Chapter 1485

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Master Qin nodded. He knew that he chose Tang Qi because Tang Qi was a responsible person. From now on, he really didn't read Tang Qi wrong. I hope Tang Qi can continue to work hard and live up to his expectations.

However, on the one hand, Tang Qi has finished her own business. Next, it's time for her to talk about her own business. Tang Qi has many things to do.

"If you have finished your work, it's time for me to say my work."

As soon as the old man spoke, Tang Qi knew what to say. There must be no problem. He must have misunderstood to help old Qin. Only when old Qin has been here can he have prestige and the whole capital will not fall into chaos. Besides, no one wants Lu Chuan to directly disturb the muddy water in the capital.

"The annual auction appreciation meeting is about to begin. This time, I, Mr. Qin, will preside over it. I just want to see what kind of ability Lu Chuan has and has fallen into the hearts of so many people so soon. I'll see if he can win people's hearts by his own ability or by his arrogant force."

Tang Qigang also has this meaning. If he really subdues people with virtue, they naturally have nothing to say. If the other party only has cruel force and threat, they should take charge of this matter, so that they are also responsible for making the capital so chaotic.

As the chairman of the appreciation organization, Tang Qi must come out. At that time, he will also meet Lu Chuan to see where he is sacred and what kind of skills he has.

"So this time, if I want to stand behind the scenes and confront him head-on, it's up to you. I'm very optimistic about you, and I don't know what kind of choice Lu Chuan will make when he meets you. I'm very curious!"

Not to mention that Mr. Qin has some expectations, even Tang Qi himself is very looking forward to it. He has been investigating Ding Li's case recently. He has experienced a lot of things, which makes him feel a little irritable. He hasn't experienced such an occasion for a long time. He really has some itching.

He has never met any opponent, which is also a pity for him. He doesn't have to be afraid that he has no opponent. Once he has no opponent, he will feel lonely. So this time, let Lu Chuan show him anyway. Who is the best, life! Should there be a competition to be interesting?

I don't know if I will meet osmanthus this time. I don't know if that woman will come? I don't know what this woman thinks. How is her life now? With the man Lu Chuan, I don't know if she can have her own life.

But this extreme woman, even if she doesn't have her own life, I'm afraid she doesn't know. Even if she is sold, I'm afraid she has to count money for each other. Bai has a beautiful skin bag and a good figure. He's a completely brainless guy.

But Tang Qi also said fortunately that he didn't like Osmanthus fragrans at all. Except that he had a good skin bag, he didn't have any feelings for her. You said if he had feelings for him, such as Bai Su and Chu ya, should he cry and faint in the toilet now.

Thinking of these, Tang Qi thought of Mickey again. He really hasn't seen Mickey for a long time. He doesn't know what's going on over there. He's really too busy these days. It's easy to ignore her, but he will attend this conference. As the most famous owner of Mi's Antiques, when he attends, everyone will naturally meet. Then make good compensation to her.

I just don't know when the plan comes. Will pearl come? Some want pearls, that plump figure. It's also very miss.

Tang Qi quickly shook his head and drove out these messy ideas. Who makes these women too beautiful, always easy to distract him.

He went to discuss with old man Qin these days. Even after discussing the matter, they both felt that they had heard it in their hearts. The next thing is still very important, but it is also good for them to have a goal at present.

When Tang Qi was ready to have a rest, he didn't sleep well last night. The whole person was still drowsy. The phone rang.

Take out your cell phone and see that it's Amin's phone. Tang Qi was nervous. He asked Amin and Chuya to go back to Chuya's gallery. Did something happen? Why else would Amin call him now? They should be in the gallery now.

So Tang Qi immediately called and asked. "Why are you calling now? Is something happening?"

Amin was a little worried, so he said indistinctly: "There was a traffic jam just now, so we got to the gallery, but the whole gallery was smashed and in a mess. Chuya was devastated when she saw this scene. Now she is crying there alone. I can't help it, boss. Can you come over? Bi unexpectedly comforted her sister-in-law. This thing still needs you."

Chu Ya's gallery was smashed. Needless to think, that group of people must be the group who chased Ding Li. Their purpose is not to kill Meng Xiong, but to get the painting.

Up to now, they don't know that the painting is fake. So they must have been delayed by so many things when they left the gallery to take Meng Xiong to the hospital.

Therefore, the other party was a little crazy and directly smashed Chuya's gallery, but even so, what's the point of taking that painting away? That picture is a fake!

Tang Qi quickly stood up and said to the old man: "Something happened to Chuya. I have to go and have a look now. It's said that his gallery was smashed. The other party is too brave. Don't know who Chuya is? I said, master, don't be such a miracle fairy. Hurry up and I'll avenge your granddaughter! I'll comfort her first. I'll bring it to you. It's up to you how to do it It's too late. "

Mr. Qin was in no hurry anyway. He picked up his small tea cup and took a sip of tea, "Anyway, if I give her to you, you have to be responsible for her. Now he has a problem. You're not in a hurry. What's my hurry? Anyway, I think this matter must have something to do with you. If you dare to make her suffer injustice, I won't peel your skin at that time."

Tang Qi also felt that there were some grievances. She thought it was bode and asked him to give it. He sat here. Even if he coughed, the whole capital had to shake three times. How could he vent his anger? It's better to give him an order.

Although he thought so, he hurried out of the door, drove his car and drove to Chuya's gallery. I don't know how sad Chuya is now. He worked hard to run the gallery and wasted his efforts. Only himself knows that there must be sadness, but he's not afraid of failure, and there's a chance to start all over again.

Tang Qi drove to Chuya's gallery as fast as he could. When he reached the back door, he felt the mess in the gallery. When he really stood at the door, the whole person was stunned. All the things that could be smashed had been smashed. Chuya sat alone. Did she cry, as if she had lost her soul, like an empty frame It's like sitting over there.

This makes Tang Qi feel very distressed. He has never seen Chu ya like this. Usually, Chu Ya is either quiet or lively. In short, it is a very beautiful appearance. He has never seen such a lost look.

Tang Qi knew that Chu ya really put too much effort into here, so he was the most sad one when it was destroyed.

He touched Chuya and said softly to Chuya, "it doesn't matter. Even if it's destroyed, we can rebuild it again. Everything can start from scratch. How can we cherish it if we haven't lost it. As for those people, I'll help you vent your anger. Don't worry."

Needless to say, this matter must have something to do with Lu Chuan. Now the whole thing seems to be clear at a glance, but it is particularly important for them to find the explosive magazine.

At this time, Chu Ya took out a painting from his arms and handed it to Tang Qi. Tang Qi took the painting and opened it. It was the fake painting that the other party wanted to find. Although the painting was put by a person in the late Qian Dynasty, it was no different from those in the Song Dynasty.

It is still very valuable and valuable. For them, it is also very valuable to study this painting carefully, because the information wanted in this painting may be similar to the painting on Yang Yiyi's back.

When they have studied the value of this painting and the connection with the painting on Yang Yiyi's back, maybe they will get more than a little information. It will be the most valuable time for this painting.

However, he also convinced the other party. He has smashed the place into a mess. He hasn't found the painting after looking for it for so long. He can find out where Chu Bo hid it so tightly.

"Where did you put the picture? They have sent it like this. I really admire you if you find the picture."

Hearing what Tang Qi said, Chu Ya had some helplessness, "You said the painting was fake! I thought I bought it for 5000 yuan. It's not worth much money, and I don't know how important it is. So I think it doesn't matter. It's inserted in the trash can next to the table. They did turn it over here. But no one turned the trash can. I just wanted to come back and take it out of the trash can Take it out. When I get back, it'll be like this. "