Chapter 360

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Tang Qi came to the picture, gently stroked the surface of the picture with his fingers, and then looked up at Liu Qifeng.

"Are you a little nervous?"

"Yes, I'm worried that what you said is true, that what you said is false, and that you will destroy my painting."

With a basin of water and a painting, an individual can think of the result. He is really worried that this painting will be destroyed by Tang Qi. Even if it is fake, it is a very good thing. Of course, he doesn't want to be destroyed.

Tang Qi smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "believe me, I promise I won't let you down."

At this time, the door opened and the girl Duan came over. She carefully put the basin on the table for fear that the spray would splash the painting. This is her boss's favorite. If it was really destroyed, it is estimated that her position would be gone.

"Well, everybody, now that everything is ready, I'll come and show you what's hidden under the picture." Tang Qi said, picked up the picture and threw it in the direction of the basin.

Everyone shouted in panic, "what are you doing!"

The girl also ran to stop Tang Qi, but was stopped by Liu Qifeng: "don't doubt people. Don't doubt people. Go with him. Even if it's really destroyed, it's my fate. Don't blame him."

"But boss, this painting..." while talking, she had heard the sound of water splashing. Looking back, Tang Qi had completely soaked those paintings into the water and couldn't keep them.

All the people were distressed, just as their children were thrown into the basin by Tang Qi: "this is... It's too much. How can anyone be willing to destroy all such valuable paintings!"

"Yes! It's a famous painting of the Yuan Dynasty! It can't be fake at all. It's clearly written in many ancient books. You don't know these at all. You're a criminal who spoils art!" all the people were filled with righteous indignation and stretched out their hands to catch Tang Qi. They wished they couldn't beat Tang Qi to death in order to solve their hatred. At the same time, they vaguely had an extremely happy hardness, Liu Qifeng, if you don't give this to us, isn't it ruined by a person who doesn't understand anything?

Tang Qi's back strength, a strong wind blew all these people out for several meters, so that they couldn't get close at all. They hit the table with great strength, and flew out directly with little strength. They sat down on the ground. The position of the tail vertebrae was particularly painful. I can't stand up at all.

Tang Qi said, "I don't want to use force against you. You won't be my opponent. You'd better stay here."

The girl asked, "I'm not blaming you. I'm asking how long you'll stay?"

"At least five minutes." Tang Qi glanced at his watch: "four more minutes."

"But it took so long to soak in the water. What if it rots?"

"There's no way. This is the fate." Tang Qi smiled. These people were all more angry when they heard it. Although they didn't dare to stop him, they still said loudly that he had ruined the painting. The girl looked at Liu Qifeng.

Liu Qifeng always kept calm and looked at Tang Qi quietly. He was uneasy, but he didn't want to show it.

Tang Qi always turned a deaf ear to the accusations and abuse of these people. He just quietly looked at the water surface and saw that the originally clear water inside turned faint yellow. He couldn't help laughing: "very good, almost." when he finished this sentence, he directly reached out and fished the painting out of the water. Everyone shouted and ran over.

Pop! The wet paper hit the desktop, and everyone rushed over. To everyone's surprise, although the painting had been soaked for so long, nothing happened. The painting quickly began to evaporate and dry up. The picture was still intact. The previous picture was the same, as if it had never been soaked in water.

"This painting... This painting is wrong!" someone said in horror, "are we wrong? Are you doing magic?"

Tang Qi said, "this is the ancient art of acting."

His hand pressed on the scroll: "let's see what's different from the picture just now?"

"Well... What's the difference?" they looked carefully and immediately found something wrong.

Someone said, "ah! There are fewer geese. Originally there were two geese here, and there was also one less monk sweeping the floor."

"There's also a tree and a boat here. They're all gone. Are these painted later?"

Tang Qi nodded: "that's right. All the missing ones are added behind Miao Zijiang. There are more words in the place where they are signed for the first time?"

The crowd nodded: "how do you know that there is such a magical thing?"

Tang Qi's hand touched the paper: "When I touched it, I obviously felt that there seemed to be a layer of grease on it, and it was older than the Yuan Dynasty, at least it should be a painting in the Song Dynasty. However, the words were indeed written by him, so I guessed that if I was right, this painting should be the work of a painter in the previous dynasty. Miao Zijiang thought it didn't work when he got it occasionally After painting, he added a few strokes to form his own style, which later generations don't know. They thought it was all his works and spread around the world. "

Mountain temple boating, no boat, no monk, how to calculate the right question? Therefore, it should be that the author died before he finished. Therefore, in order to make this painting not leave regret, Miao Zijiang personally completed this painting.

