Chapter 1805

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Liu Meixi broke out in an instant. When he heard Lin Xiao say so, his feelings were completely out of control and roared.

"I forgot that your Lin family has always been like this. When I was pregnant with Haotian, there were such signs, didn't they?"

Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly. "I admit I'm sorry for Yahan's mother, but I've never been sorry for you. You killed yourself."

The woman was very suspicious. At that time, she had just begun to learn to take care of family affairs. Of course, she had to deal with some necessary entertainment.

He didn't devote himself to his career, but this woman didn't allow him to socialize, especially after he was pregnant with Haotian.

Whenever he went to dinner, he would make things very ugly.

Later, he even had an affair with others, which made Lin Xiao how to bear. In a rage, he drove him out of the Lin family. Unexpectedly, she fell down with Lawyer Wang.

Lin Xiao looked at such a crazy Liu Messi and said indifferently. "I'm sorry to tell you that all the assets under my name have been transferred to Tang Qi. The assets under Yahan's name are naturally handled by him."

Tang Qi looked at Lawyer Wang at this time. "I'll give you what you just said. Nobody is welcome here. Please leave."

Lawyer Wang seemed to have been stripped of his soul. He walked out like a walking corpse, holding the inheritance in his hand.

Liu Meixi called him. He didn't seem to hear it. Lin Xiao really felt hopeless for Liu Meixi, a stupid woman.

Lawyer Wang was with him with ulterior motives. He took the will and asked him to threaten the old man. Isn't it for the legacy of the Lin family? I really thought.

How much the man loves her, Lin Haotian looked at Liu Messi at this time. He knelt down directly to Lin Xiao, "Dad, you can't do this to me. It's unfair to me."

Lin Xiao's eyes are also reluctant to give up. The child must not be very happy with Liu Messi. Liu Messi has put all her thoughts on revenge. Where is there time to hurt the child?

It was his own son, which made Lin Xiao a little reluctant, so he said to him. "If you still recognize me as a father, then leave with me. I have given all my assets to Tang Qi, which is true, so even if you are my son now, you won't get anything."

It can be seen that Lin Haotian fell into hesitation. Liu Meixi controls Lin Haotian at this time. "You wolf, I have raised you for so many years and brought you so big, but you call the man who left our mother and son with nothing dad."

Lin Xiao picked up Lin Haotian at this time. He didn't want Lin Haotian to follow this stupid woman again. This would only ruin his son's life.

"I'll take you away. I've already contacted my friends. Although I'm penniless, I still have no problem spending my old age. Think about it carefully. What do you really want? Is it the wealth of the Lin family? What do you think is the real wealth?"

When Lin Xiao asked, Lin Haotian began to think seriously. In fact, he didn't understand. He just listened to his mother and said that if he cooperated with him, he would get very rich money.

However, up to now, Lin Xiao's words have stopped him again! Is this money really what he wants?

So he took a look at Liu Messi and resolutely left with Lin Xiao.

Liu Messi saw that even her own son didn't want to be herself, and fell into a collapse in an instant.

Lin Yaru looked at Liu Messi like this, naturally disgusted. But now he is no longer qualified to ask Lin Yahan for forgiveness

Tang Qi is silent at the moment. After all, this is the Lin family's business. He respects Lin Yahan's choice. No matter how Lin Yahan handles this matter, she is his woman, which cannot be changed.

Lin Yahan looked at Tang Qi. Tang Qi just held his hand and gave him courage. No matter what decision she made, she would support him.

Lin Yahan said, "if you study hard, I will support your graduation from college. You have to go your own way. Don't think about relying on anyone, and I won't clean up the mess you left."

Lin Yahan said that with a tired face, Tang Qi held Lin Yahan. The nurses stood there. They had received the news that the hospital belonged to Tang Qi, so they were also respectful to Tang Qi.

Tang Qi said to them at this time. "Contact the funeral home and deal with old man Lin's affairs."

The nurse stood there. The doctor had issued a death certificate, and the people from the funeral home would arrive soon. Let Lin Yahan fill in a lot of certificates at once, and then carry away the body of master Lin.

After settling down old Lin's body, Tang Qicai looked at the heavy dark circles under his eyes and said with a tired face. "You should also take a break. Look at your dark circles. I know you must not have a good rest. You must be very tired to take care of grandpa in front of his bed. I'll ask the nurse to find you a rest room and have a rest first."

