Chapter 395

Name:Super Medicine King Author:菜包
Ye Ming also doesn't care whether Aunt Wang's words are pretexts or not. He directly takes out his ID card and hands it to Aunt Wang.

"I can press my ID card on you. If you have this, you won't be afraid that you can't find me. I am now in high school in the city. You can find me there. If you can't, I can press my cell phone on you. There are my family's phone numbers on it. If you don't believe me, you can call them now, but don't say that. "

Ye Ming gave up and used all the guarantees he could use. Now it's a rare chance to get a sum of money to solve the problem. How could he let it go so easily. But to his disappointment, Aunt Wang still gave her ID card back to her, didn't ask for her mobile phone, and shook her head.

Ye Ming suddenly felt full of disappointment and sighed deeply. He was just about to say yes, but unexpectedly, Aunt Wang suddenly said.

"I don't want your ID card, I don't want your mobile phone, I just need you to promise me one thing, I will promise you this."

Ye Ming was overjoyed and asked.

"What will I promise you?"

"Promise me to be my apprentice and inherit my school."

Succession school? What is this? Seeing ye Ming's doubts, Aunt Wang can't help explaining to Ye Ming in detail. It turns out that Aunt Wang's ancestral traditional Chinese medicine was also acquired by her ancestors. She promised that if she met a good seedling, she would pass it on. No matter what the other party's identity was, as long as the human nature passed through.

This is very rare in the era when every ancient Chinese medicine attaches great importance to the inheritance of teachers. Thanks to this, this small hospital can inherit it to today. Aunt Wang originally wanted to pass it on to her son, but all of them had no idea in this aspect, and she didn't want to be destroyed, so she broke her mind.

Here, Aunt Wang also explained why Wang Fen was angry just now. Because Wang Fen has always wanted to share with Aunt Wang, she extremely hopes to be the successor, so that she can accompany Aunt Wang all her life. But unfortunately, Wang Fen has no talent in this aspect. Even though she has worked hard, her success is not as good as one-third of that of Aunt Wang when she was the same age. Therefore, Aunt Wang is not satisfied that she does not want to be inherited by Wang Fen. Even if Wang Fen is her most precious daughter, she does not relax in this matter.

However, she also told Wang Fen that if she did not find a suitable candidate in her 20-year-old retirement year, she would let Wang Fen inherit. No matter how bad it is, it is better to let the inheritance break. This is also Aunt Wang's last concession. In the past few years, Aunt Wang has been unable to find a good seedling. It's only two years before the appointed period. Ye Ming suddenly burst in at this time. Naturally, Wang Fen is angry with her.

Ye Ming suddenly realized that it was no wonder that if he was himself, he would be no better.

In the end, Ye Ming agreed to Aunt Wang. Originally, Ye Ming had no plans for the future. He just wanted to stay with the two elders and take care of his younger sister and brother. Therefore, Ye Ming didn't care about the inheritance requirement of staying here after graduation, because it was not very far from home. He could go back by car at any time.

Aunt Wang seems to test Ye Ming's humanity with this month's salary. She doesn't want Ye Ming to sign any contract or press anything. She just wants Ye Ming's verbal promise and directly transfers 5000 yuan to Ye Ming's account.

Because of this, Ye Ming also brings Aunt Wang's relationship closer in his heart. After receiving the money, Ye Ming can't help asking.

"Auntie, just now I heard that you have no income for many days. Will this five thousand yuan affect you?"

Aunt Wang waved her hand and said with a smile.

"Five thousand yuan is nothing to me. You can't see that this small hospital can't make any money. What we really make money from is not relying on it, but another way."

"Another way? What is it? Can you tell me? "

Ye Ming immediately curious, Aunt Wang also does not hide, directly said this door. It turns out that there is a relationship network behind this network. Behind this network are the major hospitals and those rich and upper class people. Because of the impact of Western medicine, many Chinese medicine businesses are not very good now. If Aunt Wang is short of money, she only needs to give some rich people in the relationship network a look at their illness or give a certain hospital a prescription, and then she can get a lot of money.

Ye Ming realized that he wanted to make more money than he thought. He was more relieved. Suddenly, an idea came into his mind and said.

"Can I try this method?"

Aunt Wang was stunned for a moment and then said.

"Yes, yes, but not now. If you want to enter this network, you must have a guide. Now your guide is naturally me, but even if you have a guide, it's time-consuming. Do you have free time now? Ten days and a half months? "

Aunt Wang's words directly let Ye Ming give up this idea for a while, but it's not impossible, but at least he has to enlarge the holiday, which is two months later.

Two months has been a long time. Ye Ming's current troubles have not been solved, so he directly put the idea behind him and entered his real theme. Buy medicine.

Yes, just now in Aunt Wang's pharmacy, Ye Ming saw several pieces of herbs he needed. Although Ye Ming didn't see some of them, he didn't finish reading them one by one, so he probably had them all. If so, Ye Ming could save the most troublesome part of looking for herbs.

So Ye Ming directly asked about the remaining herbs. To Ye Ming's surprise, Aunt Wang really had all of them here, but she still asked Ye Ming curiously what to do with them. Because in her impression, these herbs can't make up any prescription, so she doubted whether Ye Ming knew something she didn't know.

This is a kind of common disease of people like them. For them, the prescription is their own lifeblood, whether it's their own or others' instinctively. It's just that Ye Ming didn't say the prescription just because he had decided to join the school. First, the effect of the prescription was a bit crooked. He didn't know whether Aunt Wang would treat herself differently.

Second, he instinctively doesn't want to let others know that he knows this. Maybe he's afraid of having trouble explaining it, or maybe he's afraid of some misconceptions. Anyway, Ye Ming doesn't want to reveal this to anyone.

So for Aunt Wang's question, Ye Ming thought about it, and then found a good reason to cover up the past. Ye Ming's reason is that he wants to make it by himself.