Chapter 1370

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
The housekeeper looked around. Who is there? Then he glanced at Tang Qi: "are you wrong? I can't see anything at all. You're nervous. I don't know what you're going to do."

Tang Qi said, "isn't this coming?"

"Where? I don't know."

Tang Qi pointed to the top: "it's on the tree. It seems that he fell from the tree." it turned out that the man was hiding on the tree. He slipped directly from the tree and fell in front of Yang Tian. Yang Tian was startled and exclaimed.

"Why are you here!"

When Tang Qi saw the man wearing the cook's clothes of the family, he said to the housekeeper, "it seems that this man has been lurking in your house and hiding in the kitchen. Naturally, he won't worry about being recognized. He listened to our conversation with him."

The housekeeper nodded: "yes, I know this man. His name is Wang Bei. He is the cook we have just recruited. He has just come in for less than two months. Unexpectedly, he knows something about our husband and what his purpose is?"

Tang Qi smiled: "don't we just eavesdrop here?"

"Will someone die? I'll call someone!" the housekeeper said and turned back. Tang Qi grabbed him by the shoulder and directly grabbed the person back: "all right, just be quiet!"

The housekeeper almost sat on the ground and looked back at Tang Qi angrily: "what are you doing?"

"I told you to stand up straight. What are you doing with all this? These two people found out that they can't help. They may be killed directly. Just be quiet here."

"But our husband is in poor health. What if something happens?"

Tang Qimei took the lead: "I told you that you are very concerned about you. Why do you care so much about him? Can you tell me? He is just a burden. You also said that Yang Baibai is the heir of your family. He is just a burden son-in-law and is suspected of doing bad things. Why did you help him so?"

"Well... In fact, I just want my family and everything to be happy. I think even if there is a problem in the distribution of family property, it can't be like this. Don't slander people like this," he said plausibly.

"What if he killed someone? What if Yang Baibai's mother was him?" Tang Qi sneered.

"No!" the housekeeper insisted, "this is a slander. Our wife's heart disease occurred a long time ago. It wasn't caused by someone at all. Who said it? It was deliberately provoking discord!"

Tang Qi snorted, "you can say it. Let me tell you. I saw it with my own eyes. OK, I'm too lazy to tell you. Listen to what these two people say! I'm too lazy to pay attention to you."

The housekeeper was surprised and looked unbelievable. Is what he said true? No, how could Mr. Jia do this? He must be talking nonsense. He firmly doesn't believe it!

When the two men were talking, Yang Tian had stood in front of Yang Tian. He was in his early twenties and looked good. There was a long scar on his right face. Looking at it in the moonlight, he was like a centipede crawling meandering. Tang Qixin said, it's interesting. Although this man looks ordinary, the scars on his face undoubtedly add a sense of oppression to him. At first glance, he is not an ordinary person.

These two people don't know what's wrong. They don't talk to anyone. They just stare at each other coldly and wait for each other to speak.

Tang Qi asked the housekeeper, "this man's face is like this. Don't worry about letting him be a cook? I think he's like a mixed society, not like a cook."

"Well, hehe. We cook with our hands, not with our faces. Besides, when he came over, he said that his face was robbed when he went out with his parents. In order to protect the second old man, he was scratched on his cheek. We should praise his spirit, not ridicule him."

Tang Qi sneered and said, "it's very talkative." the wound on his face is not drawn by an ordinary dagger. In addition to a long line, there are long feet on both sides like centipedes, which have been spreading all the time. The wound of the follower should be a rare knife. The pattern of such a blade should be a dagger called fish jump, This kind of dagger was only found in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. The back dagger developed rapidly. This kind of dagger was not sharp enough and the forging technology was very backward, so no one liked it soon. Tang Qi felt very strange when he saw this wound.

"Of course I will tell the truth."

Tang Qi looked at the two people and said if you have anything to say, it's time to linger! I don't know what I'm talking about? However, seeing Yang Tian's eyes seems to be a lot more peaceful. Does he have a good relationship with him?

