Chapter 418

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
"Li Yan! Don't do this, calm down!" he pressed Li Yan's hand and hugged her into his arms. Anxious, what should I do now? She must freeze to death if it goes on like this. Tang Qi began to worry. He raised his palm and pressed Li Yan's Dantian position to let the energy of his body enter her body and maintain her physical strength.

Li Yan was always confused. She shouted cold and hot for a while. Tang Qi took her hand and said, "I will find a way to escape with you. Trust me."

At this time, his eyes saw the murals on the wall. After the white frost, the contents of the paintings inside became clearer. Is there anything strange in this? Tang Qi hugged Li Yan with one hand and hurried to the wall. At first, the things on the painting were very chaotic, but after Tang Qi's judgment and re determining the order, he slowly found that it was the same as the content displayed in it.

The people here should be dressed up before the Song Dynasty. He first saw the small lake with lake water, and then the next one was frozen sick. It was also painted that someone was sitting in the lake in thick fox fur. Several figures like mages are waving their fists at the four corners of the square. They don't know what to do. Then the next one is back to the lake. Then the man in fox fur has taken off his coat. A lot of heat sources are constantly coming up on the ground.

Tang Qi said, "is the mechanism at the four corners?" Li Yan was still trying to take off her clothes at this time. Her body was like charcoal, and her cheeks burned crimson. Tang Qi saw her face in the dim light. Isn't it my fault that such a beautiful woman died like this? I'll try anyway. He took Li Yan to the first corner and studied with the people in the painting. He swung his fist. He saw a lotus shaped carving on the corner of the wall. It was completely different elsewhere. He smashed it at the corner of the wall.

Boom! After a loud noise, the whole space shook a few times, and then the frost on the wall rumbled down a large area. Tang Qi had no time to consider what was going on, and ran to another corner.

Tang Qi's speed was very fast. He smashed each of the four corners, and countless frost fell down. When the last punch hit, he heard a creaking sound on the ground in the middle, and then a huge floor tile fell down under the ground. There was an air attack of about three meters, and smoke came up below.

The temperature of the room rose rapidly and the lake began to melt. Tang Qi looked at the mechanism in surprise. He really didn't know what it meant. Did the ancients design this thing to play tricks?

Tang Qi grabbed Li Yan and walked to the entrance. A strong heat flow kept rushing up. In fact, the temperature below was normal. It was only because it was too cold that people had an illusion that there was a stove below. There are many steps at the entrance. There was a faint light coming from below. Li Yan's body felt the heat coming out from below, and gradually began to react. She trembled and said, "what's the matter? I'm not going to die?"

Tang Qi was so excited that he smiled and said, "you finally wake up? Don't worry, you can't die!" he held her and sat down on the steps, trying to wait until Li Yan was better together. This time, fortunately, Tang Qi used her super power to maintain her energy, otherwise she would have frozen to death.

Li Yan knew that she would survive, smiled and sighed: "your little brother has to keep saving me. I feel really embarrassed."

"It's okay, because you saved me before. I drowned in the lake without you."

They looked at the direction of the lake, where the ice had completely dissipated. The white sand above is still falling down. Tang Qixin said, it's just like a large hourglass device. The temperature will change differently at different times. The five element array is really elusive.

Li Yan said, "what shall we do next?"

"You have a rest first, and then let's go down and see what's down here." the prince was still holding this thing in his hand before he died. He should have gone down there and was killed. Nine times out of ten, her father and Song Jie were also down there. Maybe what they agreed to get is down there.

Li Yan quickly stood up and said, "it doesn't matter to me. Let's go now."

Tang Qi said, "no, your physical strength is exhausted now..."

"Here you are." Li Yan took out two pieces of black chocolate wrapped in plastic paper from her pocket and put them on Tang Qi's hand. "People like us will take some things with us when they travel. So it doesn't matter." she said and stuffed a piece of chocolate into her mouth. Tang Qi smiled and ate it. It's completely different from what you buy in the market. It doesn't have any sweetness. It tastes very bitter. It's mainly to supplement calories and no matter what the taste is.

When they were about to start, Tang Qi suddenly heard a rustling sound from above the shed, and then a man's scream; "Ah! What is this?"

Tang Qigang hurriedly looked up, and then saw that there was a pile of black things falling on the lake. It was those spiders!

