Chapter 257

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
"What's going on?"

"Ah! She woke up!" the people were very surprised. What's more surprising is that the doctors and nurses are ready. She will die soon. Unexpectedly, she has survived?

Tang Qi pulled up Wu Yinghua; "Come on, I'll take you out of here. It's not as safe as my home."

Wu Yinghua saw Tang Qi and said in surprise, "when did you come? What happened to me?"

"Don't you know you're hurt?"

"I'm hurt?" Wu Yinghua looked at her sick clothes suspiciously. She was completely at a loss. She thought about what had happened before, but she had a headache and could only cover her forehead and keep humming.

"Ah! It hurts so much. What's going on?"

At this time, several medical staff rushed to push Tang Qi: "you let her go! She is seriously ill and must stay in the hospital. It's not polite if you don't let go!" and the reporters were stunned first, and then began to take photos with their lives. This is a big headline. The mysterious man Ye Chuang into the hospital to save the disfigured beauty pageant champion!

Wu Yinghua pulled Tang Qi's sleeve. Her eyes were full of help. Tang Qi nodded, "don't worry, I understand what you mean, just leave it to me." he turned back and kicked the hall legs. These guys flew out like an aerated tire, pressed on the medical staff, and smashed all the cameras in his hands.

Tang Qi quickly hugged Wu Yinghua and rushed into the elevator without waiting for them to respond.

"Hurry up! Don't press me up!" these people were eager to catch up, but they were full of people, pushing and blocking each other, and they couldn't stand up at all.

Tang Qize smiled and waved his hand: "in vain, I'm sorry, everyone. Take a break first."

The gang watched Tang Qi leave with Wu Yinghua in his arms. When they caught up downstairs, Tang Qi had disappeared. All beat their chests and feet. They were very angry. The hard material was gone!

Tang Qi drove Wu Yinghua on the highway at night. Wu Yinghua looked out of the window and said, "I'm going home. Where is this? The direction is wrong."

"I want to take you back to Qian's house. Qian simian's medical skills are very good. I'll let her help you. Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Wu Yinghua sighed: "I didn't expect that you were the only one willing to help me when I needed help most."

"You gave me a diamond chain last time, which helped me a lot. Don't mention it. But what happened to you? Why did your hidden identity be exposed?" Tang Qi asked curiously.

Wu Yinghua rubbed his temples: "please don't know. Let me think about it. I seemed to have fallen from a hillside before. He pushed me, and then I fell down. Then I completely lost consciousness, and then I saw you."

"Who did it? Who is so wicked and wants to kill you?"

"I can't remember... Ah, my head hurts. I can't remember."

Seeing that Wu Yinghua moved his head a little, Tang Qi looked very painful. Tang Qi didn't ask much. He drove quickly to Qian's house. On the way, he called boss Qian and said the matter. So when the car drove into their garden, Qian Sitian was waiting at the door. Wu Yinghua doesn't want Tang Qi to see a doctor yet: "I haven't been ill for a long time. No one takes care of the company's affairs. I want to go back."

"No, you almost died just now. You must have a good check." Tang Qi said involuntarily and ran over with Wu Yinghua. She hurriedly said, "my uncle has a guest, so you go to my room and I'll help her."

Tang Qi casually asked who it was. Qian simian blushed: "there's no one, just a friend."

"No, you look like you're very shy. Who is it?" Tang Qi came up to see her. Qian simian avoided Tang Qi's eyes and opened the door: "you don't distinguish between primary and secondary. It's most important to take care of this lady first."

Tang Qi had to hold her and go in through the back door. In this way, he could bypass the front hall and directly go up the stairs to Qian simian's room. He didn't have to meet the guest. Tang Qi was thinking that it wouldn't be so easy to hide it from me. I'm sure I'll find out.

He put Wu Yinghua on the bed. Qian Simian was surprised to see the disfigured woman, but she tried to keep calm. She pulled up Wu Yinghua's wrist and gave her a pulse. When Wu Yinghua saw the beautiful girl in front of her, her heart was sour. She was much more beautiful than her when she was young, but now she has become an ugly girl.

Qian simian closed her eyes and felt her pulse. Suddenly, she said, "ah, something's wrong."

Tang Qi said, "what's the matter? Does she have a very serious illness? I have detoxified her just now. Isn't it very effective?"

"No! I'm not sure. Wait for me to have a look." she looked at Wu Yinghua's face and neck carefully, as if looking for something, and then began to untie her button to look down.

Wu Yinghua was embarrassed and whispered, "girl, what are you looking for?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm going to confirm one thing, so I want to see."

