Chapter 1240

On the hillside of Lingshan mountain, a light blue emerged. Ye Xu sat on a big stone and watched the LingMi growing in the Lingtian with great interest.

"From birth to death, from death to life, the cycle of heaven, wonderful!"

In Ye Xu's eyes, a spiritual seedling grows slowly. The root of the spiritual seedling continues to stretch downward, desperately absorbs the aura in the soil, and then continuously purifies the aura in the body of the spiritual seedling, and finally turns into full spiritual rice.

Although the process was slow, ye Xu's eyes seemed to be attracted.

"Well, isn't this the beauty of reincarnation! Ha ha..."

A spirit seedling grew up. Ye xuqu pointed to a bullet, and the spirit rice on the spirit seedling was directly shaken down and sprinkled into the spirit field.

Then more spiritual seedlings grow slowly.

"The left is a little dry!"

Ye Xu stretched out his hand to grasp the void, and the aura in the air turned into a rain, which poured on the dry place.

At the moment, Lingtian is countless silk threads in his eyes. If any silk thread goes wrong, ye Xu can detect it in time and then rest for it.

In the eyes of Ye Xu, the planting process that seems very boring to other martial artists is very interesting.

In Ye Xu's cultivation, everything in the world has its meaning of existence.

Planting spiritual fields is a seemingly humble job, but it has irreplaceable importance.

The level of LingMi is simply the amount of Reiki stored in LingMi.

Ordinary LingMi contains at most 10% aura, and the rest is just dross.

When a warrior eats inferior LingMi, the dross left will form a barrier in his body and must take time to discharge.

The medium LingMi can store 30% to 50% of the Reiki. After eating, the warrior can absorb more Reiki, and the impurities discharged are much less than the low-grade LingMi.

As for the first-class LingMi, it contains at least 50% of the aura. After eating it, it only takes a very short time for the warrior to expel the impurities.

It can be said that the more aura and less impurities in LingMi, the more perfect LingMi is.

What ye Xu is planting now is Lei Ling, one of the top ten spiritual species in ancient times. The upper limit of seeds can reach more than 95%.

Ye Xu kept waving his hands in the void, slowly adjusted the direction of Reiki, evenly distributed Reiki to each lingmiao, and let all lingmiao absorb enough Reiki.

"Wow... What a tall lingmiao, what a big LingMi!"

Purple clothes and Angelica dahurica yawned out of the room, and then their stretching movement solidified.

Only one night, more than half of the spiritual seedlings had appeared in the spiritual field where there was only one spiritual seedling.

Every spiritual seedling is full of huge spiritual rice, and each spiritual rice is half the size of a fist.

Angelica dahurica grew up with a mouth and an incredible face.

"Master, this is..."

Although Lei Ling is one of the top ten spirits in ancient times, it is not so exaggerated.

Ye Xu smiled and said, "well, the LingMi I planted looks ok!"


Purple clothes and Angelica dahurica looked at each other and felt messy in the wind.

Even the most idiot can see the extraordinary place of LingMi at a glance. If it's OK, what are the Lingtian and LingMi under the hillside?

Compared with this holy field, those holy fields and holy rice under the hillside can only be described as garbage.

With a flick of Ye xuqu's finger, dozens of spiritual seedlings burst, and light blue spiritual rice splashed down one after another.

Before LingMi landed, ye Xu rolled his sleeves, and the light blue LingMi danced one after another and fell on the open space.

At the same time of landing, the rain fell, and the time was just right.

LingMi was moistened by Lingyu and began to sprout one after another.


Seeing such an incredible scene, Ziyi and Angelica were stunned.

Ye Xu turned his head and said with a smile, "do you see anything from the planting of LingMi?"

Ziyi and Angelica looked at each other and shook their heads blankly.

Ye Xu said with a smile: "from germination to maturity, a LingMi is just like your life. The way of heaven circulates, from birth to death, from death to life..."

With Ye Xu's voice, purple clothes and Angelica dahurica suddenly became heavy, and they sat down unconsciously.

Ye Xu smiled, flicked his fingers, and a colorful aura flew out, enveloping their bodies.

Then the strong soul force turned into two stars and integrated into the soul sea of purple clothes and Angelica dahurica.

"Seize the opportunity! Improve your talent..."

Ye Xu vomited a mouthful of turbid air.

He was about to take the next step when he frowned and sighed, "Hey, it's really hard for people to live in peace!"

With his voice, I saw a group of monsters suddenly appear at the foot of the mountain, frantically rushing towards the hillside.

Those monsters' eyes were red and seemed to be stimulated by something. They all ran in one direction. Where they passed, the spirit field was annihilated one after another. The spirit rice was directly destroyed, and the immature white spirit rice was sprinkled all over the ground.

Not only that, the monster ran on all fours, and the well cultivated spiritual field was trampled everywhere. Many martial artists screamed.

As soon as the monster stepped on it, their one month's hard work went up in smoke.

Moreover, the holy land has also been damaged to varying degrees. The holy rice is good, but it is difficult to repair the damaged holy land.

"Damn monster!"

"How can there be so many monsters? It's abnormal!"

"Look, those monsters are running towards the hillside. There is the purple spirit field!"

"No, the purple spiritual field has also been damaged!"

At the foot of the mountain, the warriors who planted the white spirit field gathered together one after another, stared at the crazy monster and rushed straight into the purple spirit field.

The warriors who planted the purple spirit field took out their weapons and rushed towards the monster.

The purple LingMi is their painstaking efforts. Now it is easily damaged. How can we bear it.

The martial artists at the foot of the mountain were distressed that their spiritual field was destroyed. They also raised their weapons and rushed to the mountainside.

"Damn it, let's go together and kill these monsters!"

"Yes, these monster roads arrogantly impact our spiritual field, which can't be tolerated anyway!"

"Everybody rush!"

One person shouted and immediately responded. Both the martial artists whose Lingtian was damaged and the martial artists whose Lingtian was not damaged were filled with righteous indignation.

After all, Lingtian is their lifeblood. If they don't get rid of these monsters, they don't know who will turn next time.

So kill the monster once and for all.