Chapter 63 - Home

Chapter 63 - Home

25th Winter, Month 3, the Year 2400

Inside the Snowflake Dungeon, a few kilometers away from the entrance, a big tent was erected there. On the side of the tent was a big flag with a phoenix symbol on it.

This was the tent built by the Phoenix Clan. The clan had sent a few members to search for Lucas and Qin Yun. They got the news of them being in the Snowflake Dungeon but even until today, they had yet to find them.

They believed that the duo was deeper inside the dungeon and had dispatched many strong tamers to explore further in the dungeon. They were in much more hurry after the event with the pillar of light.

Since no one in the camp had a snow element pet, they had no idea of the Snow Seed and had remained alert for the past ten days. All of them were afraid that a strong monster had appeared.

A tamer came back to the camp. He reported that the area he went to had no sign of Qin Yun. He met many tamers along the way and asked them about Qin Yun but no one met him.

"… I don't want to spoil the mood but maybe the young master is…" that tamer stopped his sentence there.

"I also think so but the Clan Elders said he is still alive and fine. Both of them are," said another tamer.

"Why are they so sure of that?"

"I don't know but the clan had been weird since last month. Don't you guys know how many of us were transferred to this city suddenly? Not only that but we are asked to guard this city too," another tamer told his suspicion.

"That's not all. Our rival clans are moving to this city too. I think there is something that attracts them here but I am not sure what," another tamer said.

Everyone went silent. Some of them were natives of the city but most of them there were transferred from another city. They had no clue why and the clan did not say anything else too. More to that, a super-strong elder from the main clan was transferred to the city too.

"Sigh…" one of them sighed and he continued, "Have you guys try the pet nursery recommended by the elders?"

"Not yet. I just got to this city and I am here immediately to search for the Young Master."

"Nope. Not yet." The others shook their heads too.

"You guys should try it. I don't know what trick they used but any pet sent there would get a lot of improvement. I am not joking. You said that my Needle Tiger is strong but it is because of that nursery," the tamer that asked earlier told them his experience of the Pasken Pet Nursery.

"For real?" They did not believe it. They had seen the Needle Tiger fight for a few days and it was much stronger than their pets. It never crossed their mind that the Needle Tiger was strong because of the nursery.

"I am not lying. I think the elders knew it too and recommended it to us," said that tamer. Then, all of them started talking about the Pasken Pet Nursery.

That tamer that had experienced the miraculous training of the nursery told them about the nursery in detail. From the location of the nursery to the services offered by them. Not only that but that tamer praised the nursery a lot for their cheap prices but high-quality services.

All he spurred out of his mouth were full of praise. Not one of them was a bad thing about the nursery.

Some of them were skeptical about the nursery as it sounded too good to be true but that tamer defended the nursery. He had experienced it himself so he knew how good the nursery was.

While they were chatting, suddenly, someone came in and shouted, "We found the Young Master. Group C is escorting them here." Everyone was relieved when they heard that. After that, they waited. An hour later, a group of tamers reached the camp with Qin Yun and Lucas.

Raillow was with Qin Yun and only Fury was with Lucas. He sat at his usual location, Lucas's head. As they were in a less dangerous area, Lucas turned Foody to the card.

"Young Master, you are fine," one of them said and he looked relieved. He was afraid that Qin Yun would be injured and that would make the Clan Elders mad.

"It is all thanks to Brother Lucas," Qin Yun smiled at Lucas. Lucas smiled back but he did not say a word. "Anyway, when can we get home? I miss my bed," Qin Yun said.

"Ah! Let's go now. The dungeon entrance is not that far away," said a tamer that was leading the search operation. After that, the tamers from the Phoenix Clan started packing and they moved out of the dungeon.

The military knew of what had happened. When they were at the entrance, the members of the Phoenix Clan gave their thanks to the soldiers guarding the entrance and they left the Snowflake Dungeon.

They dropped Lucas at the nursery and went back to the Phoenix Clan.

It was late evening when Lucas arrived at the nursery. At that time, not many people were at the nursery. Katheryn knew of Lucas's arrival, so she was not shocked. Not only that but she knew that Lucas was fine thanks to Sery's daily report.

Katheryn smiled at Lucas and continued her work. Lucas went to Room No 1, where the nursing pen was located, and set Glaide there. Although Glaide had absorbed the energy from the Blizzard Orb to heal, she was still injured.

Not only Glaide, but Lucas set Foody and Fury there too. They needed to heal their fatigue.

After that, Lucas went upstairs, and surprisingly, Hailey was not in the living room watching the cartoon. Lucas looked around and found out that Hailey was playing with Blue in her room.

"Since when?" Lucas asked Sery, surprised.

[Three days ago. She knew that she needed to be brave. Her hard work for the past few days paid off. She still fears the monsters but this is a small step for her] Sery answered.

Lucas did not want to disturb Hailey and went back to his room. It had been a few days since he had a shower. Lucas took a bath. After that, he rested on his bed and fell asleep immediately.

In the Snowflake Dungeon, he needed to stay alert most of the time. Although he was resting, he was not truly resting because he needed to keep his guard up all the time. The Snowflake Dungeon was not a nursery dungeon. If he lost his life there, he lost it forever.

The pressure was high and it was hard for him to rest there. Hence, when he got home and lied on his bed, his tiredness spread all over his body. His tension flew away. He was in the most relaxing state because he knew that the nursery was the safest place in the world.

Thus, once his head touched the pillow, he 'blackout' immediately.

[Have a good rest, Master]