Chapter 644

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
The people who were selected were also happier. If they found some diamond beads that people couldn't see, plus some valuable things, they would make a lot of money. Therefore, almost all the villagers went home happily and waited for the news.

Tang Qi called Ye Lan and told her to bring the plane quickly. He was going to look for the wreckage below. Ye Lan agreed and told Tang Qi something very unexpected.

"In fact, we have found that a jeweler in suhai has a close relationship with eagle eye. You'd better be prepared," Ye Lan said.

"Really, who?" the first person in Tang Qi's mind was Zhong Zishan, Zhong Yaxin's father, because this guy had always been making trouble for himself, and he was greedy for money. When he saw something cheap, he wanted to fall into it, so nine times out of ten it was him.

But Ye Lan said, "this person is Hua Jintao, the father of Hua Rongyue, and we also found that Hua Jintao has been contacting some people who specialize in selling jewelry on the international black market in the bar street recently. We suspect that he has a batch of jewelry to sell, so he has been quietly following."

"How could it be him!" although Hua Jintao also joined the jewelry Association, he has never done any big business. The store is small and sells some simple jewelry. How can he be involved with people in the black market? Moreover, if it is a normal jewelry business, they rarely go to the black market, because although they can make more money, the risk is too high, and the money and goods will not be swallowed by the other party, so ordinary people will not contact the other party unless they have to. What is the reason why Hua Jintao did this? Is it... His goods are fake?

The last counterfeiting group didn't find out. The principal criminal died. The counterfeiting machine and a large number of fake jewelry were missing. Does Hua Jintao have anything to do with this? What are he in contact with eagle eye? There will be no accident. This is not a good thing. If he is targeted by a vicious person like eagle eye, he will definitely have a lot of trouble. Now he wants to put on his wings and hurry back to Su Hai to find out the truth of the matter.

Tang Qi was thinking, but Ye Lan's voice called his attention back.

"What are you thinking? Are you worried about his daughter?"

"I'm fine. You can mobilize the plane back. If there's anything you can find out, we can solve it smoothly back to suhai."

"Yes, yes, but Tang Qi, you have to promise me one thing first." Ye Lan hesitated and seemed to stop talking.

Tang Qi was silent for a while before he said, "I know what you're going to say. I won't tell her. I'll keep silent until the dust settles."

Tang Qi hung up the phone and found that the people around him had almost gone. Only Zhang Fa and Wang Yang stayed nearby. When he saw that he had finished the phone, Wang Yang came over.

"Because those people are worried that we will screw up, many people ask for leave and don't want to go. I don't know what to do next. I can't use the camera, can Ye Lan?"

Tang Qi sneered. He knew the thoughts of these people very well. He was afraid of being implicated. He was more worried about good things than anyone. If he ran faster than anyone in bad things, he really didn't agree with these people! After thinking about it, he decided to take it on his own.

"Don't use the camera. Make use of the camera function of the mobile phone. It's convenient to carry. Go back and have a rest. It doesn't matter if there are several people. Anyway, I must go this time."

Wang Yang promised that he would go too. He had a hunch that the treasure in the wreckage of the plane would be found under the leadership of Tang Qi. He looked forward to making a fortune and sending his son abroad.

After they left, Zhang Fa was left alone. He smiled at Tang Qi and said, "you are really busy. Although you are young, you are organized and have leadership skills. I really admire you."

Tang Qi smiled and said, "you can say something serious instead of these things. My time is limited. Don't waste your time boasting to each other."

Zhang Fa quickly agreed: "I know, please follow me."

He said and took Tang Qi into his room. Their room was very desolate because it had not been occupied for a long time. The furniture inside was full of dust.

Tang Qi looked around. Except for some waste furniture, there was nothing in it. It seemed that as the villager said, he had emptied the whole house. Zhang said with a smile, "what's the matter, brother? Do you like these furniture? If you like it, I can give it to you."

"No." Tang Qi said, "these are just ordinary pear blossom trees, and there are red pine trees in them. They are completely worthless. If I want to be valuable, you won't leave them here."

Zhang Fa was stunned. He didn't expect Tang Qi to be so powerful! These furniture are all painted on the outside, and they have been renovated several times in the middle, but he can still explain the material so clearly. Look, I didn't find the wrong person this time!

Tang Qi said with a smile, "well, just take out what you want to show me. I'll test it for you. You can go home at ease."

Zhang Fa said hurriedly, "I'm not in a hurry to go home. Don't you have to go down and have a look tonight? I also want to see if I can help you."

