In fact, where the people in black are hiding, Cheng Ruonan has a clue for a long time. After all, the obvious clue of the broadcast may be slow for Jiang Hua, but it is not very difficult for the sensitive, careful and powerful witch with Jianghu experience. You can get the clue as long as you think about it carefully.

As for the strategy, Cheng Ruonan has never thought of what to do. Forcibly breaking in can only hurt her and xiaoyingying in vain.

So Cheng Ruonan didn't think much about this until the radio just sounded and always stressed to send Jianghua and xiaoyingying to them. Cheng Ruonan, who was at a loss like a headless fly, suddenly had a plan.

However, this plan requires xiaoyingying's cooperation, and it is also very dangerous. If her motherhood is not rampant, she can't help seeing xiaoyingying's tears. Cheng Ruo man won't tell xiaoyingying about this plan. Now she just hopes xiaoyingying can listen to her and cooperate with her. In this way, they can get out of danger and leave this ghost place.

She is only responsible for helping Jiang Hua solve the people in black outside. She doesn't intend to enter the broadcasting room to do those thankless things. When Jiang Hua saved her, she planned to hand over all the fighting and killing to Jiang Hua in the future. As for her, she just had to cook for Jiang Hua at home.

"This time it will be very dangerous. Maybe we will all get hurt, but next you have to trust me, or we will all die in it!" Cheng Renan said seriously to xiaoyingying.

This is not Cheng Ruonan's alarmist talk. Cheng Ruonan's plan is in great danger. Once there is any mistake in the plan, they are likely to face more than a dozen guns.

In front of more than a dozen guns, Cheng Renan himself is likely to be seriously injured. It will naturally become very difficult to protect xiaoyingying. It is likely that xiaoyingying will die in it if he is not careful.

"I'm not afraid!"

Xiaoyingying's eyes showed a resolute, because she had died too many people. Each death put a pressure on xiaoyingying's heart, just like another person said in her ear that she killed them. This is a kind of torture. Xiaoyingying is less than eight years old. This torture is too hard for her.

"Well, very brave!"

Cheng Renan scraped on xiaoyingying's nose to show his encouragement. Xiaoyingying's courage reminds Cheng Renan of himself at this age. Seeing xiaoyingying in a trance is like seeing herself many years ago.

Then, Cheng Renan took xiaoyingying to the broadcasting room, and on the other side, the man who xiaoyingying claimed could only give birth to her was in trouble.

Jiang Hua's place is a distance from the broadcasting room. At the beginning, he went in the opposite direction, which made it impossible for him to get to the broadcasting room in one minute.

And most importantly, Jiang Hua wanted to take a shortcut, but he didn't expect to go to the wrong place and go to the place where the man in black controls all the tourists in the amusement park.

There are eleven people in black here. They control the tourists and take away their mobile phones and belongings. The formation is very big. Jiang Hua is a little confused.

Jiang Hua began to doubt xiaoyingying's identity. As a child under the age of eight, she was able to let so many people in black kidnap, and did not hesitate to control the whole amusement park after the matter was exposed.

To control an amusement park is to threaten the government with thousands or even tens of thousands of lives. So many people's lives are only for xiaoyingying. How strong is xiaoyingying's family background?

Jiang Hua didn't dare to think about it. He was afraid that if he thought more, Xiao Yingying's family background would scare him out of breath.

People in black are very orderly distributed around, so that Jianghua can't quickly solve them, and there are many hostages in front of them. This is what really makes Jianghua throw a rat's deterrent.

But without solving the man in black, Jiang Hua has no way to go from here, let alone save people. Now he can only pray that Cheng Ruonan's unreliable woman can save people in time, otherwise the child can only die miserably in front of Jiang Hua.

Looking at the man in black who keeps walking around, Jiang Hua has no way for a while. After all, he is not a special police. He does not have enough experience in these terrorists, and even the special police will feel helpless in the face of this situation.

There are too many people in black. There are eleven, which makes it difficult for Jianghua to find the breaking point. Eleven people in black take care of about one or two hundred hostages. If Jianghua makes a mistake, it will cause casualties.

As long as a person holds a sense of death and wants to drag a few cushions before he dies, he can pull down an unknown number of cushions only by carrying a gun and shooting casually in the crowd.

Although Jiang Hua didn't owe them anything, Jiang Hua didn't want so many innocent people to die because of him. He was kind-hearted to save people, but he killed people. It's better not to save them!

Just when Jiang Hua couldn't find the breaking point, a person in the crowd saw Jiang Hua. Jiang Hua greeted him. What Jiang Hua didn't expect was that the guy not only greeted Jiang Hua very well, but also pointed out his position to the man in black.

At that time, there were 10000 grass mud horses in Jiang Hua's heart. Jiang Hua would never mind beating him if he had a chance.

Then all the people in Black shot Jiang Hua's place with guns. Fortunately, Jiang Hua reacted quickly and avoided in time, otherwise Jiang Hua might be beaten into a horse honeycomb by them.

"He's not dead, he's still there!" Although Jiang Hua dodged the bullet of the man in black, he also exposed his whereabouts to the man in black. In an instant, three people in black chased in the direction of Jiang Hua.

In fact, Jiang Hua deliberately exposed his whereabouts. These people in black just saw his back and didn't know who he was. He had only one person here. People in black are likely to come out to pursue Jiang Hua regardless.

Jiang Hua's snake leading performance was very good. Sure enough, three people in black followed Jiang Hua, which was the result Jiang Hua needed.

Jiang Hua, who was worried about how to solve the man in black, didn't expect the opportunity to come like this. However, the opportunity came strangely, but Jiang Hua didn't intend to miss the opportunity.

It's impossible to solve the people in black at one time. Jiang Hua doesn't expect to solve these people in black at once, but since he dares to catch up, Jiang Hua doesn't intend to let them go back!