Chapter 429

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Tang Qi went to the table, picked up one of the dice, looked carefully, and then said to Qian Sitian, "go and help me with the ice. I want a large one. Then prepare an ice cone."

"OK!" Qian simian quickly agreed. He quickly took out a large piece of ice from the freezer and put it aside in a large basin. There was a sharp ice cone: "what are you going to do with this?"

"I want to see what's inside the dice," Tang Qi said, throwing all the more than a dozen dice into the ice. Use an ice pick to chisel all these large ice blocks into pieces. Large pieces of ice are broken into small pieces. From time to time, these cold ice blocks and water splashes on several people's faces.

Old Qian said, "what are you doing? What effect do these ice cubes have on this? Also, these are jade. What a waste if they are accidentally broken?"

Tang Qi said, "it doesn't matter. You'll see it later." while talking, these dice have completely disappeared into the ice. The ice gradually turns into water, and the dice float on it. Gradually, the originally colorless ice turns into a light green, which is not very obvious at the beginning, but the color gradually becomes thicker and thicker, And these ice cubes began to emit light green smoke, and you can smell a smell similar to lilac.

Dongfang Xu carefully looked at the change of color and couldn't help coming up to pick up one of the dice to see, but who knew that it was hot just when he touched it with his finger. He threw the dice back.

Tang Qi hurriedly said, "this thing will release a lot of heat. Be careful to burn you."

The old man subconsciously put his hand on his lips, but the strong smell of flowers immediately choked him. He coughed violently, covered his nose and said in surprise, "what's the matter? The smell is too strange." the smell made his tears come down. It's really strange.

Tang Qi said with a smile, "don't worry, old man, because there are some special things in these dice. You can see the mystery in them when you wait." after that, he picked up a bottle of wine on the table. This is the European Burgundy high-grade wine of 1998. Tang Qi drank it twice first, and then poured all the wine into the ice.

"Tang Qi... What are you doing?" Qian simian said in embarrassment.

Tang Qi said: "alcohol reacts with this thing, which can accelerate the dissolution of things on its surface."

He counted his words, Gudong, Gudong! The scarlet liquid is mixed with the turquoise liquid. The two liquids react with each other, and the taste is more rich and sweet. The twelve dice were mixed in the liquid mixed with green and red. At first, they didn't move. Later, a little vortex appeared on the water surface, and the dice turned rapidly.

Because the dice themselves can release heat, the melting speed of the ice is faster and faster. That large piece of ice gradually turns into water and rotates faster.

Old Qian suddenly said, "ah! This thing is shrinking."

The volume of these investments has gradually changed from the size of cherries to mung beans, and the points on the surface are constantly disappearing. Everyone looks at Tang Qi. His face has been very calm. Looking at these things becoming smaller and smaller like ice, they finally disappear. There is only some light red and light green mixed water in the big basin.

"Why is it gone?" Qian Sitian said.

Tang Qi said: "because these things will continue to release heat after reacting with ice."

"But... Isn't this water exquisite? How can it..."

Dongfang Xu suddenly sighed in disappointment and broke Qian simian's words: "you don't have to say it. Now it's true, and you can't say anything. It seems that all ten dice are fake. Isn't this jade at all?"

Tang Qi nodded: "Yes, if this is a real jade, it won't melt at all. So these are all fake. I checked the data and found that there is a very real ice stone, which is the same as the style of jadeite. It is easy to be taken by interested people as jade, because it is also crystal clear and very bright, so many people are deceived, and because this dice is not big, it is easier to make If it's false, what's stored in it is not water, exquisite jade, or ordinary water. "

"Ah! It's a stone."

"Yes! That kind of stone has been mixed with ice and snow for tens of thousands of years, so it has something to do with ice. However, the melting point and freezing point of this thing are different from ordinary ice. After seeing ice, it can react with each other, produce a lot of heat and alcohol, mix them quickly, and finally dissolve them completely."

All three nodded. At first, they thought they were fake. Who knows, they were all fake.

Old Qian said, "your spirit of exploration is really good, but it's a pity that there are no good things."

Although this ice stone is not jade, because its texture is as beautiful, it's good to keep it for a few years. Now, millions of things have become a pool of water. Qian Lao feels it's a pity.

Tang Qi said, "it doesn't matter. Since it can melt, I can let it condense again. Don't you also want to examine my ability?"

"Ah, we didn't want to examine you."

Tang Qi said with a smile, "you're welcome. In fact, old Qian, you knew from the beginning that these dice were all fake?"

"How is this possible? I really can't tell."