Li Yan was most afraid of these things. She couldn't help crying out, and then a person also fell down from above. She saw that she was about to fall into the lake. If the man keeps waving his body and falls at this angle, nine times out of ten his head will not fall into the water, but will directly hit the cement table on the edge and fall from such a high place. This is not fun.

Tang Qi ran out like a cheetah. Of course, he couldn't pick him up. He just pushed the man's head with his hand and let him fall into the lake.

Ordinary! A big splash of water splashed out. The man's body rushed into the water like a torpedo, and then struggled under the water. Tang Qi jumped into the water and caught him up. The man was still shouting.

"Help! I don't want to die. Who can help me?"

Tang Qizhi didn't see who the man was until now. He couldn't help frowning: "how did you come here?"

When the man saw that Tang Qi had saved himself, he quickly hugged him: "master! How can it be you! Thank you for saving me!"

It turns out that this person is brother Liang! I never dreamed that he should come here.

Tang Qi said, "what are you doing here?"

Brother Liang said, "I don't know. I was talking about business with the world. As a result, I fainted. Then when I woke up, I found that I was in the cave. I was really dying!"

It turned out that he made an appointment with several people who can talk at the bar today. Then he wanted to pour some foreign trade cosmetics and health products. He was dizzy when drinking, and then he passed out in a coma. As for how he got here, he didn't know at all. After walking in those pits for a while, he found those spiders. He was so frightened that he shouted and ran inside, and then fell into the sand.

"I don't know exactly how I came here, but I haven't completely fainted when I was accompanied by them. It seems that I heard what a person said. I'm the best human sacrifice."

Tang Qi frowned; "Human sacrifice, what is that?"

Li Yan walked over and said, "it's immoral for those tombs that have put treasures to be opened, and the ancestors don't allow it. If you want to open them forcibly, someone needs to offer them with blood or even give their lives. This person is a human sacrifice."

Brother Liang was sad when he heard this: "why? I have nothing to do with the antique industry. I occasionally help introduce business. I've never done such a thing before. Why do you come to me?"

Tang Qi said, "because you are my apprentice, that's enough. On the surface, you are the one to deal with. In fact, you want to fix me."

Brother Liang helped Tang Qi in many ways before. Recently, he helped him bring Ding Jianyun out of Su Hai and helped him entrap Liu Shan once. He offended many people once and twice. They may not be able to find out these things, so revenge is very normal at this time.

Is this person from Hecun leopard, desert organization or Liushan? Or because he has elected the chairman of the antique Association and is afraid that his strength will develop too fast, he began to cut off the people around him one by one? Tang Qi frowned.

Brother Liang tidied up his clothes, and then saw the prince Qi on the ground. He jumped three feet high.

"Ah! There's another one here!"

"Don't be afraid, he's gone."

"That's why I'm afraid. How many people die here? I really don't want to stay here."

Tang Qi glanced at him. If he were here, he would die in no more than five minutes.

Li Yan said at this time, "what I'm worried about is that this man can bring him here smoothly, which shows that he is very familiar with the mechanism below. In this way, my father will be in danger."

Tang Qi said, "if you want to be open, you can be at ease. Let's go down and have a look."

Brother Liang saw the gloomy entrance and said in a trembling voice, "master, I don't want to go down. What should I do if there is a man eating monster below? I'm not thirty years old and I haven't married yet."

"We almost died just now. We didn't find out anything. In short, we can't go back like this. If you want to go, go back by yourself. Be careful." Tang Qi patted him on the shoulder.

Brother liang thought about it and hurriedly ran over with Tang Qi: "I won't go. I want to accompany the master all the time."

How can he go back by himself at such a high place? And there are countless spiders on it. In addition, there is a guy who drugged him. I don't know where he is. It's a narrow escape. Brother Liang firmly followed Tang Qi down.

Tang Qi said with a smile, "if you really think so, let's go. I'll protect you."

"I know Shifu is always capable. Hey, hey, who is this girl? She's still pretty. Shiniang?"

Before Tang Qi could answer, Li Yan suddenly turned back and threw a chocolate into his mouth: "I'm a generation older than you. Don't talk nonsense here!"

Touch! The chocolate hit brother Liang's teeth, and his tears came down because of the pain.

Tang Qi said, "watch your words, boy. This is a big man, and you can make fun of him?"

"Yes, I was wrong. But master, how did you get here?"