yue heard Tang Qi's explanation and hurriedly said to Tang Qi.

"Don't explain to the children. The frightened children don't dare to play with me. In fact, I think it's good to move like this. I can't always sit there. On the contrary, it makes me feel very bored, so it's also good to make trouble with the children."

Tang Qi nodded. He knew that Mickey was very careful and didn't need to explain anything. But when he thought of what Ma Lei said to him, he didn't know whether he should say it to Murong Yue?

But think about it, you should discuss it with Murong Yue. Tang Qi said to Murong Yue.

"I may have something to leave for a few days. I know it's very unfair to you, so I decided not to go. I want to be with you, but I feel regret."

Murong Yue looked at Tang Qi very embarrassed. She knew that Tang Qi must be weighing the importance between the two. Finally, she decided to stay with him, which was enough for him.

At least for Tang Qi now, he is very important. For him, he must be very happy, but if Tang Qi makes a regret decision for him to stay, it will also make him very uneasy.

Thinking so, Murong Yue said, "it's not necessary at all. You don't think about it. Every time they take care of me, they take good care of me. In addition, sister Cheng Dieyi is also very experienced. The things she tells me are much more useful than you. If you think you stay, it doesn't work at all. What's the purpose of you staying?"

In fact, Tang Qi has this consideration. Mickey and they are very careful. In fact, his stay really doesn't have much effect. As Murong Yue says now, it's just a comfort in his heart. As for other things, he can't help.

"But I think the important thing for you now is company. Which woman doesn't want her husband to accompany her when she is pregnant? If I don't accompany you, will you feel lonely?"

With Tang Qi's warm words, he was very happy. There was nothing lonely. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, Tang Qi didn't accompany him. But with Mickey and them by his side, how can he be lonely?

"Mickey, they are all around me when they have time. Where can I be lonely? In addition, these three children are still accompanied. Yahan's sister Yaru will come from time to time. Even if they have to be busy at work, for me, they have never been alone."

Tang Qi knew that Murong Yue said this to take care of his feelings. However, he really didn't want to miss this learning opportunity, because it was equally important to stay in Cheng Cheng.

Cheng Dieyi is also very dependent on Cheng Cheng, so it is also very important.

After all, Cheng Dieyi does so much to keep Cheng Cheng. He is Cheng Dieyi's only dependence at the moment. This is a consideration on the one hand. Coupled with emotion and reason, Cheng Cheng should be left behind by him. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable. I don't know how many people have to pay for it.

"I know. I'll consider it carefully, but I hope you can understand what I've done, and I hope you don't feel wronged, because I'm really trying to weigh the pros and cons."

Murong Yue nodded and she understood.

Cheng Dieyi was busy behind for a while. He was about to come back and have a look at Murong Yue. Unexpectedly, Tang Qi came back and asked Tang Qi.

"There's no problem there? Du Yu's smelly boy's ability is actually quite strong. I saw him last time. His words are also clear and reasonable. I should be able to entrust tasks with confidence."

Tang Qi nodded. Of course, he can hand over the Department to him to manage, but what he is struggling with now is another thing. He directly said to Cheng Dieyi: "the internal notice of the organization wants to arrange for me to study. I am very hesitant."

Why hesitate to let him learn in the organization when he has such a good opportunity? Cheng Dieyi was very puzzled, but when she looked at Murong Yue, Cheng Dieyi almost understood Tang Qi's heart and said:

"Although I want to tell you that if you go safely, we will take good care of sister Yue. I also know that you will hesitate. After all, sister Yue is in a special period. In short, you decide this matter yourself. I won't participate. If the organization says you can take someone, I hope you can take me."

After all, the matter of leaving Cheng Cheng can't be all on Tang Qi. It's neither Tang Qi's responsibility nor Tang Qi's obligation. Tang Qi can help him. He should thank Tang Qi, but he can't let Tang Qi bear all the pressure.

Tang Qi naturally understood Cheng Dieyi's meaning, so he nodded to Cheng Dieyi and said.

"I know. I'm still considering my job. Next is Mickey and them to see if they can accept it. After all, I don't know what kind of task will be arranged and what kind of things I will encounter this time."

When Murong Yue heard Cheng Dieyi say this, she knew that this opportunity was very rare for Tang Qi. He would help persuade Mickey and them, so she said to Tang Qi.

"If you're because of me, don't worry, Mickey. I'll help you convince them. As long as you do your own things at ease, I really don't want to be a drag on you. Think about it. If you stay for me and miss this opportunity, I'll feel guilty for a long time. If I don't feel guilty, you should think about yourself wholeheartedly."

Everyone is thinking of him, and who is he thinking of? Now it seems that Tang Qi really feels that he is becoming more and more incompetent. The more he thinks so. The more I feel that I don't know to take responsibility at all. Is my so-called responsibility to ignore my family?

"Don't think too much. It's none of your business. Don't take all the responsibilities on yourself. We see everything you do. That's not good. It's too easy to take the responsibility on yourself."

Murong Yue just smiled. Cheng Dieyi actually supported Tang Qi. After all, the opportunity was rare. He said to Tang Qi, "I will help you convince them. Don't worry, these are not the factors you should consider. What you should consider is, what you do now will be more important. Take care of your own family or everyone."

Tang Qi nodded. Almost when Murong Yue said so, he had decided to organize there, although it was his fault to leave them at this moment.