Chapter 598

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Tang Qi had to smile helplessly and said, "good sister, no matter what you want me to do, I will do it. I will do it. It can be regarded as my compensation for the last time. Last time, I was really careless. I didn't do anything you entrusted me. I'm sorry."

Wu Yinghua smiled and said, "this is what you said. You are not allowed to perfunctory me this time."

"Well, tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Without speaking, Wu Yinghua went directly to Tang Qi's bed, picked up a box from above and put it on the table. With a bang, the box opened. There was a bright light in it. Look carefully, there was a shining diamond in it.

Tang Qi reached out and touched the diamond and said, "this is a real South African diamond. With so many quantities, congratulations. You're going to be rich."

"What do you think of these diamonds? Are they of good quality?"

"It's quite good. It's A-class diamond," Tang Qi said with a smile.

Wu Yinghua said, "these diamonds were stolen by song Xiuyun and me. If they are caught, they will die. So you have to help me solve this matter."

Wu Yinghua came to Tang Qi's ear and whispered a paragraph, which made Tang Qi frown. It turned out that she and song Xiuyun got the diamond from Xiong Kun's hand.

"No, he doesn't always use song Xiuyun to sell fake jewelry. It's strange that she can steal Xiong Kun's things."

"Do you think everyone is a fool? Song Xiuyun is also a woman of a big family. She already knew that the jewelry was fake, pretended to be cheated, and then took advantage of Xiong Kun's unprepared time to steal beams and change columns. In his jewelry warehouse, she exchanged the real diamonds with the fake diamonds he gave."

Tang Qi suddenly said, "this is really beyond my imagination. I thought she wouldn't give up this person."

"Song Xiuyun really likes him very much, but song Xiuyun prefers money to others. Now that she is dead, I don't think it will be safe to put these diamonds in my hand. I can only rely on you. His jewelry is settled on a Monday, so it is estimated that these jewelry will be replaced in the next few days. Song Xiuyun is the only one who can go into the warehouse except him. At that time, he will only go to the warehouse If you think about it, you'll know who did it. "

After Song Xiuyun's hand, she found her old friend Wu Yinghua, and Wu Yinghua helped her contact the buyers outside.

As soon as they started to prepare, they sold the goods and changed them into money in the next few days. But now that song Xiuyun is dead, Wu Yinghua hopes Tang Qi can help sell this batch of goods.

"Now Song Xiuyun is dead, so these jewels are mine now, and you are on my side, so everything is not a problem." although Wu Yinghua has a good relationship with song Xiuyun, she knows that the person who shared money with her is dead, and Wu Yinghua's tone is still full of joy.

Tang Qi looked at her suspiciously, and then suddenly said, "I see. You pretended to be so angry just to make me willing to help you."

"Of course! If you don't, you'll think I use you, but you're asking me for something now. I'm sure you'll agree to my request." Wu Yinghua sat by the bed, looked at Tang Qi, picked up a cigarette and smoked.

"It's OK to help you, but you have to tell me why song Xiuyun was killed. Is it related to his fake jewelry?"

Wu Yinghua nodded: "it's a deal. I'll tell you everything."

Later, Wu Yinghua told Tang Qi that Xiong Kun had a site for counterfeiting jewelry in suhai. This land was rented from Song Xiuyun's father. The two sides cooperated together, and song's father had told his daughter everything before his death. So song Xiuyun always knew that he sold fake jewelry, but pretended to know nothing.

"In fact, Xiong Kun doesn't know. We sold him some of the equipment here. Song Xiuyun has always wanted to marry him, but I know it's impossible. Because of this, I quarreled with her."

Tang Qi said, "that's what she doesn't want to spread?"

"Not only that, song Xiuyun's father once did a lot of bad things with him. It is said that he once robbed the tomb together. Once the matter is exposed, the Song family's wisdom will come to an end. For them, the most humiliating thing is not lack of money, but loss of reputation."

Tang Qi recalled that Xiong Kun's threats to song Xiuyun made song Xiuyun very nervous. It seems that the two sides use and calculate each other, but they also have secrets that the other party doesn't know. They are a perfect match.

"What do you think?"

"I want to know the address of that base. He completely destroyed his counterfeiting factory so that he can't make such dirty money."

Wu Yinghua smiled: "you can talk after you help me hand out these diamonds."

She is also a little afraid to make such a deal with foreign trading groups. If something is given to them, but the money doesn't come back, it will be over? So she decided to let Tang Qi take the money with her.

"When you change things for money, I'll give you the address you want right away. You can destroy his jewelry counterfeiting base directly with the horse captain. How about it? Is this a good deal?"

Tang Qi said with a smile, "well, you won. Who made me owe you a favor?"

Wu Yinghua handed the box of diamonds to Tang Qi: "you keep it for the time being. I'll have a rest. I'll stay with you these days. You should protect my safety, honey." she said and sprayed a smoke ring at Tang Qi.

Tang Qi waved the smoke away: "by the way, now Song Xiuyun's body can't be found."