Finally Yang Tian said, "Binbin, have you come to me?"

"How do you know my name? I'm just a cook in your family. I don't have any rights. I'm really moved that you can remember my name." the man sneered.

"Binbin, don't be angry. I'm your father. Even if a lot of things happened before, I always care about you. You're my son. Won't you forget? If it weren't for me, how could you be a cook? I already know your identity, and you don't have to hide it. You're a descendant of my Du family! You can't cut off your blood relationship." His voice was a little excited and his hands pressed on his shoulders.

Du bin sneered, "really? I thought you didn't know who I was for a long time. It's rare that you remember who I was! I'm just the child of you and a dancing girl. You've long forgotten. You can still call me now. I'm really happy and moved. I don't know how to express my gratitude."

"Binbin, don't say that. I'll only feel more guilty. I've let you into the Yang family and will give you a good future. Don't you believe me? Now as long as you eradicate this woman, my family property is mine. Help me..."

"Go away!" he beat Yang Tian's outstretched hand aside.

"You used me all the time. At the beginning, you let me enter the tomb below and asked me to help you find a dagger. As a result, I was disfigured, poisoned and almost didn't die. But what did you do? You just threw me to the eagle eye and left without leaving a penny. Now that I'm well, you want me not to help you?"

"But last time you..."

"The last time I helped you kill your wife, it was because I couldn't stand her lofty appearance. Why is it all your wife? She can live arrogantly and humiliate you, a big man, and my mother will be humiliated by you."

Tang Qi understands that this guy is also this man's son. This boy shows mercy everywhere and has children everywhere! This man is Yang Tian's left child, but when he got the dagger from childhood in order to let him steal the tomb, he was poisoned and threw it to eagle eye. He didn't ask. He came to the door recently. Yang Tian used this man to deal with his wife.

So this man is the murderer who killed Mrs. Yang? Damn it! The housekeeper around him is not a fool, and he fully understands what's going on. It's clear that this man has been using me! He doesn't like the Yang family at all. He brought his son to the Yang family and let him kill his wife!

He was so angry that he grabbed his cell phone to make a call, which was stopped by Tang Qi.

"What are you doing? Take it easy."

"I want to tell those people what a beast Mr. is. We must catch him! When his wife died, he cried bitterly, kowtowed on the ground and knocked out all the blood. Now he found that it was all farting. He just wanted to take the property of the Yang family for himself!"

Tang Qi said, "OK, don't shout. Since you know everything, just wait honestly."

"Wait? What am I waiting for? I'm going to kill him..."

"Do you have the ability? You can't beat him!" Tang Qi said: "your family is so reckless, so are you, and so are the eldest lady of your family. You will never look calm and calm. If you don't learn to be smart, you will only die!"

"But I am..."

"Shh, don't say it." Tang Qi won't let him say it. He pressed the housekeeper's mouth. The housekeeper couldn't help it. Tang Qi won't let him call or report. He can only be trapped by him.

At this time, Yang Tian said, "Binbin, what did you write that note to let me out for? Do you want to vent your anger?"

"Didn't I make it clear? I know the cause of your ex-wife's death."

"Don't joke. You were not born when he died, but to be honest, this woman is the softest woman I know. She will always listen to me. I also know a lot of antique knowledge from her. If I could stay with her, I would be very happy." Yang Tian sighed.

Waiting for a woman's son to say two people's good, Du bin was not angry, just a sarcastic smile.

"I know you don't like my mother. Soon after she left me, you dumped her and married the wife of the Yang family. Your favorite is the former one, but I want to tell you that you like it for nothing, because that person doesn't like you at all. People don't like you, but pretend to be dead and hide away. How can they be good with others."

"You lie!"

"Hehe, do you think you can't accept it?"

"She's dead. I saw him dead with my own eyes. At that time, she was convulsed and covered with blood. She said sorry for me in her mouth. I always remember that her eyes are getting darker and darker. It's not a lie. You don't have to stir up discord. I don't believe it!" Yang Tian's voice became smaller and smaller.