Chapter 99

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
After a long time, Du Ziqiang came back. Tang Qiming saw that Du Ziqiang's spirit was a little tired, and he could vaguely see scratches on his arm hidden in his sleeve.

During the meal, Du Ziqiang was a little depressed. Later, Tang Qi learned that Du Ziqiang had a daughter named Du Xiaoxiao. For some reason, she had a strange disease. Every time she got sick, she would lose her mind and even attack people. She bit with her teeth and grabbed with her hands. It was very terrible.

Naturally, Du Ziqiang also invited many well-known domestic experts and went to major hospitals for examination, but without exception, they did not have much effect. After diagnosis, the doctors said that Du Xiaoxiao had a mental problem and the possibility of recovery was not high.

Even Lou Gao, a famous Chinese medicine expert in Beijing, said that he could not cure the disease. However, Lou Gao had prescribed several prescriptions. Du Xiaoxiao had some effect after eating for a while.

With the proliferation of antibodies, the drug effect decreased rapidly. Half a year later, Du Xiaoxiao returned to his former state of occasionally waking and often crazy.

Hearing this, Tang Qi suddenly said, "Mayor Du, I have learned some medical skills. If mayor Du trusts me, I can show lingai and maybe help."

Tang Qi didn't learn medicine, but he believed in the healing ability of his fingers. If he had direct contact with Du Xiaoxiao, he was more than half sure that he could cure her.

In fact, Tang Qi is also selfish. After all, South China is his foundation. He must make friends with someone who can control the whole situation in South China so that he can help when he needs it in the future.

Of course, because Du Ziqiang is different from the senior officials contacted by Tang Qi in the past, he doesn't have much airs and acts shrewdly and humorous, so he wants to help him.

As soon as he heard that Tang Qi had a way, Du Ziqiang was happy. After dinner, he took Tang Qi to Du Xiaoxiao's room.

Du Xiaoxiao's room has been specially designed. The surrounding walls are not hard stone walls, but fiber materials. There are no sharp things in the house. I'm afraid Du Xiaoxiao will lose his mind and hurt himself when he goes crazy.

When Tang Qi came, Du Xiaoxiao was staring blankly out of the window. From the side, Du Xiaoxiao was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She was a straight young girl. The noise of the crowd did not attract Du Xiaoxiao's attention.

Tang Qi stared at Du Xiaoxiao's back and instantly expanded the three-dimensional space. First, he saw Du Xiaoxiao's soft outline, then went deep slowly and decomposed her body. She could see clearly from flesh and blood to bones. Soon, Tang Qi presented the structure of Du Xiaoxiao's body in his mind.

Having seen the physical conditions of many normal people, Tang Qi found that Du Xiaoxiao's body was very normal and full of Qi and blood. He was no different from ordinary people. His eyebrows wrinkled slightly and wanted to come closer for observation.

Tang Qi walked slowly over and stood in front of Du Xiaoxiao with a gentle smile: "I'm your father's friend. Let me check your body."

Du Ziqiang stood still and sighed in his heart. Du Xiaoxiao would stay in a daze for a period of time before he got sick. During that period, he didn't eat or drink, and even his father ignored him.

In Tang Qi's eyes, Du Xiaoxiao looks very beautiful, with slender eyebrows.

This should have been a very cheerful girl, but because of illness, at this time, her eyes are only numb, and a pair of bright eyes stare at the front foolishly, which makes people feel very strange.

She didn't seem to hear Tang Qi's words and still remained in a sitting position.

Tang Qi asked her a few words again. Seeing that the other party had no response, he had to get up and leave. At this time, Du Xiaoxiao's originally wooden face changed.

The change was getting bigger and bigger. Finally, he climbed up to a trace of pain and ferocity. Du Xiaoxiao grabbed Tang Qi and shouted, "come and help me. My head hurts. I'm dying."

The strength in her hand was so great that Tang Qi's arm hurt when she grabbed it. Seeing Du Xiaoxiao's helpless appearance, Tang Qi felt a trace of pity in his heart.

Tang Qi reached out and clenched Du Xiaoxiao's scarred little hand. He wanted to calm her down, but Du Xiaoxiao broke free. Then he suddenly hugged Tang Qi's neck and cried, "I'm so scared. Please help me. Please help me."

Du Xiaoxiao curled up in Tang Qi's arms and stopped his arms in the air. He didn't know where to put them.

All the people present turned pale. Du Ziqiang thought Du Xiaoxiao was ill again and took a few steps forward. However, he soon stopped. Du Xiaoxiao soon became quiet and fell asleep in Tang Qihuai.

Tang Qi was very embarrassed. His body was a little stiff. The two points in front of his chest were soft and pasted on his chest. He was very comfortable. His face couldn't help turning red. Looking down at Du Xiaoxiao, Tang Qi gently put her aside on the bed.

Then he took a look at mayor Du and pretended to feel Du Xiaoxiao's pulse.

