Chapter 55

Name:Super Pickup King Author:Tianqi
Tang Qi smiled and walked out with the people. As soon as he walked out of the gate, he saw a group of people sitting around the roadside in front of the door. Tang Qi hurried to say hello. Most people in the village were surnamed Tang and were basically related to their relatives. From childhood to Tang Qi, he was taken care of by the villagers.

The villagers warmly invited Tang Qi and others to play at home. They quickly responded with a smile. It was not easy to finish the greeting. Shen Jiajia said with a smile: "Tang Qi, you people here are so warm."

Tang Qi smiled and said, "the people here are very hospitable."

Everyone smiled at the speech. Li Xiaotong suddenly looked at the mountain opposite and said, "Tang Qi, take us to climb the mountain."

Tang Qi looked at the crowd. Their faces were full of desire. Tang Meng suddenly said, "third brother, let's go to Mangshan."

Tang Qi's face changed and said, "no!" then Tang Qi glared at Tang Meng.

Seeing this, the people asked Tang Meng where Mangshan is. Facing the eyes of the people, Tang Meng was embarrassed to introduce it to the people. Mangshan can be recognized by its name. It is an extremely dangerous place. It is located in the deep mountains in the southeast of the village. People in the village are rare. Even people in the village dare not go deep. Tang Meng once went there with Tang Qi and other brothers because of curiosity when he was a child, Not far from Mangshan, a bunch of little children were scared and ran back. Since then, Mangshan has become a restricted area in people's hearts.

"What do you see?" Shen Jiajia asked with wide eyes.

Tang Meng turned pale and said with lingering fear, "I didn't see it clearly. I only saw a black tail and was dragged back by the third brother."

Hearing the speech, everyone looked at Tang Qi curiously. Tang Qi shook his head and said, "don't ask. You can't go there anyway."

The people looked at each other, and their faces were full of expectation. Shen Jiajia said, "Tang Qi, I'm going, you take me!" Shen Jiajia actually took Tang Qi's hand and threw a Jiao.

How can people who have lived in the greenhouse since childhood know the danger? Even Wen Wen's face looks eager to try. Not to mention others, even Xiao Qin has a trace of expectation in his eyes. Xiao Qin said, "brother Tang, I've drilled a lot in the mountains and forests, and I've dealt with wolves, insects, tigers and leopards. You shouldn't be more dangerous here than those?" art experts are bold, Xiao Qin was also aroused curiosity.

Tang Qiwen's face showed hesitation. He had seen Xiao Qin's skills. In addition, he could detect the movement of 30 meters around him at any time. Maybe he could really go to play. In fact, Tang Qi was also full of curiosity about the place where the villagers kept a secret.

Seeing that Tang Qi was moved, Li Xiaotong hurriedly said, "Tang Qi, there are so many of us. Be careful. It should be all right."

Tang Qi nodded and said solemnly, "OK, but you must listen to brother Qin and me. Mangshan is really dangerous. Don't think I frighten you."

Hearing the speech, everyone nodded again and again. Shen Jiajia said, "don't worry, Tang Qi, we will be obedient!"

Tang Qi nodded and said, "come on, go back and get ready. Xiaofei, Xiaomeng, you go and pick up the guys. Don't say we're going to Mangshan when you go back." if you let your elders know, you'll never agree to let everyone go.

Tang Meng and Tang Fei couldn't wait to nod and ran to their home. Tang Qi took the people home and said to his parents who were chatting with Tang Mingli and others in the yard: "Dad, mom, we'll go for a picnic in the afternoon and won't come back for dinner."

Tang Mingwen and Chen Lan, who had just learned about the change of Tang Qi from Tang Mingli, were shocked. They didn't think much about Tang Qi's words. They just warned Tang Qi to entertain good friends, and then helped them prepare tableware. Soon they got on the bus with many things. They were surprised to see Tang Fei and Tang Meng's shotguns and various knives. Wen Wen said, "aren't these things illegal here?"

Tang Qi smiled and said, "the sky is high and the emperor is far away. No one can control it. Besides, hunting is very common here."

They were relieved. Tang Qi took Xiao Qin's car to lead the way in front. Soon, the car climbed up the top of the mountain along the winding mountain road. It took more than ten minutes to stop. There was no road ahead. They got off and found that there was a large reservoir in the depression in front. On the top of the mountain was an open grassland with a very wide field of vision, The continuous peak curves behind and on the left and right sides are reflected in the bottom of my eyes, but the line of sight opposite the reservoir is still blocked by the towering peaks. At a glance, it is very mysterious surrounded by white fog.

"Wow!" as soon as they got off the bus, they couldn't help cheering. Li Xiaotong couldn't wait to take out the camera and took photos around, looking at the image in the camera with a happy face. Zhong Yaxin greedily took a sip of the fresh air at the top of the mountain and said to Tang Qi with an intoxicated face: "Tang Qi, I have never seen such a beautiful scenery. Thank you."

Tang Qi looked at Zhong Yaxin a little dull and said unconsciously, "people are more beautiful than scenery."

When Zhong Yaxin heard the speech, there was a flash of joy in her eyes and a shy face. Tang Qi came back to his mind. He smiled awkwardly and hurried to the people who were playing on one side: "why don't we play here."

Hearing that the speech was lying in a big font on the grass, Shen Jiajia, who had no image, got up and said in a hurry, "no! I'm going to Mangshan, everybody get up!" Shen Jiajia began to greet the people.

