Chapter 1291

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Liu Qing said, "I know Tang Qi is the most difficult to deal with. If I offend you, I don't think it will come to a good end."

Tang Qi said, "what are you talking about? Do you think I said that because you wanted to assassinate me and revenge you?"

"Isn't it? My sons are dead. It's meaningless now. If you want to kill them, kill them." Liu Qing closed his eyes and looked like he died bravely.

Tang Qi smiled, and his hand gently stroked her neck: "what if I cut off such a beautiful neck? I won't feel very happy."

Liu Qing looked at Tang Qi and suddenly cried wrongfully: "I'm a widow. I live a painful life with my children. What can I do, Tang Qi? I really want to kill you for revenge. If you didn't come to Nanjiang, my son would be fine."

Tang Qi said, "how many times do you want me to tell you? His death has nothing to do with me! Your son died of his own desires. He wanted too many things. He couldn't keep up with his ability and couldn't control himself to expose his purpose, so he died suddenly. If I didn't show up, he would also be killed."

Liu Qing couldn't help crying. She knew Tang Qi's words were true, but she couldn't help being angry.

Tang Qi said, "don't get involved in this matter. Forget it, Liu Qing. Otherwise, you will be very unlucky."

"I can't stop, you know? I killed Ding Youkang's men before." Liu Qing said, "I killed them directly. I've been involved in it. Master Qin and they all know about it. They will take revenge and want to kill me. I can only fight them in order to survive."

Tang Qi frowned and said, "are you a little too much? Why do you care about all this?"

"I'm not an ordinary person. I want to help my son realize his dream! Anyway, I've told you. If you don't like it, just kill me!" she said angrily.

Tang Qi said, "you're such a fool! I'll find a way to help you. I'll go first." he said he wanted to leave directly. Liu Qing hurriedly said, "wait a minute!"

"What are you doing?" Tang Qi looked at her. "Do you still want to find a chance to kill me?"

Liu Qing said, "of course not! I actually have something to tell you. I know a man who is very powerful. I heard that your girlfriend was hypnotized. If you tell him, you should succeed."

Tang Qi raised his eyebrows and said in his heart, you are really powerful! Even Lin Zhenzhu and others know that they have been hypnotized! Sure enough, she was more capable than I thought, but she looked at her quietly and smiled: "how do you know?"

"I naturally have my own information channels. Although my son has been dead for a long time, his former intelligence network still exists, and I'm not easy to bully."

"So who is that man?"

"His name is Lin Hai. Do you know there is a black market in southern Xinjiang? He is the person in charge there. He is not only good at using poison, curing diseases and saving people, but also good at hypnosis. Of course, if he is hypnotized, he can also solve problems."

Tang Qi said, "what did you say? He can hypnotize!"

"Do you know him?" Liu Qing said in surprise.

Tang Qi said, "I just met him, but I only knew he would save people, not hypnosis."

"Well, I've heard from my son that his hypnosis is very powerful. It's almost the kind that can control people's hearts with one use. It's very difficult to deal with, especially deep hypnosis, so that the victim doesn't know he's hypnotized. He can wake up the other party with a word and attack the other party."

Tang Qi frowned. He realized one thing. Would it be Lin Hai who performed hypnosis! He knew me for a long time and knew my existence. He hypnotized the people around me, but he pretended to just know me and asked me to help Lin Yanzhu do things?

It seems that this matter is not so simple as helping!

"Tang Qi, what's the matter with you? Your face is very bad. Don't you believe me?"

Tang Qi said, "how do you know this black market? This organization is very difficult to deal with. It's strange that your son can lead each other."

Liu Qing said: "Once, Lin Hai made some traditional Chinese medicine, which needed some raw materials and was difficult to get. I asked someone to buy it directly from abroad and sent it directly. We also sent some expensive pearl powder. Because of this, the two talents were connected. However, we had no phone call since my son died Yes. It seems that we have little use value. "

Tang Qi said, "what poison do you think this man is best at making?"

"Well, it's a strange Yin cold poison. When it is put on the cut wound, it will directly give off a blue or green luster, and then it will be poisoned and killed after a few minutes."