"You're welcome. If the water is really exquisite, it will form a very beautiful rainbow due to the internal light. You didn't see these reactions, but you didn't ask any questions. Obviously, you know there won't be such a reaction, that is to say, you've long been there. They are fake."

"Well... Hey..." Qian said with some embarrassment, "I told him that you will find the problem. So it's hard to remind you. Do you want to restore them now?"

Tang Qi said: "although this ice stone is not as precious and valuable as water, if it is condensed together, it can be used as a good paperweight and is also very popular in the calligraphy and painting industry."

As he said this, he took out his lighter and aimed the small flame at the direction of the basin.

"Ah? Can this water burn?" Qian simian asked curiously.

"Yes, because there is wine in it, plus the combustible gas in the ice stone." Tang Qi said that he had lit the whole water surface, and the whirring flames quickly generated. The liquid in the basin made a sound. After a while, he saw that the red liquid inside gradually decreased, and the green liquid began to condense together slowly, There is always a particularly intoxicating smell in the air. It has the smell of wine and flowers, which is very relaxing and pleasant.

Gradually, my green slowly mixed, surrounded by colorless water, and the red liquid burned out. At the moment when the fire disappeared, Tang Qi's hand approached the green material and his strength rushed in.

Touch! The crowd heard a crisp noise in the water, and the water splashed on Qian Lao and Qian simian. The water temperature was very hot, but no one paid attention to this. They were all looking at the basin.

Dongfang Xu always looked at Tang Qi with a smile. His eyes were full of admiration. The young man was really capable.

When the fire completely disappeared, the level of the water slowly decreased and a piece of green slowly rose.

"OK, OK." Tang Qi fished out a five centimeter cube green jade from the water. Put it on the table: "this is the ice jade. Its appearance is no different from that of ordinary jadeite. Keep it well."

The surface of this thing is smooth and flirtatious, the green light and the softness of jadeite. If you don't know what to do, you must think it's a gem.

I never thought it was just a matter between ice and stone.

Qian Si Tian said, "won't this thing melt in the future?"

"The molecular transformation of this thing requires very harsh conditions. It requires human internal power and appropriate combustion control. Don't worry. It will never change under easy conditions. This thing is also used to carve a big dice. It's also very beautiful. Of course, it can also be sold at a good price." Tang Qidao.

"No. I don't actually use it to make dice. Thank you for helping me reveal its mystery." Dongfang Xu smiled and put it away: "this thing actually involves something that happened many years ago. Now with your help, I may know what's going on."

Old Qian smiled and said, "well, the matter has been satisfactorily solved. How about we have another drink?"

Dongfang Xu waved his hand: "forget it! I've eaten well. Since others have helped me solve my problems, I think I should help Tang Qi solve his problems? Let's go. Where's the girl you said?"

Tang Qi hurriedly said, "are you really willing to help me? Don't you say you have retired?"

"I've retired, and I made a poisonous oath that I won't help people see a doctor all my life. Otherwise, if that person finds me, he will humiliate me."

Tang Qi was surprised. Unexpectedly, he vowed that he was no longer helping others. He didn't know the reason, but what about the girl?

Old Qian said regretfully, "in fact, if you knew Tang Qi earlier and exposed the ice jade thing, you don't have to do so."

"Forget it, it's all in the past. Don't mention it."

Tang Qi looked at him suspiciously and didn't understand what was going on. But this is dongfangxu's private affair. Tang Qi knows that people don't want to say it, so it's hard to ask.

Qian simian hurriedly grabbed Dongfang Xu's arm: "master, you can't do this. As the saying goes..."

Dongfang Xu said with a smile, "look at your worry. Is he your sweetheart, or does he want to marry you?"

"Master..." Qian Si Tian stamped her feet anxiously, and her red face looked as lovely as an apple.

Dongfang Xu spoiled and rubbed her hair: "don't worry first. Although I can't practice medicine, my disciple is still good. It's not against the morality of the Jianghu for me to let her treat me."

Tang Qi said, "well, in that case, let's go and see her without delay."

"Good. My apprentice and I will follow you to see that man. Is that girl your sweetheart, too?"

Tang Qi smiled: "she's not. She's only a few years old. She's too young."

"Is that your friend's child?"

"No, she should be my enemy's sister, and this person doesn't know that I saved her this time. I asked someone to hijack her. It's estimated that if he knew, nine times out of ten he wouldn't agree."

Old Qian and others were shocked. What Tang Qi did was too strange. Why did he save the enemy for no reason

Robbed. What's going on?

Tang Qi said, "let's go. I'll make it clear to you slowly on the road."