Chapter 698

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
"Miss Zhong, don't open your heart. When will I hurt people? I have to be responsible for talking! Since I don't want to talk well, let her have a good rest for the time being." Yi Lin said coldly.

After hearing this, his men quickly took out a medicine bottle to Daze her.

At the moment when they started, Tang Qi ran out directly. One of his men hadn't reacted yet. He was kicked in the face, his eyes turned over and fainted directly. Then two more people fell to the ground.

Mickey shouted, "Tang Qi, be careful!"

Touch! Two bullets came from Tang Qi's direction and he hid directly to one side. The remaining hands pulled Zhong Yaxin back several meters and hid in the warehouse to close the door. However, Tang Qi had grabbed several raw stones and smashed them into the legs and feet of several people. After the sound of qilika wiping, several people fell to the ground together and kept humming.

Several stones fell to the ground and Gulu fell to one side. One of the original stones was broken into two parts, revealing a green jade inside. This jade is almost the size of a baby's fist. Unfortunately, it is directly split in two from the middle, which affects its value. Yi Lin shouted angrily, "my stone!"

But the next second, Tang Qi had rushed to Yi Lin and grabbed his neck with one hand. The original stone in his hand aimed at his head and hit it. If it really hit, it is estimated that his head will be gone.

Mickey was so frightened that she closed her eyes, and Yi Lin shouted, "don't kill me!"

Tang Qi threw him to the ground. Yi Lin covered his back waist in pain and looked at Tang Qi with his teeth.

"You are so arrogant!"

"What you want to talk about, just let Shi Yaxin go." otherwise, I promise your life will be over. You can try if you don't believe it. "

Yi Lin snorted and waved his hand. His men pushed Zhong Yaxin to Tang Qi. Tang Qi held her in his arms and looked up and down.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

Zhong Yaxin sighed helplessly, and then pulled up her sleeve. There was a very obvious pinhole on her right arm. It seemed that she had been injected with something.

Zhong Yaxin said, "I was poisoned at the airport yesterday."

It turned out that she came back to suhai yesterday. At that time, she came out with her suitcase. She saw a woman who was very weak and seemed to want to go to the toilet, but she staggered and seemed to faint at any time, so she was a little worried, so she followed up. Who knows that she kindly helped her, but the woman held her down and stabbed her in her arm. At that time, she fainted, just woke up, and then found that she was here now.

Mickey said, "so you don't know how he hurt Tang Qi."

"But just because they came to the airport to catch me, I knew it would never be a good thing."

"Nothing. Let's go to the hospital..."

"I think it's no use going to the hospital. Think about the water piano last time," Tang Qi said. The opponent poisoned the water Qin last time. If ah Zi hadn't accidentally found the problem, Tang Qi would be dead now. It seems that the same person this time. The tengzhai family is really capable.

Zhong Yaxin was wicked and strange. She hurried to ask what was going on. Tang Qi said. She shook her head and said she didn't know such a person, let alone what was going on.

Mickey said, "so the person who hurt you last time was also tengzhai! But why did you cheat you with the picture of sister Zhong Yaxin?"

"Because she is not in suhai, I can't contact her. I will pay attention to the water piano. As long as I look carefully, I must be poisoned. This is the countermeasure that the other party wants me to die." Tang Qidao. In fact, it doesn't matter who that person is. The content and words of the photo are not important. As long as Tang Qi pays attention, he will die.

Yi Lin said with some boredom, "you've almost discussed it. Can I get down to business?"

Tang Qi said coldly, "give me the antidote quickly. Otherwise you won't be polite. I'll make your look worse than a dog."

Seeing Tang Qi's eyes, Yi Lin was also nervous, but when he thought that the hostage was still ill, he coughed a few times and said, "your sweetheart is poisoned. Are you worried?"

"What do you want?"

"Don't worry. Let's bet on a stone and win three of five games. If you win, you can take the stones here by yourself. Do the business. I'll give you the antidote. If you lose, how about giving me all your property!"

Tang Qi frowned. He didn't expect that the other party's requirements would be so excessive. Would he let me use all my property and gambling stones? The sum of his Tangmen antiques, Wanbao building and bank deposits is astronomical. It's impossible for me to gamble with you.

Mickey was also angry and said, "delusion! We won't be threatened by you! Let's go to find ah Zi and ignore him!"

But Yi Lin has a very confident expression. It seems to say that you don't have to struggle. You will promise. Since I said it, I must have a way to make you promise. At this time, the sound of the engine outside sounded. When Tang Qi looked outside, dozens of cars arrived at the door almost at the same time. All the people on the car came down from suhai antique Association, as well as some familiar faces with high identity. When they saw Tang Qi and Yi Lin, they hurried out of the car and came over. Dozens of people were very excited to see Tang Qi.