"It's none of my business. People die like lights out. What corpses do you want? I'm not going to have a head-on conflict with Xiong Kun. Well, I'm going to rest. Good night." Wu Yinghua went out with a smile. After taking a few steps, she suddenly stood still and looked back at Tang Qi.

"If one day I die, don't worry about my body."

Tang Qi smiled helplessly. The woman has become more and more indifferent to life and death since the last thing.

Wu Yinghua went to the guest room to sleep. Tang Qi sealed the diamonds and put them under his bed. This woman is really treacherous.

Before going to bed, he went to his sister's room. It was very late, but Tang Ting was still seriously reciting her notes. There was no response to my brother's arrival. Her desk was bought for her by Shen Jiajia. Although the area is large, the books and papers on it are piled there like a hill. She has been staring at the papers in her hand and taking notes from time to time.

Tang Qi walked behind her, gently pulled her sleeve and said, "don't look so late."

Tang Ting was startled, turned back and said with a smile, "I'm fine, brother. I'll go to bed after reading these."

"No, it's too late. Your eyes will be uncomfortable. You'll have a headache tomorrow." Tang Qi took her paper away. Tang Ting smiled and grabbed: "I can't sleep. Let me see it for a while."

But Tang Qi pulled him up: "listen, go to bed quickly. Your health is important."

Tang Ting's protest was invalid. She was directly stopped by Tang Qi and sent to the bedside. Tang Ting lay on the bed and said she didn't want to sleep, but she slept soon. Tang Qichong drowned and touched her hair. He felt a little guilty. He hoped that the last kidnapping didn't scare her.

The next morning, Tang Qi got up. Shen Jiajia and Mickey made breakfast together and prepared to send Tang ting to the examination room.

Tang Qi went to the kitchen and wanted to help. Mickey pushed him out: "don't come in. Go and ask your sister to come down."

"I'm coming." Tang Ting put on a simple sportswear, went to battle easily and smiled downstairs: "good morning, brother and sister-in-law."

Mickey blushed: "don't talk nonsense. Come and have dinner quickly, and then start."

"OK." as soon as they sat in their seats, they heard the sound of the car engine outside. Then there was a rapid horn.

"Who's out there?" Tang Ting looked curiously.

Tang Qi said, "I'll have a look."

He opened the door. Outside stood an old man who hurried in. He was old Liu of the antique Association. He has a good relationship with Mr. Jin and Mr. Qian. He also admires Tang Qi. He can be regarded as a person on his side. The old man said anxiously as he walked, "something's wrong, chairman. You know... Sobbing..."

Tang Qi quickly covered his mouth and pushed him out: "there are students who want to take the college entrance examination. What do you have to say directly in the yard."

Liu nodded and whispered, "now many businesses and consumers have rushed to the antique Association."

"For the night star stone?"

"Yes! They said we knew the night star stone was bad, but we didn't tell it. Now they have suffered heavy losses. We must compensate."

Tang Qi sneered. Needless to ask, it must be mingka, Dongfang Yu and others.

Since yesterday, Tang Qi has asked people to spread out all the actual components of the night star stone. These things, which have been hyped into hundreds of thousands or even millions, are actually a pile of broken sand, which is not worth money at all. This news is like a bomb, which exploded the ancient Dong circle in the whole Soviet sea, What they spent so much money to preserve and hype turned out to be worthless! Isn't this cheating?

Most people have lost more than hundreds of thousands and tens of millions.

Dongfang Yu and others transferred the contradiction to the antique Association, because Tang Qi once gave them half a day to dispose of the night star stone in the hands of their members, which became criminal evidence. It proved that Tang Qi knew that they used the night star stone to make money and harm the people of suhai.

Dongfang Yu's purpose is to make Tang Qi the target of public criticism. It's best to let him lose money and then have to leave the antique Association.

With the help of Dongfang Yu and mingka, these people who lost a lot of money rushed to the antique Association, smashed the table and kicked the bench. Some even sent out words to kill Tang Qi.

"What do people in the antique Association say?"

Old Liu said, "I don't know what to do. Most people are scolding you. Hua Jintao said let me find you and find a way."

Although these people in the association were released by Tang Qi and asked them to sell the stones first, they still wanted to protect themselves at the critical moment. No matter how they helped Tang Qi speak, they even fell into the well and accused Tang Qi in order to draw a line with him. Among them, Hua Jintao is the smartest. While scolding Tang Qi with others, he secretly found an unknown old man to report.

Tang Qi smiled meaningfully and said, "I thought these people would do this."

"What am I going to do? Don't you go to the antique association?"

"I want to accompany my sister in the college entrance examination. I won't go these two days. Let them make trouble. Lock the door and ignore them."

Old Liu hurriedly said, "no! They have launched some impeachment procedures internally. It is said that they want to drive you out of the antique association directly!"

Tang Qi immediately scolded the white eyed wolves. They will tear down the bridge when they cross the river! Even if I don't know how to be grateful, I still want to hurt me!