Chapter 1128

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Pearl just smiled but didn't speak. She didn't care and walked forward with big steps. Tang Qi kept holding her arm and asking her questions. Bai Su stamped angrily, "why don't you go to find Lin Zhenzhu and just pester me?"

"Pearl and I have been together all the time. You can hang around whenever you want, but you always run away. Of course I want unmarried feelings. What do you think? How about a kiss?" Tang Qi said with a smile.

In fact, Bai Su misses Tang Qi very much, but she doesn't want to show her emotions when she sees Lin Zhenzhu nearby. After all, she is much older than Tang Qi, among all Tang Qi's women. She is the largest and most mature one, and she is also the Bai family in miaojiang. If someone finds out, isn't it going to be over? So she is determined not to let others find her emotions.

Lin Zhenzhu never cares about these things. She cares more about how to avenge Gao Tian, but she doesn't care.

This makes Bai Su feel a little hypocritical. People don't take it seriously. It's really embarrassing to be like this.

Fortunately, they soon got to the front of the box. Let's get busy. The lock just now has been removed by those people, so just open it.

Bai Su stretched out her hand and said, "let me do it."

Tang Qi said, "you two stand far away. I'll come."

"Tang Qi, be careful. Don't have an accident." the two women said together.

"I know," said Tang Qi, looking for a stick and standing far away, trying to pry the box.

The lid of the box was still heavy. She broke her forehead a little. After hearing the creaking sound, a gap finally leaked out of the box. Lin Zhenzhu breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Su is biting her teeth. It's like rushing over now to see what's going on.

Tang Qi made a sudden effort in his hand, only heard a loud noise from the card, the stick was broken, and the box cover flew out directly. It shows that a large amount of white smoke came out. Then there was an explosion. Fortunately, Tang Qi kicked on the box in time and went into a big pit.

Bai Su and Lin Zhenzhu were knocked down on the ground by strong force, and bursts of hot wind invaded in front of them. The surrounding trees have been on fire. It's not easy to open your eyes, but you find that Tang Qi is gone.

The two girls shouted in surprise: "Tang Qi, what's the matter?"

"I'm down there. Wiping almost killed me." it turned out that Tang Qi had jumped into the big pit next to him just now when he saw that the situation was bad. Bursts of hot wind scorched his hair, and the air smelled like paste.

The two men ran over together. One side grabbed Tang Qi and looked up and down: "aren't you hurt?"

Tang Qi's heart moved: "it's all right. With your two wives, will something happen to me?" he said, kissed their lips and greeted him with the murderous eyes of the two girls.

Tang Qi shrugged and stopped talking.

"Smelly boy, do you see anything?"

"See, it's down there."

"Is it baby?"

"What baby, it's all strange things." Tang Qi said, pointing to the big pit over there. Even if there is a baby, such a big explosive force will have a very bad impact on antiques. Since Shuixiu is the one who knows these things, it is likely that there is nothing particularly good in it. Otherwise, it is a cover up to deceive people.

The two girls stood beside the pit and saw that there were all iron plates inside. Some places had been charred and blackened. They all sighed: "almost fooled."

"Yes, I knew which babies wouldn't easily tell us where they were. What do you think, Tang Qi?"

Tang Qi said, "people are dying, and their words are good. I believe Shuixiu doesn't need to harm me. Since she told me this place, she won't cheat. So where is the real baby?"

"Don't think people are too kind. That show is a member of the robber gang anyway. Do you really think she will tell you everything selflessly? Don't be too silly and sweet!" Bai Su said.

She is used to seeing the dark side of the black dragon and doesn't believe in water show. But Tang Qi still believed in Shuixiu, because the day before she died, it was clear that she wanted to correct it, but she had no chance at all. Tang Qi thought of the cross stitch she embroidered for herself, so he became more and more firm in his mind. She must find it. Anyway, I believe in this person.

He carefully recalled what the man gave himself, closed his eyes, carefully recalled it, and then suddenly opened his eyes: "I remember, we're looking for the wrong place."

The two girls were stunned: "where are you looking?"

