Chapter 1539

With that, the villa leader of HuLong mountain villa returned to his seat with a gloomy face. He clenched his fists and forcibly suppressed his anger.

Wujian Tianxuan and xueqianqiu also returned to tianmingzong.

Ye Xu smiled and said, "the result of the game has been determined. Does the villa owner have any objection?"

The leader of HuLong mountain villa was burning. He said with gnashing teeth, "hum, you are invincible!"

"Oh? Fair duel, why not win?"

Ye Xu looked at the leader of HuLong mountain villa with cynical eyes and said, "I regret your cultivation in the early days of Tianjing with the strength of the peak of Tianjing. Speaking of it, my Tianming sect has suffered some losses? Or you can't afford to lose, villa leader!"


The leader of HuLong mountain villa was furious and wanted to stand up, but he was held down by the unintentional leader.

"Villa leader, put off the anger of thunder temporarily. We will not give up this matter. Calm down first!"


The leader of HuLong mountain villa snorted coldly and sat down.

The unintentional leader stood up with applause.

"Wonderful, wonderful, the cultivation of tianmingzong disciples is really beyond our expectation. We are convinced of the power of tianmingzong!"

Ye Xu said with a smile, "this is the best. I'm afraid I don't mean it!"

The unintentional sect leader was exposed. He smiled awkwardly and continued: "now we believe that Tianming sect has the ability to fight beyond the level and the details of founding a sect! Next, I have a few things to discuss with elder Ye Xu!"

Ye Xu said with a smile, "if you have no intention, please tell me!"

The unintentional leader said with a smile: "since tianmingzong has established a sect here, we need to discuss the issue of resources. What do you say, elder Ye Xu!"

Ye Xu knows that the unintentional leader has something to say, but he has understood the ultimate purpose of the four forces, so now he is just lying to the snake!

The unintentional leader said faintly, "we all know that resources are limited. Previously, within a radius of thousands of miles, only we asked the four forces of Jianzong, unintentional sect, HuLong villa and cloud gate. The resources are barely enough!"

"But now there is another tianmingzong. This resource is a little tight! Isn't it, elder Ye Xu?"

"If we don't reallocate resources, our major forces will fight again sooner or later. If we hurt our harmony, it won't be good! I don't think you want to see such a thing!"

Ye Xu said, "of course, it's better to do more than one thing. As for the problem of resources, I don't know what good way the unintentional Lord can do?"

The unintentional sect leader knew it well for a long time. He said lightly: "in fact, it's very simple. We unintentional sect didn't want to occupy any more resources. As long as elder Ye Xu is willing to take out the right to use the dream crystal palace, we unintentional sect are still happy to share resources with Tianming sect!"

"Oh, is this requirement a little too much? Unintentional Lord..."

Wujian Tianxuan said.

Unintentional leader PI xiaorou said without a smile: "it's not too much at all. As long as tianmingzong allows our unintentional disciples to practice here and use this dream crystal palace a little, it's easy to say what resources!"

Ye Xu and Wujian Tianxuan looked at each other and said faintly, "it's the of tianmingzong. Isn't it inappropriate for the disciples of wuxinzong to practice here?"

The unintentional patriarch shrugged and said, "Oh, the resources of the sect are limited. Although I don't want much, I don't want to send these resources out for nothing! If we can't agree..."

Speaking of this, the unintentional patriarch didn't finish, but looked at Ye Xu faintly, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Ye Xu laughed. He looked at the leaders of the four forces with different looks and said faintly, "well, we are being tested by nonsense. If you want the resources of my tianmingzong, take them with your strength!"

"And your four forces. Since our tianmingzong was founded, we are not afraid of making trouble! It is good for everyone to coexist peacefully, but if you are aggressive, don't think that our tianmingzong won't kill!"

As soon as he said this, the leaders of the four forces turned pale at the same time, stood up one after another and looked at Ye Xu with frightened eyes.

"Ye Xu, you're crazy. What you mean by this is to fight against our four forces at the same time, aren't you?"

"Hehe, you are still in your infancy. Your voice is so crazy. Even if all your disciples have the ability to fight beyond the level, the number of people is your Achilles' heel. Hundreds of thousands of disciples of our four forces drowned you with one mouthful of saliva!"

"Since elder Ye doesn't want to discuss, it really makes it difficult for our four forces!"

Ye Xu waved his sleeve and said, "OK, what are you wearing? Don't you just like the dream crystal palace? Hypocrisy is disgusting. Today, I put my words here. None of the practitioners of tianmingzong can live!"

His gentle manner suddenly changed and became extremely fierce. An abnormal sense of oppression arose spontaneously. The heads of the four forces were cold and even afraid.

But a moment later, the leaders of the four forces were all furious.

"Well, ye Xu, talk big. Since you don't give face, our four forces don't need to give you face. Today is the day when your tianmingzong opened the sect and your tianmingzong destroyed the sect. Come on, surround me!"

At the command, all the elders and disciples of the four forces poured out and surrounded the Tianming sect.

Ask the sword sect leader. His face is ferocious and his whole body is awe inspiring.

"Ha ha, but only a mere 30 or so disciples, plus a hundred wastes, are not enough for our four forces to fill their teeth!"

The villa leader of HuLong mountain villa said with pity: "what are you talking about with him? Kill all the chickens and dogs!"

The cloud gate master also shouted, "yes, after killing all, we'll share the stolen goods slowly!"

The unintentional leader spread his hands and said, "elder ye, I kindly advise you, but you don't appreciate it. Don't blame our four forces for being rude!"

With the words, the elders and disciples of the four forces slowly pushed forward, and a strong sense of oppression rushed towards Tianming sect.

Each of the disciples who had just joined the sect was frightened, clenched their fists and ready to fight hard at any time.

At this time, Zhou Qi said with a smile: "relax a little. There is a big elder. Don't worry about anything!"

Lin Dong and others were stunned.

Zhou Qi carried it on his hands and didn't even mean to draw a sword.

"If these four forces were friends, they could still have a chance of life, but they chose the most stupid way and angered the elder. None of them could live!"


Lin Dong, Bai Chong and others looked at each other, took a cold breath, and looked up at Ye Xu rising from the sky.