Chapter 796

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Another man also said, "Miss Jin, are you kidding? We're a fun appreciation meeting, but you're not the place to show off your painters alone. Don't you really want to give us the seal, just want to find a chance to play with us?" he said rudely.

Jin Siyu said calmly, "it's not the end. How can I say I'm lying to you?" she looked back at the old man: "does the old man think so?"

"No, my idea is not so simple. But I ask to see Tang Qi first, and I can't always come first." what if my idea is stolen by Tang Qi, I can't let him take advantage of him, he said.

"Yes, Mr. Tang Qi, tell us what you understand about this painting," she said with a smile.

Tang Qi nodded and said, "since the old man said it, I'll say it first, because the prompt is that the pines and cypresses cover the birds, so I'll start from these three aspects. When I think of removing the pines, cypresses and these birds, let's see what's left?"

The people were stunned: "the things in this painting are trees and birds. Now all these things have been removed. What's left? There's nothing left. No, isn't this a joke? What else is good-looking."

"Of course there's something left, isn't there, miss jinsiyu?"

Jin Siyu smiled and nodded: "yes, the rest is the sky. Let's have a look." some of them looked at the direction of the sky reluctantly, and then couldn't help but be stunned. The original scene in front of people couldn't help but move in their hearts. Sure enough, there was another mystery in the painting!

Jin Siyu went to the painting and pointed to the painting: "yes, the hint I want to give you is to remove these and hide the birds. Naturally, you just don't look at these useless things, so you will be misled?"

Everyone frowned. They really couldn't understand what she said. Only old Gu smiled coldly and didn't answer. It seems that he really guessed it like Tang Qi. Before Tang Qi came to the painting, he found a piece of paper to cover the trees below and the birds: "let's see what's left?"

Everyone looked at it inadvertently, and then they were all stunned: "ah, this is not..."

"Yes, that's it." it turned out that after these things were eliminated, the remaining parts were connected together to form the shape of a Phoenix. From east to west, it has formed a phoenix that flutters its wings and wants to fly. Its real wings fly high, and its appearance is particularly magnificent and eye-catching. She borrowed the blue of the blue sky, mixed with some white clouds in the middle. The seat was decorated. For a time, people forgot where they were. They praised: "there is a phoenix in it."

Jin Siyu said, "this is what I want to show in this painting. It seems that not only Tang Qi, but also master Gu found it? This is the Phoenix I hide here."

"You draw it yourself, and then we let us guess. It's not great." one person snorted, very contemptuous. It's obviously very dissatisfied with the woman's painting skills. Although it's beautiful, it's not a famous artist and can't be sold at the market. What's great? Does it want us to praise you as a talented woman?

Tang Qi said, "I don't think it's that simple. She never painted part of this painting. Otherwise, she wouldn't have let her men wear gloves just now. There's another painting hidden in this painting."

"Shit, to put it bluntly, isn't it still picture in picture? We guessed right just now!" shouted another man.

"I said Jin Siyu, how can you be so mysterious? It's clear that what we said is true, but we even said we guessed wrong!"

"It's not a picture in picture. It's a picture. There are two pictures in it," she said with a smile.

Before Tang Qi reached the scroll, he was about to reach out and was stopped by Jin Siyu: "don't touch them. I didn't allow them to touch just now, and you can't touch them. I must be fair in doing things. Please understand."

Tang Qi smiled at her and said, "don't worry, I don't want my hands to touch." he said and breathed in the direction of the green pines and cypresses. After the heating was full, Tang Qi stood aside and waited quietly. Everyone else doesn't think so. What the hell is this guy doing? Is that all right? It's like a joke.

Jin Siyu said, "what is Tang Qi doing? I don't think others know. Master Gu must know very well."

The old man frowned and said, "I just saw the Phoenix hidden by you, but I don't know anything else."

"Then you lost?" Tang Qi turned back and said, "then I'm the only one who found the mystery."

"Don't talk nonsense here. Take a breath here. Who won't? If you don't see any change in a while, you'll still be a loser." the old man said angrily.