Everyone also hurried to get up for fear that Tang Qi would change his attention. Tang Qi smiled and pointed to the mountain forest in the distance and said, "it's Python mountain after crossing that mountain. We should hurry up, otherwise we won't come back tonight."

Tang Qi asked Xiao Qin and others to park the car in the mountain depression, and then took out the things on the car. They prepared a lot of things. Everyone was not idle. They came to the mountain ditch in the reservoir along the dam. Tang Qi asked them to put tableware and other things on the grass next to the stream and said, "dinner is here. Now let's go to Mangshan and try to come back early."

Without the burden on them, they moved a lot faster. Looking at the mountain, they ran a dead horse. Half an hour later, the mountain was still far away. Tang Meng, who opened the road in front, suddenly shouted, "third brother, there's a car here!"

Tang Qiyi was stunned and hurried forward. Sure enough, he saw a four seat pickup truck parked under the shade of the tree. Tang Fei was surprised and said, "I've seen this car. It's been nearly half a month since he came to the village to collect garbage a while ago. How can it be here?"

Tang Qi opened the branches on the container and saw that there were many plastic bottles and other garbage inside. Everyone was a little surprised. Tang Qi looked around. There was no human shadow in the surrounding mountains and forests. Tang Qi said, "don't worry, let's go."

The crowd nodded and continued to walk forward. After a while, some tired people finally came to the foot of the mountain. The dazzling sunlight entering the mountain forest was blocked by the dense branches and leaves on their heads, which was much cooler. The excitement on their faces became strong again, but the faces of Tang Qi's brothers became a little dignified. Tang Qi had already expanded his ability and observed the movements around.

"Third brother, someone has been in recently." Tang Fei pointed to the broken branch road by the road.

Xiao Qin looked at the place where the branch was broken and added, "look, this mark was about ten days ago. It should be the group of people Tang Fei said."

Tang Fei was surprised and said, "what are those people doing in Mangshan?"

Tang Qi had some guesses in his heart, but he didn't say it clearly. He said, "let's go and be careful."

The more you go inside, the more lush the trees are. Fortunately, someone passed the path not long ago, which saved everyone a lot of effort. Suddenly Tang Qi's face changed greatly and shouted, "stop! Don't move! Be talked!"

The crowd was stunned. Although they didn't know what had happened, they still stood quietly. Soon their faces changed. There was a "rustling" sound in their ears from far to near. The half human tall grass in front separated on both sides. When they were close, they saw a dark back covered with scales. It was about half a meter thick. They all saw that it should be a python, The people's eyes were full of panic. Shen Jiajia's daughters hurriedly covered their mouths before they didn't cry out.

After nearly a minute, the voice gradually disappeared. The pale people breathed a sigh of relief. Shen Jiajia's daughters sat on the ground with a lingering fear on their face. Tang Qi said dryly, "it's okay, it's just a snake."

There was no response. Xiao Qin went to the mark left by the Python and looked at it and said, "brother Tang, I've seen such a big snake for the first time. This mountain really deserves its reputation!"

"Ah!" Li Xiaotong suddenly let out a voice and said regretfully, "I forgot to take a picture!"

Shen Jiajia, who heard the speech, said, "sister Xiaotong, you still want to take pictures? I'm scared to death!"

Everyone looked at Li Xiaotong strangely. Tang Qi smiled and said, "why don't we catch up and let you take pictures?"

Li Xiaotong was stunned, then shook his head and said, "forget it."

"Ha ha..." everyone laughed at the speech.

After this fight, the frightened people finally slowed down. Li Yangming said, "shit, I almost scared out of my heart disease!"

The people also agreed. In fact, Tang Qi was the most frightened person among the people. After all, only he saw the appearance of the python clearly. Fortunately, everyone was stunned and didn't disturb the python. Otherwise, Tang Qi had no doubt that he and others would become a big meal for the python.

"How about going back now or continuing?" Tang Qi looked at the crowd.

After hearing the speech, the people hesitated for a while. Wen Wen said, "this is just the beginning. Continue!" after a short period of panic, the risk factors in their blood were stimulated and said to move on.

Shen Jiajia said, "the big snake is still behind. I don't want to go back now." several people who were hesitant at Shen Jiajia's words also made up their minds.

Tang Qi had no choice but to take the people forward. After nearly an hour, the people finally climbed over the mountain forest. The woods were no longer so dense. Everyone was relieved. A gurgling stream appeared in front of the people at the foot of the mountain. The sweating people were surprised to see the clear stream. They washed their faces in the stream. It was refreshing in an instant, There was a burst of laughter in the quiet valley.

"Third brother, wild boar!" Tang Meng suddenly pointed to the other side of the stream and said in surprise.

Wild boar meat is very fragrant, especially after barbecue. When Tang Qi and others were young, they didn't think less about wild boars. Basically, wild boars near the village have entered their stomachs. It's hard to see them now. At this time, Tang Meng was a little excited to see wild boars.

When they heard the speech, they all looked opposite. They saw a small brown wild boar humming along the Bank of the river looking for food. He looked very cute. Although Tang Qi was excited, he also said cautiously: "this is not a village. Wild boars live in groups. Don't act rashly. Adult wild boars are not easy to provoke."

Hearing the speech, Tang Meng also calmed down. Then they saw a group of wild boars coming down the mountain one after another in the woods on the mountain. Several of them were as big as calves, especially one of the wild boars with a mane on his head and two long sharp teeth on his mouth. They were all nervous because they were attracted by the lovely look of the little wild boar.