"I remember there was a big tree in front of the cross stitch, but you can't see it here. There was no big tree at all, so she should have deliberately leaked out the location. It was for those people to be killed together, and the hint given to me was really correct."

Bai Su nodded: "it should look like this. Let's go and find it. But if you can't find it this time, don't hold delusions. There are many big trees ahead. I'd like to know how you choose?"

Tang Qi said, "there are many trees, but there is only one that really hides the treasure. I will find it. Now I close my eyes and look for the direction. You take me away. Don't let me fall into the pit."

The two men nodded, closed their eyes and walked forward. One side, two girls took her soft hands and walked forward. Along the way, Tang Qi closed his eyes and bumped under his feet, but fortunately, he knew that both of them were around, so he was very relieved. But the fragrance on their bodies and the gentle feeling of their small hands make it a little difficult to control their emotions.

Bai Su said, "don't stop talking, smelly boy. Can you get up?"

"Yes, I'm not thinking about it?" Tang Qi said, "go to the right, I remember this way. Ah!" his feet were empty and almost fell into a big pit. They dug it out just now.

Bai Su and Lin pearl couldn't help laughing: "if people know, they must laugh at you."

Tang Qi said helplessly, "are you two still laughing? I'm your dear."

"Dear ghost, hurry to find it!"

"OK, I'm already looking for it. Don't rush in broad daylight. It's many hours."

"But what if it rains?"

Tang Qi said; "How can it be so unlucky? Will it rain?" who knows his voice? As soon as he reached the building, he heard the roaring sound in the sky, followed by a dark cloud surging into the air, and a heavy rain rushed over several people's heads.

"It's all you, Tang Qi. It's such bad luck!"

Tang Qi said, "let's go quickly. First, we should find a chance to hide and talk." a heavy rain poured down on their heads. The three men ran to a small cave in front of them. The rain outside soon became a piece of smoke, which was unbearable damp and muggy.

"Forget it, it's estimated that it will stop soon." Bai Su said.

"Yes, it's so muggy here." Lin Zhenzhu fanned with her hand. The air pressure is too low.

Tang Qi said, "if you're hot, take off your clothes."

"Ah?" Lin Zhenzhu was stunned. Didn't this guy know he was only wearing a thin dress? What if you take it off? Tang Qi seriously took her hand: "don't worry, I can't have any bad intentions. Don't worry. Just take it off."

Lin Zhenzhu grabbed Tang Qi's hand and said, "smelly boy, do you think only Bai Su can beat you? Am I easy to bully?"

Bai Su coughed a few times: "nonsense, I'll be rude to you."

"Well, I see. Both girls are difficult to deal with." Tang Qi yawned.

The two girls were waiting impatiently when they heard a rustle below. It turned out that a group of snakes rushed in suddenly. They also came to take shelter from the rain.

Tang Qi said, "what's going on? These snakes are coming?"

"Yes, these snakes don't like water either. But where are they going?"

It turned out that all these snakes rushed to a hole in the corner.

Tang Qi walked over and saw the faint flash of the hole. He moved in his heart and caught all the snakes out: "let me have a look."

Caught the poisonous snake and threw it aside.

Then he stretched out his arm and grabbed out an iron box, which was full of glittering gemstones.

That's why I'm so kind in the dark.

Tang Qi took out the box. The box was smaller, only half a foot high, one foot high.

He thought and was ready to open the box.

Bai Su hurriedly said, "don't open it like this. Be careful, or you'll have bad luck."

Tang Qi said, "no, I believe her."

Then he opened the box directly. It was full of dazzling treasures, jade, emerald and some diamonds.

They are all priceless. In addition, some famous paintings have been sealed up to prevent air pollution.

Tang Qi said, "these are real treasures. Thanks to her, otherwise these things can't be given to us."

"Yes, these things can sell for a lot of money."

"Yes. But we can't sell it, because most of the gemstones are banned by the state."

"Prohibition of trafficking?"

Tang Qi nodded: "yes, so let's find a museum to donate."

"It won't rain," said Lin pearl, looking out.

It turned out that the rain was just a short-term rainstorm caused by the terrain. It happened every day. She used this way to let Tang Qi know where the real gemstones were.