Tang Qi thought that the orchid that had just died, she didn't die like this! She and Song Kang grabbed each other. Both of them had their skin injured, so she died. In this way, it was not the dead fat man who poisoned her, but he quietly drugged her when he met Lin Hai.

Although Song Kang was also poisoned, Lin Hai thought that because he and Tang Qi were both people who could deal with old man Qin, they still had use value, so they gave him medical treatment and saved people.

Tang Qi's fist was clenched tightly, his heart was particularly angry, shameless thing! How dare you use me?

Liu Qing saw Tang Qi's eyes filled with anger and hurriedly said, "Tang Qi, what's the matter with you? Are you angry with me?"

Tang Qi said, "no, it has nothing to do with you. Do you have that black ring? Is it very important?"

"Yes, the black ring is a very powerful symbol in the black market. Only about 20 rings are distributed in a year. People who get the ring can go to various bank loans related to the black market in times of crisis. They can take up 10 million at most. In addition, they can ask for help in times of danger. If they see anything good on the black market, they can take the black ring Choose one you like. "

Tang Qi suddenly realized that no wonder the man wanted to take back the black ring. It seems that orchid doesn't know that this black ring has such a great use. Otherwise, it won't be so depressed because a bead is fake. Yang Hai is really despicable and plays with flowers in front of me!

Tang Qi said, "thank you for helping me today, otherwise I will be kept in the dark. I thought I knew a kind princess. Who thought I knew a vicious snake!"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Nothing. You've done me a big favor. Thank you very much. I'll give it back to you and this favor. Don't want to kill me for revenge. Live your life well. Don't tell me what you told me tonight." Tang Qi was about to leave, but he was stopped by Liu Qing.

"Why, you still don't want to listen to me?"

"No, you let me live a good life. I always have to have money. I'm poor and can't do well at all."

"I'll give you the money." Tang Qi said and took out the cheque book.

Liu Qing pressed Tang Qi's arm and said with a smile, "I won't want your money for nothing. Please take this thing for me. I'll give it to you without merit." she said, pulled a ring from her finger and put it in Tang Qi's palm.

Tang Qi looked. It was a sapphire ring surrounded by a circle of broken diamonds. The quality is good, but there are a lot of deposits on it, so it's worth 300000. "

Tang Qi said, "I took this ring and I'll give you five million."

"You say five million? Is this ring so valuable?"

"It's not this ring. You helped me so much that I gave you this." Tang Qi said and put the ring in his pocket.

Liu Qing thought that I wanted to spend five million to kill Tang Qi. Who knows that I finally got five million from Tang Qi. It's really ridiculous. Tang Qi gave her a $5 million check, then turned and walked ahead.

"Tang Qi! If I had a chance, I would still kill you!" she shouted to Tang Qi.

"OK, in order to make you feel more comfortable, I'm willing to let you assassinate." Tang Qitou left without looking back.

When Tang Qi returned to the hotel, Song Kang had fallen asleep and snored. The man's heart was really big.

He fell on the bed and closed his eyes. Liu Qing tossed him once, so he fell asleep for a long time. The next day, Song Kang called him up. He said, "I said Tang Qi, when is it time for you to sleep? Don't waste time. Let's go, otherwise it's bad to be watched by old Qin's people."

Tang Qi said to himself that he slept like a pig last night. Now it's my fault!

He got out of bed and took a car with Song Kang to the East.

Tang Qi asked, "are you going to the court?"

Song Kang smiled: "are you kidding? Why go to the court?"

"Now that we all have his criminal evidence, of course we want to make it public and pull him down. Don't you plan like that?" Tang Qi felt very strange.

"You really don't understand Nanjiang. No one goes to the court for the trouble of antiques. We go to a place called years villa."

Unexpectedly, Tang Qi smiled and said, "the name of this place is very good?"

"Yes, this place is a place to uphold justice. Today, many people will go to a meeting and directly take this opportunity to make the evidence public and drive old Qin out of the market. His reputation will be over, and this one will be over!"

"You're right. Good. I'll go to years villa."