"We heard that there was a gambling here. We specially put down all the business to watch."

"Yes, Mr. Tang, we haven't seen you gambling stone for a long time. It's really exciting."

Everyone was very excited. Tang Qi became famous in suhai because he gambled on the original stone. At first, no one believed that he could guess it all. As a result, all the original Jadeites he selected for Zhong Yaxin were high-quality Jadeites. Since then, suhai has also had him. Although he is the chairman of the antique Association, he has not participated in it for a long time, But all the people in suhai's antique circle remember that they all hurried here when they heard that he was going to compare with the famous young master of the Yi family in the capital.

Some people here simply want to watch the fun. Some people have long been jealous of Tang Qi's success. I hope it will make him lose all his money at once and have nothing! Others have been bullied by the Yi family's company and suffered heavy losses, so they all want to see them cleaned up by Tang Qi, so they don't say it on the surface, but they all hope that Tang Qi can win.

Most of the people here support Yi Lin. Tang Qixin knows his belly, but he still says hello to them calmly.

Mickey said, "these people are just afraid that the world will not be chaotic!"

"I can't help it. If it were me, I might have come too. This is people's Tianxing. AI watches the excitement." Tang Qi said.

Yi Lin smiled: "you see, everyone has arrived. You'd better not go. Otherwise, how disappointed we should be. Everyone is optimistic about you. I heard that the odds are one to six. Do you think it's me or you will win?"

Tang Qi said, "so it is. You let everyone come here and want to force me to agree to your terms, don't you?"

"It's not all because of this. I know there may be a miracle doctor around you who can help Zhong Yaxin's disease, but now she's complicated and there's not much time left. You're really sure you can bear to let her suffer all the time. Maybe she won't do it until you love to find a famous doctor." he said and looked at Zhong Yaxin's direction.

Tang Qi hurried back to look, and sure enough, he saw that Zhong Yaxin's face became particularly pale, and her arm pierced by a needle was blue and purple, and her whole face was also very painful. In fact, she was uncomfortable just now, but in order not to add trouble to Tang Qi, she has been forced to endure, and it is really impossible to insist until now.

Mickey said anxiously, "what's the matter with you? What's wrong with you?"

"I just feel cold all over, and my arms don't seem to work." no matter how she lifted it, she couldn't move, and she began to panic.

"Take him to the hospital, Tang Qi. Don't talk nonsense with him!"

"It's too late. If you don't inject the antidote quickly, it's estimated that she will die within half an hour. Even if she doesn't die, it's also a serious injury to her organs. She may be ill all her life. You don't want such a beautiful girl to be ruined by your injury, Tang Qi." Yi Lin glanced at his watch.

The Yi family is really good enough to do things. They don't leave any way to go. In order to achieve their goals, he will sacrifice any human life. It doesn't matter even if they have background. It can be seen how arrogant they are!

Tang Qi said, "OK, I promise to gamble with you, but now give me the antidote."

"No!" Zhong Yaxin said anxiously, "he let so many people come to watch the war and figured out a way to deal with you. If you really agree to his request, you must be caught. Please Tang Qi, don't put all your wealth in because I'm not worth it!"

Tang Qi said with a smile, "I'm not happy to say that. I tell you, you are my most precious. Even if I lose all my wealth, it's worth it. I can earn it again. You have only one. I'm willing to take risks for you."

Zhong Yaxin was stunned. This was the most moving confession she had ever heard in her life. In the past, many people used luxury houses, jewelry and cars to pursue, but only Tang Qi's words were as close to the depths of her soul.

Tang Qi looked back and said, "what are you waiting for? Give me the antidote. As soon as she gets better, I'll gamble with you."

Yi Lin didn't expect that Tang Qi would agree to his request. He snorted and asked his men to take a slap injection.

"Tang Qi, you really don't regret it? You may lose without a penny."

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm very confident with a stupid pig like you." Tang Qi directly grabbed the injection in his hand and injected it into her question. Mickey didn't rest assured: "what if he hurt people?"

"It's okay. If he dares to harm people in front of so many people, I'll skin him." Tang Qi said.

Yi Lin bit his teeth, but after all, he didn't say anything to refute him.

After Zhong Yaxin's medicine was injected, she soon became much better. She breathed steadily and her face was much better.

Mickey smiled, "it's really great. You're finally good."

Zhong Yaxin said with a wry smile, "this time it's really a tragedy for Tang Qi."

In fact, at the beginning, she was with Tang Qi. The female and male had been separated for several years. She was not sure she could go on, but now she really fully affirmed his feelings.