Lin Yahan nodded and looked at Tang Qi very excited. After all, she hugged Tang Qi and gave Tang Qi a kiss. "Thank you, really. Without you, I don't know what I should do?"

Tang Qi shook his head, meaning to tell Lin Yahan not to thank him deliberately, because these are what he should do. Lin Yahan has paid so much. He should also do something for Lin Yahan.

Although Tang Qi thought so, when Lin Yahan was helpless, with Tang Qi, he really felt very lucky.

Because anyway, Tang Qi is the only one willing to help him at the moment.

Lin Yahan thought so, so Tang Qi took Lin Yahan into the lounge, put Lin Yahan on the bed and said to Lin Yahan. "Don't think about those messy things. Have a good sleep. When you wake up, you forget everything. Start your life again."

Lin Yahan nodded, which was tantamount to agreeing to Tang Qi. She knew that Tang Qi was also worried about him. So he said to Tang Qi, "this can't beat me, but I'm very strong."

Tang Qi nodded, kissed Lin Yahan on the forehead and covered Lin Yahan with a quilt. "Good dream!"

Lin Yahan safely closed her eyes. It can be seen that he hasn't been so relaxed for a long time.

After settling in Lin Yahan, Tang Qi walked out of the lounge. At this time, Bai Liang said to Tang Qi with a very ugly face. "Boss, it's not good. Just now Doudou called and said Cheng Cheng was missing."

"Cheng Cheng is gone?" Tang Qi asked again, and Bai Liang nodded.

"Where are the two of them? Why is Cheng Cheng gone? Haven't you always sent brothers to follow them? According to Tang Doudou's current ability, ordinary people can't take Cheng Cheng."

Bai Liang shook his head and didn't know what was going on. Following Tang Qi's back, both of them walked very fast. Tang Qi went to the nurse station and shouted to the nurses.

"Miss Lin is resting in the lounge. Don't disturb him. When he wakes up, tell him I have something urgent and deal with it first. If he wants help, go directly to Mickey."

The nurse quickly recorded Tang Qi's words. Tang Qi followed Bai Liang and hurried to Tang Doudou's school.

Because Cheng Cheng was promoted two levels in a row and was with Tang Doudou. In order to be with Tang Doudou, Cheng Cheng also works very hard, whether training or learning.

The two children get along very well, very harmonious, and there is no contradiction. Basically, they are inseparable. Besides going to the bathroom, why did Cheng Cheng disappear?

When Tang Qi arrived at school, he saw Tang Doudou sitting at the door crying. He had never seen Tang Doudou in such a hurry before. They all cried. Tang Qi hurried over.

"Doudou, why are you here alone? Do you know what happened?"

The other students have disappeared. Tang Qi doesn't know what's going on? Tang Doudou stood up and rushed to Tang Qi's arms.

"Dad Tang, I'm sorry, I lost Cheng Cheng." Tang Qi knew that if Tang Doudou had been with Cheng Cheng all the time, he would never have said such a thing, so what happened?

Tang Qixian calmed Tang Doudou's emotions. Even if Tang Doudou is more adult, he is just a child. When things happen, especially when he has no idea, he is most likely to collapse.

Under Tang Qi's comfort, Tang Doudou finally stabilized his mood and cried to Tang Qi. "Cheng Cheng taught me the program again in class today. However, there is a code that I can't get through and has been breaking a firewall. I think there is a very strange place. Cheng Cheng seems to have found the problem. He confidently told me that if I can break the program today, he will double his training to break two levels tonight."

Tang Qi knows that this is a game between Tang Doudou and Cheng Cheng, because Tang Doudou is easy for the headquarters to break the customs. He can easily pass two customs, but it is a little difficult for Cheng Cheng because he is too young.

But Cheng Cheng is also an unyielding person. He is very familiar with computer programs. It seems that he has a strange ability. When the computer program meets him, it will open automatically.

Of course, this is just an illusion as an outsider. It must be because he is very familiar with computer programs that he can achieve this step.

So Tang Doudou has been learning programs from Cheng Cheng. It's not a day or two. He knows it all.

Tang Doudou continued, "I've been concentrating on breaking the program, so I didn't see Cheng Cheng at all. He's been taken away. Until I found out, I found all my brothers lying on the ground. It's just around the corner of the garden."

Tang Qi was even more puzzled. What kind of person dared to rob Cheng Cheng openly here, and even his brothers were knocked down.