"Oh? Do you mean that these treasures are not enough, and we still want to take you down to find treasure? I advise you to forget it."

Zhang Fa was full of confidence. Who knows that Tang Qi turned him down. Suddenly, his face became ugly and reluctantly smiled: "why not? Did I offend you?"

Tang Qi said, "don't be too greedy, otherwise people will retaliate against you when they know."

Zhang Fa has quietly picked up treasures before, thus taking a lot of advantages. The treasures he got can also make him worry free for his life. Originally, he is enough to make people resent. Who knows that he saw these people go down to look for them again. This person is moved again and wants to follow. In this way, if other villagers know, he will definitely stab his backbone, It's possible to be beaten or even killed by some vicious people.

Tang Qi knew human nature very well and didn't want to see such a tragedy happen, but he didn't care. "Well, we all went down to find treasure. Some found it and others didn't. these are the arrangements of fate. Do they hate me? Can they hate it? Besides, I've been there many times and know a lot of secrets. You can solve a lot of problems with me."

Tang Qi said, "even so, do you really have such confidence that you won't be affected by them?"

"Of course, you can rest assured that my accident is also my own. I won't blame anyone. It's all fate."

Tang Qi couldn't refuse to think about it. Besides, what he said was reasonable. No one else could do it. Only he found the treasure

It means that he knows more about the place than others. Let him go. I don't want to be responsible anyway.

Seeing that Tang Qi agreed, Zhang Fa was also very excited and hurriedly asked Tang Qi to go back to Tang Qi's baby. It turned out that he had not taken this thing before, but hid it in the old house.

"It's not that I don't want to sell this thing, but it's too big. I almost didn't get tired when I brought it up! I wanted to give it up several times, but I thought it might be a valuable baby. I had to bite my teeth to bring it up." he opened a cabinet door, which was empty. There was only the front wall with a layer of newspaper on it, He went over and tore down the newspaper. It was another small wooden door. Before opening it, he specially went out to look and confirmed that there was no one around. Only then did he push the wooden door open. There was a secret passage with a dark thing hidden inside.

"Sorry, I hid this thing here. If you don't tear down the house, you can't take it out. You can only go over and have a look like this."

Tang Qi smiled and took a flashlight to take photos. He didn't know what was worth it? The light of the flashlight shone on the inside, and Tang Qi was shocked to see the whole body of the treasure. It turned out that there was a black statue inside, like an orc, with a horse head on it and a normal two legged stand on the lower body. The description outside was very exquisite. Tang Qi frowned. He found that the treasure was two meters high, The space is full of jade, but it's not as bright as jade. Say it's bronze, but it's too light. Although it's huge, it's only 30 or 40 kilograms by hand. You can see that it's not at all. Moreover, there's a kind of purple wax on it. Knock it with your hand and it sends out an echo like wood, It smells like a faint fragrance like thread incense.

Zhang Fa on one side carefully observed Tang Qi's expression and asked carefully, "how, do you see what this is? Is it very precious?"

Tang Qi said, "this thing is ceramic."

"Ah? It's porcelain! But the color and texture“

Tang Qi said: "it's not surprising, because this thing is a semi-finished product. It should be in what position before it is made and can only be given up. That's why it's like this. Ceramics that haven't been burned out."

"In other words, are these all clay?" Zhang Fa was disappointed. He thought it was some high-grade wood carvings or some special jade. Unexpectedly, it was only porcelain made of clay! And it was still semi-finished products. It seems impossible to expect it to change a lot of money.

Tang Qi said with a smile, "are you disappointed?"

"Just give me the most practical answer. How much are these things worth?"

Tang Qi said, "do you want to listen to the truth or lie?"

Zhang Fa swallowed his saliva and gasped for a long time. Then he said, "I want to listen to the truth. Tell me. I'm prepared."

Tang Qi stretched out a finger to face him. Zhang Fa hurriedly said, "a million?!"

"No, I want to say that it's worthless. Because this ceramic has not been fired, it's only semi enamel, but it's only been prevented for too many years, so it's impossible to form. It's estimated that it will explode when heated a little, and most of the processes have not been completed. No one will buy it."

Zhang fafan sat on the sofa and said, "never mind, forget it." although he said so, his disappointed and sad expression betrayed his real idea.

Tang Qi said, "in fact, I doubt it would be particularly inconvenient to put this thing on the plane. How did you put it on it?"

"How do I know?" Zhang Fa grabbed his hair and his voice was decadent.

Tang Qi said, "where did you find it? Tell me about it."