Chapter 938

"OK! I've written down this sword. I'll come to you again! Ha ha..."

In the wild laughter, the figure of the people in the net burst into little stars and dissipated in the void.

"What a man in the net, really powerful!"

Ye Xu wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and looked dignified.

It's so difficult to fight a wisp of soul. If you really face the real people in the net, I'm afraid it's definitely a fierce battle.

Although Ye Xu has confidence, he may not be able to really win.

"It seems that the road of Kendo is still very long!"

Ye Xu vomited a foul breath, and strong self-confidence reappeared in his heart.

When he returned to the dark underground palace, all the orcs had been killed.

"It seems that this place should not stay long! The king of darkness!"

Ye Xu looked at the devastated dark underground palace and said to the dark king.

The dark king sighed and said, "unexpectedly, my dark underground people have inherited the dark underground palace for thousands of years, and now it has become a broken wall!"

Ye Xu said, "we humans have a saying, it's called breaking and then standing, not breaking and not standing!"

"There is another saying that is a blessing in disguise! This dark underground palace has exhausted its potential. Now it has been broken, which just kills your idea. How about finding another place and rebuilding an underground palace!"

The dark king sighed, "now there is war in the East, where can I look for such a place!"

Ye Xu said with a smile, "I have three underground palaces under the rising sun city. If the dark king doesn't dislike it, how about taking the three underground palaces as a place to live!"

The dark king hesitated.

To be honest, he doesn't want to leave where he is now.

Because here, he is free. The dark underground palace has been built by the dark underground people for many years and has engraved their deep memory. Now they are really reluctant to give up completely!

But if you don't move away, once the orcs attack again, the dark underground people are likely to be destroyed.

This is also something the dark king doesn't want to see.

Seeing the dark king hesitating, the Jungle Tiger King said in a deep voice: "I say the dark king, what are you hesitating about? Lao Tzu's Jungle Tiger Valley is no less than you. It's not time to give up. You have reached the present state. What else can't be opened!"

This sentence was like a blow to the head. The dark king suddenly woke up with a shock.

"Yes, when I came to the chaotic continent, I also had no fixed place. Until I found this place, I was stable! Maybe the long-term stability made us lose the courage to move again! Now the underground palace has been destroyed, isn't it God who asked us to find the lost courage?"

"Let it be! I'm a dark underground man, and I'll annoy Ye Huang!"

The dark king said and bowed deeply to Ye Xu.

"Hahaha... You're welcome! Now that you've made up your mind, please clean up the dark underground people. I'll let you clean out the third floor of the underground!"

Ye Xu said with a smile.

The dark king shook his head and said, "it's shameful to bother Ye Huang to clean! We people in the dark also have hands, so we can clean naturally!"

Ye Xu didn't insist either. He smiled and said, "OK, let's go to the deep sea people!"

The deep-sea fish king had been waiting for a long time. He smiled silently when he heard the speech.

Several people soared into the sky and flew towards the deep-sea fish family.

It is said to be a deep-sea fish family. In fact, it is just a huge lake.

In the depths of the lake, there is a huge palace. Countless deep-sea fish corpses emerge around the palace, and a large group of orcs, wearing strange masks and ignoring the power of water pressure, are frantically attacking the deep-sea palace.

The first one is the general of the orc family. His name is the water beast king. He is storming the deep sea fish palace.

The huge palace is already in danger without the sacrifice of the orcs.

At the critical moment, ye Xu and others arrived.

Without any superfluous words, the two sides immediately fought together.

Holding a steel fork, the deep sea fish king turned the waves in the angry sea and rolled up and tore up countless orcs.

The dark king waved his hands, and the darkness came silently, besieged the orcs, and then died in fear.

As for the Jungle Tiger King, he was much more crisp. He directly stretched out his hands and tore the orcs directly.

Blood gushed out.

Ye Xu didn't talk nonsense anymore. He directly talked to the water beast king.

"Who the hell are you! Dare to break my Orc thing!"

The water beast king looked at Ye Xu angrily.

"If you don't go... You'll die..."

Ye Xu didn't talk nonsense. With a little finger, a sword spirit flew out.

The water beast king roared and cut out with a knife, but he was shocked back dozens of steps and showed fear.

"OK, today I will accept the planting of orcs and withdraw!"

It seems that ye Xu's horror has been known. Without hesitation, the water Orc King directly raised his knife, and the water Orc army immediately retreated back.

Within a moment, the whole Orc army had withdrawn completely.

The deep-sea fish king looked at the deep-sea fish palace that destroyed more than half of it and sighed. Before ye Xu spoke, he took the initiative to speak.

"Ye Huang, there should be a lake in the rising sun city!"

Ye Xu said with a smile: "of course... There is a bigger Lake in my sunrise City, waiting for the deep-sea fish family to move in!"

"The lake in our rising sun city connects with the underground river, which is a great place!"

The deep sea fish King touched his nose and said with a bitter smile, "it seems that I have no choice!"

He simply summoned the surviving fish people and took all the things that could be taken away from the fish palace.

In this way, the three kings returned to the rising sun city with Ye Xu.

At this time, the great benefits of sunrise city were revealed.

The three underground floors were handed over to the dark underground people of the dark king.

They open up the underground, excavate minerals and build underground palaces.

Ye Xu didn't treat the dark underground people badly. He directly ordered the craftsmen who would forge to help, smelt the ore collected by the dark underground people, and then build it into a steel underground palace.

The iron underground palace is far beyond the previous dark underground palace in terms of scale and tenacity.

The dark king was also surprised and happy, and the last doubt in his heart dissipated.

What surprised him even more was that ye Xu himself made a move and engraved the array for his underground palace.

The big array is connected with the rising sun City, adding three points of power.

Of course, ye Xu treated the dark underground people so favorably that he did not treat the deep-sea fish and jungle tigers badly.

He created the same palace for the deep-sea fish clan and the Jungle Tiger clan, and then engraved the same array.

Deep sea fish king, dark land king and Jungle Tiger King felt Ye Xu's kindness and returned immediately.

Ye Xu has no affectation. After all, the three kings have returned, and he has also received a lot of faith.