Chapter 1708


Bai Yun's show eyebrows wrinkled. She is not a person eager for quick success and instant benefit, so she is very disgusted with the word gambling.

She is better at playing steadily and holding everything in her hands.

The feeling that everything is under control is what she likes.

But now ye Xu's mouth is pressed by the whole army and directly makes the final decisive battle, which makes Bai Yun feel a sense of resistance.

Gambling means that everything will go beyond anyone's control and develop in an unpredictable direction.

Without the feeling of control, Bai Yun will be flustered, so she doesn't agree with Ye Xu.

"Your proposal, Mr. Yang Yi, is really good, but I don't agree. It's too risky to gamble. Moreover, our strength is not as good as that of Bai Yun!"

Ye Xu said with a smile, "since it's not as good as it is, it's even more important to bet! If the princess doesn't dare to bet, let me come alone!"

Then he stood up, waved his sleeve and said, "at this time tomorrow, go to Baiyun mansion, and everything will be settled!"

After saying that, ye Xu's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

After he left, Bai Guang fiercely waved his fist and said, "what a rampant guy. Although he has strength, it's too reckless!"

"It's too risky to fight Bai Yun!"

Bai Yun also sighed: "I also know it's too risky, especially if this person's origin is unknown, and I don't know what kind of heart he's in, so I have to guard against it!"

"Princess, what should we do?"

Bai Guang said.

A trace of Li mang flashed in Bai Yun's eyes and said, "wait and see its change!"

"What! Wait and see!"

Bai Guang and others looked at each other and saw the amazement in each other's eyes.

Bai Yun slowly sat on the chair, her eyes very cold.

"Didn't he say that at this time of the day, let's go to Bai Yun's house? Let's see what he can do!"

Bai Guang and others bowed and said, "yes!"

Ye Xu, who left Baiyun's house, rose directly into the sky, leaped into the sky, and then lay down obliquely. With his wrist turned over, a cup of tea appeared.

"Ah... Good tea!"

After taking a sip of it, ye Xu gasped greatly.

He has such a fierce style that Princess Bai Yun will doubt it. If it were ye Xu in the past, it would never be so fierce.

But at this time, ye Xu's state of mind has completely changed. He must obtain the earth pole force in huangquan road as soon as possible, integrate the four pole forces, form divine power and break through the realm.

Then get the pillar of faith hidden in the monument of the world.

With two of the four pillars, ye Xu is qualified to break into the fairy world.

The three saints of the three religions and Qingye and other people who do not belong to the plight wake up one after another, which makes Ye Xu feel deep pressure. He can't let it go any longer. He must hold the initiative in his own hands.

As for what Princess Bai Yun will think of him, he doesn't care, because he doesn't care what Princess Bai Yun will think.

The moon set and the sun rose. Ye Xu narrowed his eyes and enjoyed the golden black sun. He didn't move.

At this time, everyone in Bai Yun's house didn't rest.

"Can't find the mysterious Yang Yi?"

Bai Yun frowned and looked at the scouts. Since ye Xu left, Bai Yun sent someone to look for him secretly, but she couldn't find him.

Seeing that it was almost noon, ye Xu seemed to be missing. He didn't know where he had gone.

Bai Yun's house is also stable, and no one seems to be attacked.

Bai Guang severely hammered the chair and said, "I knew that guy was a liar! How could he beat so many experts under Bai Yun alone!"

"We shouldn't believe him!"

Bai Yun's face was not good-looking either. She frowned and said, "are you telling me not to interfere in your affairs?"

She thought for a moment and said to the scouts, "recall all scouts, everyone go to rest, and go to Bai Yun's house in the evening!"

Bai Guang said in amazement, "princess, you..."

Bai Yun shook her head and said, "since others deliberately don't let us find it, there must be his reason, so we might as well wait and see its change. If he can really suppress Bai Yun, it will be a good thing!"

"If we can't suppress it, it will at least give us a chance to breathe!"

"Uncle Bai Guang, take out our hidden power. This is the best plan to attack Bai Yun!"

Bai Guang's spirit was shocked. He smiled grimly and said, "OK, I've been impatient for a long time!"

Since Bai Yun was injured, he secretly asked Bai Guang to gather his elite martial artists and hide them, which was used when preparing for the final showdown.

Now Bai Yun wakes up again, which is the time to use this force.

Jinwu slowly fell. When the sunset dyed the white dragon city red, there were fewer martial artists in the street.

At this time, in the distance of the street outside Baiyun mansion, a figure came slowly.

White clothes, evil spirits, Qi sink like water.

The martial arts guards at the gate of Baiyun mansion didn't notice at first. When the man came to the front ten feet of Baiyun mansion, the martial arts guards reacted. They took out their weapons and aimed at the man.

"Who the hell are you!"

"Stop! This is Princess Bai Yun's mansion. You can't touch it!"

"Bold madman, dare to take another step, kill on the spot, and never forgive!"

However, ye Xu ignored the obstruction of the gatekeeper and continued to move forward.

The gatekeeper looked at each other, shouted in unison, and chopped at Ye Xu with a knife.

But ye Xu kept moving forward.

Just when the long knife hit him, the white smoke rolled up and banged several times. Those gatekeepers broke their long knives and flew out upside down. They hit the wall hard, and their bones were about to crack and couldn't move.

This is when ye Xu keeps his hand.

If you do, ten of them won't die.

Without squinting, ye Xumu stepped directly onto the steps of Baiyun mansion.

"Damn intruder, be bold!"

"Come on, surround!"

"Don't let him enter the princess's house!"

At the moment of entering Baiyun mansion, countless martial artists poured out from everywhere.

Ye Xu stood on the steps and looked at the many martial artists with swords and crossbows. He said faintly.

"Today I come, don't kill, get out of the way!"

"As long as Bai Yun gives up competing for the position of Bai Long patriarch, I can leave!"

Hearing Ye Xu's words, all the martial artists were furious.

"What a arrogant guy! He dares to speak unkindly to the princess!"

"Hum, I don't believe so many of us can't beat you!"

"Let's go together and cut him into meat sauce!"