Chapter 961

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Tang Qi never thought that it was just a simple car accident, which made Lin Zhenzhu become like this, but it was shocking that there was something hidden in it! At this time, Baiyun had pulled the needle out of her body. She took the silver needle and shook it in front of Tang Qi.

"See? This is the poison of that thing. The jade that used to be cyan has now become such a color."

Tang Qi took a look. There was a blue light on the jade, and there was a faint fishy smell, but it soon disappeared, resulting in a smell of flowers.

Tang Qi nodded and said, "it's really powerful. I don't know who did it?"

"Although I don't know who he is, his ability must be quite good. Poison users, this ice cold poison is a unique product of Miao. It's very powerful. Not only the material is complex, but also it's difficult to form, and it's easy to disappear directly. Even if I'm good at this, it takes nearly ten years to make this medicine."

Tang Qi said, "really? Is it the Bai family again?"

"Not necessarily! In fact, although our Bai family has a large number of people and few people are engaged in the development of poisons. The people who can reach the peak are Fengmao water chestnut, but the other Lin family is much stronger than us. Their influence is very small, but they have a greater understanding and understanding of toxicity. One branch of them has become a figure like the ancestors of poisons, which can be described as comprehensive It's all poison. It's quite powerful. "

Tang Qi frowned and said nothing. It's normal to say that Bai family has a grudge against Lin Zhenzhu, because Lin Zhenzhu's father has always wanted to catch ouyangyu and kill her. But the Lin family has never heard that they have any grudges against Lin Zhenzhu. Why should they deal with her?

Knowing Tang Qi's curiosity and doubt, Baiyun smiled and said, "silly boy, just think about what these two people have in common."

"These two people?"

"Yes! The Lin family and Lin Zhenzhu belong to the Lin family."

Tang Qi was surprised and said, "isn't Lin Zhenzhu also from the Lin family?"

"That's true!" Baiyun said, "the Lin family has very little power, and the right to use poison is concentrated in a very small number. The rest have basically disintegrated. Although Lin Zhenzhu's father is also a member of the Lin family, he has long been thrown out by the power level. No one cares about their life or death, and naturally they gradually lose contact with Miao Jiang."

"But now he comes back to kill?"

"Although Lin Zhenzhu can't use poison, she has pure blood and is the genuine granddaughter of the Lin family. It is said that her great grandmother was also a medical saint in miaojiang at that time. If you want to find someone to inherit the wealth of the Lin family, you should naturally put your eyes on him, because now you can find someone who is noble and has no marriage history with other branches It's too difficult for people. "

Tang Qi once heard that the so-called medical saint is a first-class expert saint who is specially responsible for testing drugs and refining pills in miaojiang. Because of her great mission and some ancestral prescriptions, she is quite detached, so those people want to pass over Lin Zhenzhu to inherit the Lin family. She is superfluous.

Tang Qi pondered: "so it is. I see. It's still for the struggle for power."

"Yes, but these are my conjectures. I need to continue to investigate whether they are right or not." Baiyun said and began to pull out all the needles inserted in Lin Zhenzhu's legs.

"But how on earth did you know about it?" Tang Qi asked.

"What do I don't know? I'm just too lazy to talk!" while talking, she had presented all the needles with such a blue. Next, she took out a pair of needles and showed them to Tang Qi with a smile.

"Everyone says you are an expert in treasure appraisal. How about this set of needles?"

She opened the box. This time, it was a more beautiful and rare color needle. The color, size and appearance of the twelve needles were different. The longest one was a long blue needle. It looked particularly beautiful, almost more than ten centimeters. It was like a sapphire hairpin. The light and shadow flowed and was very bright.

The shortest is a small golden needle, only one inch. There is a small bead at the top, which is as thin as ox hair. The other needles are all in different colors and shapes. Looking at everything, it is not like a long needle that can be used to save lives, but like an exhibition.

Tang Qi's hand gently touched these long needles, nodded and said, "good, good needles!"

"Do you know what their material is?" Baiyun said with a smile.

Tang Qi nodded: "almost! These needles are really beautiful."