"Du Xiaoxiao, female, 16 years old, has a lively personality, 1.6 meters tall, three circumference: 78, 32, 75... Due to long-term use of sulfate, the poisoning is very deep, resulting in damage to local cerebral nerves in the cerebral cortex, causing brain thinking confusion, hallucinations and often madness..."

The voice in my mind introduced Du Xiaoxiao's situation in detail. Tang Qi was secretly surprised. Du Xiaoxiao had a brain problem, and it was still a big problem.

Tang Qi condensed the three-dimensional space into a 30 cm circle and concentrated it in Du Xiaoxiao's brain. It doesn't matter. Tang Qi was immediately startled.

In Du Xiaoxiao's brain, there is a mass of black and purple poison gas around. The poison gas covers almost the nerves of the whole cerebral cortex. Knowing the source of the disease, Tang Qi decided to try with the ability of his fingers.

A touch of green light quickly entered her brain along her fingers, and then soon came into contact with the poison gas. After the poison gas touched the green light of the finger, it slowly began to decompose and dissipate.

Five minutes later, the poison gas became much smaller, but Tang Qi felt weak and hurriedly took his fingers away.

Tang Qi was surprised. In the past, as long as he used the healing ability of his fingers, the general symptoms could be cured soon. This time, Du Xiaoxiao was very poisoned. The poison gas had been fused with her brain nerve, which was difficult to peel off.

Even if the finger's ability is very bad, it can't eliminate all the poisonous gases at one time, so we have to plan for long-term treatment.

Tang Qi stood up, his face was suddenly cold, and said in a deep voice, "Mayor Du, lingai is unconscious because of the brain nerve damage caused by long-term use of sulfate. Who usually takes care of lingai's diet?"

Du Ziqiang's face suddenly changed. Sulfate, he knows, is a kind of material for making poison, which has great damage to brain nerves, and is similar to the normal salt form. It is difficult to distinguish it without instrument detection.

He suddenly turned around and said angrily, "Zhang Ping, why did you do this?"

Du Ziqiang's family has two nannies. Zhang Ping is a middle-aged woman in her thirties. She has a simple face. At first glance, she is an honest person.

Hearing Du Ziqiang's question, Zhang Ping knew that things were full and said coldly, "you asked me why I did this? Don't you remember what you did yourself?"

Du Ziqiang stared: "I have always been fair and have a clear conscience."

"A clear conscience?" Zhang Ping glanced at Tang Qi and sneered, "what did you do in Ruisheng real estate and Daoxiang village three years ago?"

Hearing the place name burst out by Zhang Ping, Du Ziqiang just felt his head buzzing and asked, "are you the child's mother?"

Zhang Ping said nothing with a cold face, but anyone could see that she acquiesced.

It turned out that three years ago, Du Ziqiang had just become mayor of South China. It was the so-called three fires when a new official took office. Du Ziqiang was no exception. Naturally, he did not pay attention to many people. If you want to make some money, you must do something public. Therefore, Du Ziqiang took the expansion of the new area as the reason to demolish Daoxiang village in Dongcheng and build a residential building.

At that time, the villagers of Daoxiang Village gathered to strongly oppose. It is reasonable to say that it is common to encounter nail households. They just want more things. At that time, Du Ziqiang felt that this was an insult to his authority, so he found a real estate company called Ruisheng and asked them to forcibly dismantle Daoxiang village.

On the day of demolition, the staff did not evacuate in advance. They thought that the crane was so moving that everyone would come out unless a fool hid in the house.

Because of this negligence, in a home in Daoxiang village, a four-year-old child was sleeping in the house. The crane directly crushed her to pieces without bones.

Zhang Ping is the child's mother. That day, she happened to go shopping and walked away for a little while. In such a short period of dozens of minutes, her four-year-old child died.

Zhang Ping was so sad that she even had the heart to die. She hated the crane driver very much. Later, after much inquiry, I learned that the person behind the matter was mayor Du Ziqiang.

To this end, he also went to the court to sue Du Ziqiang, and the court replied to him that there was no conclusive evidence of this matter, so there was no following. This discouraged her, so she decided to come to Du Ziqiang's house as a nanny and wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

Therefore, Du Xiaoxiao was poisoned.

Thinking of this, Du Ziqiang lowered his head with guilt. If he had not been so impulsive and evacuated people in advance, such an accident would not have happened. The court did not come to investigate, but because of his identity and Du Ziqiang gave them some money, it was nothing.

After all, a mayor is more reluctant to offend the mayor than the mother of a child.

Knowing what happened, Tang Qi said: "even so, you can't put all the responsibility on mayor Du. The real estate company is the responsible party. Mayor Du can only be regarded as the initiator, but they are the real field operators."

Du Ziqiang didn't speak. He knew that even if he said the smallpox was rotten, Zhang Ping might not forgive him.

Zhang Ping said, "if they didn't have his permission, would they dare to demolish it without authorization? My daughter was only four years old at that time, and her living life was killed by these profit seeking bastards. Do you think you can bear it if you put it on you?"