Tang Qi said, "since I dare to do this, I naturally have confidence." because once he found out that Jin Siyu seemed to be very tired of the old man, he had a lot of courage when he spoke. Just say it. Anyway, the more angry he was, the happier Jin Siyu was. I was on her side.

Jin Siyu didn't show much emotional ups and downs. He smiled and said, "Tang Qi, don't do this. I'll make amends for you personally if I'm angry with the old man."

"It's nothing. I have plenty of money. If I let him have a heart attack, I'll take him to the hospital myself."

The old man clenched his fist angrily and was about to hit the table. Suddenly he heard someone shout, "ah! The picture is wrong!" he quickly turned to the picture scroll, and Duns was also surprised! Because Tang qiha's breath just now made a very shocking change in the picture. The green lawyer on the picture scroll became more and more indifferent until it disappeared!

And those birds are also disappearing gently, showing the original colors that originally belong to the picture scroll. This is a very simple picture scroll. The light blue picture scroll is decorated with some white clouds. Nine dazzling Phoenix are exposed on the picture scroll. At the beginning, one of the light colored Phoenix is revealed, The rest are divided into eight different colors, such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue... And so on. They are intertwined together, many but not miscellaneous, delicate but not demon. They are particularly beautiful.

There is a line of small characters under the scroll, which is a cursive form. It says: the nine Phoenix picture made by order, which was painted by Zhang sengyao, the painter holding the secret Pavilion in the tenth year of Sui Dynasty.

A man suddenly shouted, "it's Zhang Benxiang!"

"That's right," said Tang Qi "This man is a famous painter in Sui Dynasty. He is loved by emperors of all dynasties. He is especially good at meticulous painting and freehand brushwork. Yan Liben and Wu Daozi, the famous painters of Tang Dynasty, are his disciples. Although his reputation is not as good as the latter two, his basic skills and painting style are superior to them. Because his paintings are rare, this pair of Minghua is very precious. I don't know Jin Xiao How did you get it? "

Jin Siyu said with a smile, "you are really a smart man. You know that this painting is his real pen just by looking at it. This painting is very rare. My father tried his best and spent a lot of money and effort to get it. Master Gu must have known it long ago?"

Without waiting for the old man to speak, several other people said together, "that's natural! Isn't there a reason why the old man doesn't know such a simple thing?" They knew in their hearts that if he also lost, we wouldn't need the third round. That seal must belong to Tang Qi and didn't run away. Such unreasonable things can't happen! So they were very determined to let him win. Since he didn't say anything flawed, it means he found it and it's not a violation!

Old man Gu was gloomy. He didn't find the hidden picture below. He just found the location of the Phoenix, but everyone said so, so he didn't say anything. From this fashion, he knew that he was not as good as Tang Qi. He was very unhappy in his heart.

Jin Siyu didn't expose him: "in that case, except Tang Qi and Gu Laozi, everyone didn't find the secret in the painting, so I decided to let only two people in the next round. Then in the competition round, if anyone wins, I'll give him the jade seal and the check of 10 million."

Everyone didn't say anything. They stood up and prepared to leave and let the two continue to compete.

One person is very unhappy. He can't do anything else, but he is a famous scholar in the field of calligraphy and painting, especially in ancient painting. Everyone knows my name. Now he has lost. He has no face and can't be easily cheap.

So he said, "although this picture is a famous artist's picture, as the boss of a pawn shop, it's a little too much to scribble on it. What if you destroy that picture?"

"Yes, it's too bad for you to do so. It's a typical waste of art."

Jin Siyu said coldly, "this is my painting. I can do whatever I want. Why do you ask so many opinions?" I can't find anything else. I'm just too polite to you!

"You... You are such a stupid child!"

Tang Qi said: "Miss Kim is only joking. This painting has not been hurt very much. I think she used only a natural spray, and sprayed it on the top, and then directly formed these pictures. If I guess well, it should have just sprayed just a few minutes before it was brought up, because it would disappear if it saw yawning. See, so if you spray it too early, it won't be there. "

"Yes, that's right. I just want to see how everyone's judgment is. Now, Tang Qi is the best. You're just a runner. Oh, of course, in addition to Mr. Gu." she smiled.