Chapter 919

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Tang Qi took the bag of powder and nodded, "I see. Thank you very much."

"Don't thank me. We're just trading. I'll give you whatever you give me." Wang Gang said with a smile.

"Well, let's leave, Mickey, let's go." Mickey was a little unhappy, but didn't say anything. She stood up and prepared to go out with Tang Qi.

Wang Gang knew that she thought she was too cold to Tang Qi, so he smiled and said, "Qiqi, you don't have to blame me. In order to make you feel better, I gave you something." he opened her hand and put something on her hand.

Mickey felt her palm cool and hurriedly asked, "what's this?" it turned out that there was a translucent thing the size of a longan on her palm. The surface looked like a cocoon of insects, winding one after another, and there were some white things in the middle, like the East and west of her face.

"This is a good thing. It's specially used to dissolve the six gods brain worm pill you eat. These two kinds of worms are insects. The two kinds of insects are just natural to kill each other, and then kill each other directly together. You'll naturally have no problem. If you eat this thing, you'll directly turn that pill into a pool of water, but you can't swallow it. Find a chance to spit it out, or else If you swallow it, ha ha, there are insects in your stomach. Then your nostrils, eyes and ears will be full of insect body fluids. It must taste very sour... "

Mickey shivered all over: "ah. Stop talking, it's disgusting!"

"So, if you don't eat it, you can cheat that guy. It's a little face I gave Mickey. Don't be angry because I bullied your boyfriend." he smiled and patted Mickey's hair with a spoiled face.

Mickey blushed: "I'm not angry."

"You don't have to be angry. If you want to help her solve this disease, you need to apply needles, which requires the support of my internal power. If I do so, it will consume a lot of internal power, so I need you to give me the corresponding reward. Isn't it normal?"

"I know, don't say it," Mickey said quickly. She also felt a little too much. How could she carry out moral kidnapping because she knew him?

Tang Qi said with a smile: "in fact, compared with this detoxification thing, what I want more is how to kill Du Fangzhou."

"It's easy. You just give this guy a little of that liquid and he'll be dead."

"I see. Thank you for reminding me!" Tang Qi said with a smile, "I want him to play with fire and burn himself. I dare to play with Lao Tzu and let him know my power."

Wang Gang said, "well, you know I'm helping you, but you still have to get me that floating cloud landscape map within ten days, otherwise I won't help you detoxify the girl."

"OK, we know. How can I find you then?"

"It's easy. I've been looking for this painting for five years. Naturally, I'll be on the scene for the first time. When you get the painting, I'll appear. But I only care about one thing. Don't look for me for anything else."

Tang Qi nodded, "I see. Goodbye!" he left with Mickey. Wang Gang didn't keep them, didn't even say any polite words, and just closed the door to see them off.

On the way, Mickey asked the man how he came over at the first time: "can't he have a thousand mile eye?"

"No, I think what he said should mean that he will follow us all the time and come and take the painting when he sees it. But if we fail or are trapped by ouyangyu's people after giving the painting to him, he won't take care of it. He is only responsible for helping gufei, which is the best result."

"So it is. He's really mean."

Tang Qi said with a smile, "you don't use the right words. Didn't you tell your lover that you are amorous? It should be ruthless, but he is a doctor. The most taboo is emotional. He's very good. But his work should be big. He doesn't need our help at that time. That's good."

Mickey didn't speak. Tang Qi was really a broad-minded man.

They returned to the hotel. Ye Lan and others had got up and were having breakfast in the hall, waiting for Tang Qi and Mickey.

Seeing them coming in, guffield quickly waved and said, "here!"

Mickey came over with a smile: "are you all packed?"

Ye Lan smiled and said, "I got up all morning to find Tang Qi. He wasn't here. I thought he went to do business. Unexpectedly, he went on a date with you."

Mickey said hurriedly, "no! We're going to do business!"

"I was joking. It scared you. But what did you do?"

Tang Qi then asked the waiter for a large cup of hot milk: "what I want to boil must be pure milk. If it's not pure, I'll smash your shop." he said and gave the waiter a large ticket as a tip. The waiter was so happy that he grabbed the money and went on.