Wu Yinghua nodded and opened the button at the collar. Tang Qi peeked. Her skin was delicate and smooth. She didn't look like a 40 year old middle-aged woman at all. If it weren't for her disfigurement, she would still be a beauty.

"Found it! Tang Qi, have a look!" Qian Sitian pointed to the position of her neck. Tang Qi looked down and found a needle hole the size of sesame. There was already a bruise around. It should be a needle stabbed by someone.

Wu Yinghua looked down and was stunned: "what is this? I don't remember someone stabbing me."

"Don't you remember? But is this needle very important?"

Qian simian nodded: "when I checked her pulse just now, I found that there was a strange smell in her body, which should be a sign of poisoning. However, this poisonous gas was only in the upper part of her body, and the lower part of her body was normal. I can't think of the reason, so I want to see if she was plotted. This poison should damage people's brain."

"Sure enough, otherwise she wouldn't forget." Tang Qi frowned.

"This needle is very toxic. If it is not treated in time, serious direct cancer will die. Even if it can be saved, it will become cerebral palsy and mentally retarded. Fortunately, you helped her," Qian said.

Tang Qi didn't expect her illness to be so serious: "who did it? It should be opposite to you. Is it the person you believe?"

Wu Yinghua shook her head: "I can't remember. The only impression is that we stood on the hillside and said something. I seemed to be crying, very sad, and then remember to roll down... Ah, it hurts!" she covered her head and couldn't think of it.

Tang Qi didn't speak. He began to doubt a person in his heart, that is Wei Zifeng, who met with her before. When the two met again, he didn't remember Wu Yinghua, and then they disappeared one after another on the hillside. Did he remember later that the two met and had a conflict? This guy wants to kill his lover?

Wu Yinghua suddenly hit his head in pain: "I was disfigured, but now I have become an idiot! What's the use of my life!"

Tang Qi and Qian Sitian quickly helped her: "calm down! Don't do this."

Who knows that Wu Yinghua has been out of control, or Qian Sitan stabbed her back neck with a silver needle, she completely lost her strength, and then fell soft on the bed, panting and crying.

"Why did god treat me like this! I can get married happily and live a happy life, but now it's like this. I hate it!" she began to cry. All the previous defense lines were destroyed. She was a weak woman after all.

Tang Qi advised, "it's no use thinking about it. Besides, you're not much better than a man now? You have your own company and power. What's your worry?"

Wu Yinghua suddenly grabbed Tang Qi's hand: "you're right, but how can I go back to run the company these days? Do me a favor and let the sea monster manage it for me."

"Do you know sea monsters?"

Wu Yinghua nodded: "we have known each other for many years. We are good friends. He will help me."

"OK, leave it to me. You can rest assured."

Wu Yinghua breathed a sigh of relief. Qian Sitian stabbed her again. She soon fell asleep peacefully.

Tang Qi and Qian simian came out. He asked, "I wonder if her brain can reply?"

"I don't know. I can only give her an injection for a while. But I really don't have so much confidence in my medical skills. She was poisoned and fell off the mountain. Her brain was seriously injured. I can only do my best."

Tang Qi said: "not only what, I thank you. She has been disfigured and doesn't want her to become a fool."

"In fact, Tang Qi, I just saw the scars on her body. I want to say that her skin is not irreparable."

"Really?" Tang Qi hugged her shoulder excitedly. "Is what you said true?" he was as happy as if he had won the five million grand prize.

"Good pain, you light up." Qian Simian was almost pinched into dough by him and frowned in pain.

Tang Qi quickly let go of her: "I'm sorry, I'm just too happy. In fact, I've always wanted to ask you to help her find a way to recover the scar on her face at least."

"In fact, I've heard others say that there is a divine man in Su Hai's traditional Chinese medicine circle, called nine life-breaking needles. No matter what disease he treats, nine needles can be used. He's very divine. It seems that he once helped a stupid disfigured woman."

Tang Qi said with a smile, "this man's medical skill is very high, but why is it called nine life breaking needles? Does it want human life?"

"Oh, you're right. This man has a very big temper. He doesn't have to agree when you ask him to give soldiers. Sometimes his requirements are very harsh and can't be solved with a lot of money, so it can be said that he will kill his family members. So it's called breaking his life."

"Do you know him?"

Qian Sitian blushed: "I know his son. In fact, their father and son are talking to my uncle downstairs."

Tang Qi nodded, "why did you suddenly mention this? His son is chasing you?"

"Hate it! I won't tell you. Go down and have a look. I admire the miracle doctor very much." Qian simian quickly went downstairs.

Tang Qi didn't see anyone at first, but his heart was filled with hostility. It turned out that it was the father of the smelly boy who wanted to rob a woman with me.