"What gem is it?" Baiyun picked up a white needle like jade, shook it in Tang Qi's eyes, and then stabbed it into her thigh. Lin Zhenzhu, who was sleeping, suddenly hummed and cried. His expression was particularly painful. Tang Qi hurried to hold her shoulder with his hand. "How are you? Is it very painful?"

Pop! Baiyun's hand hit Tang Qi on the shoulder: "who made you move? If you just moved too much and accidentally made my acupoints go wrong, it's probably not good."

"But her expression..."

"She is very painful, I know, but if she doesn't hurt, it will be bad! She can still feel the pain, indicating that the lower part of the body has reacted. This is a gratifying thing, indicating that the toxicity has been transferred out, her nerves have a sense, and she may stand up and walk."

Tang Qi was relieved: "so it is! So she can see it?"

"Well, almost!" the woman smiled, "don't worry?"

Tang Qi nodded: "yes, I think she will be very happy when she wakes up."

"Well, you haven't answered my question yet. What is this?" she said and pointed to the needle.

Tang Qi said: "the appearance and color of these colored needles are different. This needle looks like jade. Although it looks like jade, it is actually a kind of wood called Xiangzhi tree. After the invasion of medicinal materials, it is added with propolis outside to form such an effect. It is very beautiful."

Baiyun tut praised: "it's really powerful! I didn't believe you had this ability at the beginning. It's true. This propolis wants to enter each other's body and dissolve a lot of toxins during acupuncture. You found it. It's powerful!"

Tang Qi smiled and said to himself that this kind of tree originally lived in the jungles of South America, and its quantity was particularly rare, especially propolis.

Baiyun said, "this propolis is mixed with the juice of the poisonous queen bee before she dies. The effect is very good. If it wasn't for her surname Lin, I wouldn't be willing to use it. After all, the medicine of this thing is used less once."

Tang Qi nodded, thinking that he didn't know how to get these things.

Baiyun continued to pick up the blue long needle, stimulated the position of her hip bone, smiled and said, "how about this sapphire long needle? Tell me about its material."

Tang Qi said: "although it looks like a sapphire, I know it is actually made of fish bones, which is the lowest value in these long needles. However, this jade bone is carved and polished from the fossil bones buried under the ground for nearly 3000 years, and the important for reinforcement is added outside, so it becomes such a beautiful and appearance."

Baiyun clapped his hands, and his old face showed a surprised look: "powerful! This fish bone needle is used to help her break down the pressure. You can know it. It's really powerful!"

"It's nothing. You can put all these valuable and strange long needles together. It's really powerful." Tang Qi's sentence is not flattering.

Baiyun smiled and said, "now, which of these long needles is the most valuable?"

"Well, let me see. The most valuable one is this needle." Tang Qi thought for a moment and finally pointed to a long red needle of about five centimeters in the middle: "this is made of real pigeon blood ruby, and it is made of the most middle childish jade. It can't be made in ten years, I'm afraid?"

Baiyun nodded: "OK, I really admire you this time! Tang Qi, you are so powerful."

Tang Qi said with a smile, "I admire you. I can help my wife heal!"

"Alas! For such a disease, as long as there is such a needle, ordinary people can naturally succeed as long as they recognize the acupoints, but your treasure detection skills are different. If only I could have you by my side. I would certainly get twice the result with half the effort."

Tang Qi smiled and waved his hand: "forget it! Your old man is not engaged in the antique industry. What's the use of me? I can't even prescribe a prescription."

"Hehe, I've told you my details for a long time. Naturally, I don't use you for ancient Dong industry. I want to enter the previous tomb, take out the poison and develop an antidote. You know the shareholders so well, and the antiques in it naturally understand. Are you willing to help me?"

Tang Qi said in his heart, you old lady, you are still in such a situation. You must get this thing. I really convinced you!

"Why, don't you want to?" the woman's face sank

Tang Qi thought that if I annoyed her now, Lin Zhenzhu's illness would be over. I can't do this for the time being.

Besides, it will be a future thing to go there to find something, so he smiled and said, "of course I'm willing to help you untie the toxicity. Don't worry, I'm willing to go down with you."

I just promised to help you untie the poison, but I didn't say to help you find your baby and hide it.

Baiyun nodded: "OK, you're smart."