Ye Yao said curiously, "Tang Qi, when did you like milk? I don't know."

"My skin is bad recently, so I want to mend it. Can't I?" Tang Qi said with a smile.

All the women didn't believe him and cut together. Mickey has ordered two loaves of bread here. Finish it quickly and let's go.

Gu San said, "I've prepared the car. We'll start after dinner. I'm afraid the car when you came was tampered with. Just leave it here."

"OK, thanks a lot."

"You're welcome! You saved my daughter's life. Besides, you also contributed to our gold. Even if I gave my life, I deserved it."

Tang Qi waved his hand and didn't want to listen to him.

Ye Lan said: "this time our work up the mountain was basically a failure. Eagle eye appeared once and disappeared. I'm afraid it's impossible to catch him next time."

Tang Qi smiled and said while eating, "not necessarily. At least we know that there is a man named Takeda and a mysterious golden spot. By the way, gufei, did you hurt this morning?"

Gu fei'er didn't speak. Gu San hurriedly said, "I'm worried about it. I hurt seven or eight times in the morning. Each time it took longer and longer. I'm very sad."

Guffield said, "there's no way. I'll stick to it."

"Don't insist," Tang Qi said. "It'll be fine in a minute."

At this time, the waiter came with milk. Sure enough, the milk fragrance overflowed and there was no water added.

He smiled and said, "I begged the boss for something. You can eat it at ease."

"Thank you." Tang Qi gave him another big ticket. Then he took out the powder and poured it directly in. Everyone smelled an extraordinarily sweet smell, which was very attractive.

Tang Qi handed this to gufeier: "well, you can drink it. Here you are."

"Oh? No, I don't like milk."

"If you don't like it, you have to drink it. This is a medicine that can help you."

Gufeier was stunned. Mickey smiled and said, "we are busy with this thing in the morning. You drink it quickly to ensure that you won't have pain in ten days."

Gu San hurriedly said, "so her toxicity has been solved?"

"No, but we have found a way. Don't worry, it can be solved soon."

Gu San and Gu fei'er both asked how to solve it, but Tang Qi didn't say, just let her drink. Goofy nodded and drank the milk little by little. At the beginning, the aftertaste is a little bitter. At the back, it is sweet and refreshing. It's very delicious. And after drinking, the tingling feeling on her back had quickly disappeared.

"It's really great."

Tang Qi said, "yes, this is a miracle doctor."

"Tang Qi, is it that he wants you to do something against morality? You must not sacrifice like this for my daughter!"

"Don't worry, no, he wants me to find an antique. It's very valuable, but it's not a big problem."

It is said that Tang Qi is best at it. Gu San and Gu Feier are relieved. In fact, Tang Qi didn't say that the antique is now on ouyangyu's side. Otherwise these two people are more worried.

After breakfast, they went back together, ready to meet Lin Zhenzhu.

Just as he got on the bus, a young man dressed as a doorman ran over and handed Tang Qi a letter.

"Is that Mr. Tang? Someone asked me to give you this."

"Who is it?" Tang Qi looked around. There was no one around.

The doorman smiled and said, "someone asked me to give it to you half an hour ago. He was outside and pointed to you and said, I'll give it to you when you come out."

"What do you look like?"

When the doorman heard him ask, he was stunned: "yes, what does he look like?" he was anxious, but he couldn't remember his appearance.

Gufeier couldn't help giggling: "does this man have amnesia and can't remember?"

"No. I know why." Tang Qi waved him away. This distance is so close that he can't remember the man's appearance. Who else is there except eagle eye?

He opened the paper and wrote a few words: the Bai family also wants the baby here. Be careful when eating and lodging.

Tang Qi put away the note and said to the Bai family, is it the first family in miaojiang that Wang Gang told us? They come here to want good things here.

"What does it say?"

Tang Qi said that everyone was very nervous.

Even if they are ordinary opponents, but since the Bai family are all poison experts, if they signal behind their backs, they have no way.

Gu San said, "we must be careful not to be killed."

"I don't know why the eagle eye knew we were going to catch him and helped us several times?" Ye Lan mused.

Ye Yao thought for a moment, then clapped her hands and said, "I know why!"