"You mean, he took other people's things as his own! No, people like Miao Zijiang do such things. It's really... People don't know how to comment."

Tang Qi waved his hand: "no, I don't think he's trying to invade other people's works, because the signature on it is very clear. The previous paintings are not finished. Xiao can wait for them to respect Sushan. This is just a joke. He's a very emotional person, and the author of this painting is not an ordinary person."

"Ah! I see. It's the vegetarian monk of the Song Dynasty!" Liu Qifeng finally opened his mouth.

Tang Qi nodded, "you're right. It's Sushan, the famous painter who became a monk and prayed for the emperor's blessing." the people gasped. Sushan's reputation is more famous than Miao Zijiang. It is said that his painting even took seven or eight years, and countless dignitaries wanted to ask him for a painting but couldn't.

Most of his paintings are rare. They can't be seen casually in the National Museum, and even fewer are spread among the people. They can be sold for at least tens of millions casually, which is much more valuable than Miao Zijiang's.

Liu Qifeng was very excited: "it's really his painting!"

"Yes." Tang Qi said with a smile, "it is estimated that Miao Zijiang doesn't want to spoil the painting itself, so he once painted a substance before the painting, which can be restored to its former appearance after dissolving in water."

An old man shook his head and said, "although it's good, I still think it's a pity that the monk, the boat and the wild geese disappeared. After all, they are finished paintings. Now there are residual paintings left, isn't it a little..."

"Alas! I can't say that. I think Venus's broken arm and the dream of Red Mansions have not been completed. They are all incomplete beauty. Even if future generations make up for it, it still doesn't meet people's expectations. Besides, this painting is more topical and must be more valuable." Liu Qifeng smiled.

"But it's not yours anymore." Tang Qi said with a smile, "you forgot? You sold it to me for 80000 yuan."

"It doesn't matter. As long as you can cherish it, it doesn't matter who gets it."

Tang Qi smiled and looked at the others around him: "how's it going? Do you feel sorry, too?"

Some people nodded and others shook their heads. Although this painting is more valuable now, the finished painting just now is obviously more popular. Tang Qi seemed to know what they were thinking. He went to the picture scroll and said, "I'll show you the next magic so that you don't have so much regret. Please prepare a rice paper of the same size."

"OK, I'll go now." the girl hurried out. She was from doubt to surprise, then anger and confusion, and finally convinced and listened to him very much.

Not long after, a piece of rice paper came. She panted and said, "what are you going to do?"

"Look, help me hold this painting." Tang Qi said. Taking over the painting, the girl helped Tang Qi hold down the painting. She watched him lay this piece of paper on the scroll, and then hold it with her hand. There were some water marks on it gradually. In addition, there were some faint ink marks.

Then Tang Qi suddenly picked up this piece of paper, and then a whole complete painting was completely gloomy on this piece of silk paper. Everyone exclaimed for a while, and then clapped.

"What's the matter? Miao Zijiang also left it?"

Tang Qi said, "he probably expected that future generations would find something strange in this. He wanted to restore Sushan's paintings and didn't want his works to be lost, so he left traces of ink. He is really a painting genius, and people now can't do it anyway." he handed Liu Qifeng this silk paper painting.

"You stay. It's good."

True to life, Liu Qifeng as like as two peas in the painting, was almost as innocent as before.

"Thank you, Tang Qi! I always thought you were too old to believe your words and abilities. Now I really admire you!"

Other people also have nothing to say. It's not a secret investment if this thing can fall into Tang Qi's hands.

They looked at each other, then got up and said goodbye: "I hope you can take good care of this painting."

Tang Qi said, "of course, I bought this thing for 80000 yuan. Of course I want to cherish it as a treasure."

Everyone smiled helplessly. There was really no way to take him. After seeing these people leave, Liu Qifeng asked the girl to send them out in person, and then sat powerlessly on the seat: "well, they all left, and you won."

He and Tang Qi were the only two people in the office. They were very quiet. They could only hear the clock on the wall beating gently.

"I won't want this painting." Tang Qi said, "I made it clear from the beginning. I'm looking for someone. I'm looking for Wu Yinghua. This painting is my gift to you." he said and put the scroll in front of him.

"This is a famous painting worth tens of millions. You don't care at all?"

Tang Qi said with a smile, "I knew you really liked it when I saw your distressed look just now. The reason why I gave it back to you now is because I don't want others to know what I don't want. If anyone wants to make an idea, just come to me. It's safe for you to keep it quietly or hand it in the future."

"You should have made such a sacrifice for Wu Yinghua. She will be very moved when she knows."

"Nothing, because I think she is a good person and worth it," Tang said.