Chapter 194

Name:Super Medicine King Author:菜包
After Chu Xuan agreed to Ye Ming, the trip seemed like a honeymoon trip.

Ye Ming begins to take Chu Xuan and baby to eat and drink everywhere. They dive together, eat seafood and watch the moon.

Baby seems to accept Ye Ming, but she refuses to change her name to Ye Ming's father. Although Ye Ming was worried, he had no way.

After all, the baby is still small, so for several years has not had the concept of a father, now let her suddenly call a father is very difficult.

Chu Xuan also worried that Ye Ming would have an opinion because of this, but she didn't want to force Baobao to change. So I had to think I couldn't see it.

Anyway, it should be OK after a while.

That evening, Ye Ming took Chu Xuan and Bao Bao to climb the mountain.

In the car, the baby asked Chu Xuan with a puzzled face: "Mom, people climb mountains in the morning. Why do we climb mountains so late?"

Chuxuan said with a smile, "the sunrise in Qiuye mountain is very beautiful. When we camp on the mountain tonight, we will see the sunrise tomorrow."

Hearing Chu Xuan's reply, Baobao nodded happily. Ye Ming looked back and asked, "does Baobao like watching the sunrise?"

"Yes, the baby likes to watch the sunrise. It's just that before I couldn't get up, I didn't see it... "Baby pretended to be aggrieved, which made chuxuan and Yeming laugh.

"Then you should remember tomorrow, don't miss the beautiful sunrise of Qiuye mountain." Chuxuan hugged her baby with a smile.

These days, Chu Xuan feels that she is the happiest person in the world. Ye Ming dotes on himself, and his baby is so obedient that he has nothing else to pick on.

Soon three people reached the foot of Qiuye mountain. At this time, there were fewer climbers than in the morning. Now, most of the climbers come to watch the sunrise.

Ye Ming is a practitioner with good physical strength, while his baby is still young, and he doesn't feel tired when he walks.

Instead, Chu Xuan became the one with the worst physical strength. "We're here on holiday. Why are you walking so fast?"

Ye Ming smell speech to turn head to see one eye, discover Chu Xuan Wei Qu Ba Ba Ba Ba of looking at oneself, immediately heart all soft“ All right, just slow down. I'm not in a hurry anyway. "

Baby see their two interaction, "mother so adult also coquetry, shame."

Hearing the baby's dislike, Chu Xuan clenched her teeth and couldn't let her daughter look down on her. So keep trying to keep up with them.

Behind Chu Xuan in secret, in front of the baby is still there with Ye Ming bite ears: "uncle, mother's physical strength is very poor. It's a drag on us

Ye Ming touched the baby's head with a smile: "you can't say mother like this. Didn't we agree to protect mother together?"

Hearing Ye Ming's words, Baobao pondered for a moment, ran to the back, took Chu Xuan's hand and said, "Mom, I'll go with you."

Chu Xuan touched the baby's head and led him up. Soon the three of them arrived at the camp at the top of the mountain.

There are many families setting up tents at the campsite. Chu Xuan looks at the little open space and asks Ye Ming anxiously, "is there any free camp now? Go and ask."

Ye Ming said with disdain: "who is your husband? How can I let you go for nothing? I've already set a camp for a long time!"

At this time, the expression on his face was full of praise me, praise me quickly. Chuxuan was amused by Ye Ming's arrogant expression, so she said with approval: "that's right! My husband is wonderful

Baby listen to their conversation turned a white eye, so to the child scatter dog food interesting? Really.

I can't stand their two babies running out to meet new friends.

Waiting for dinner, the baby has made several children, mixed into a child king.

Chu Xuan originally wanted to help Ye Ming set up a tent, but she had never set up a tent, and she couldn't even understand the instructions.

When ye Ming saw her clumsy appearance, it didn't matter that she couldn't help. For fear that she would hurt herself, he just drove her out to see the scenery.

Anyway, for Ye Ming, setting up a tent is just a piece of cake.

The dinner on the mountain needs to be prepared by oneself. The food can be bought in the supermarket of the camp, but all of them are raw and need to be baked by oneself.

This is easy for Ye Ming, who grew up in the rural area. He roasted a pheasant and put cumin on it.

Yeming roasted pheasant skin crisp meat is tender, the skin roasted outside is scorched and fragrant, but the meat inside is fresh and juicy.

The three soon divided a mountain and began to ask for the second pheasant. Ye Ming's roast pheasant skill not only bribes Baobao and chuxuan, but also attracts the little girl from the camp next door.

"Uncle, your roast drumsticks are delicious!"

Seeing the little girl's bright eyes looking at the drumstick, Chu Xuan pulled it down with a smile and gave it to her.

The baby is already familiar with the little girl, looking at her and saying.

"Er Ya, how did you come here to eat? Where's your father?"

Two Ya gnawed chicken legs and said with disdain, "my father has just set up a tent for more than an hour, and now he's starting to set up a grill. It's estimated that when he's done baking, we can all have supper. "

The baby nodded, "then don't eat too much, leave some stomach to eat your father's supper!"

Er Ya thought about it and said, "it's OK. I'll have enough to eat first. I'll go out for a walk and digest it. I can eat more when I go back."

Ye Ming and Chu Xuan are amused by the children's childlike words, and the four end the dinner with a smile.

After eating enough, the baby said that she wanted to go with Er Ya to find other friends to play with. Chu Xuan looked at the bright lights in the camp and saw that it was safe, so she let them go.

Chu Xuan and Ye Ming are ready to go out for a walk after they have finished cleaning up. They hold hands and chat slowly as they walk.

Chu Xuan asked Ye Ming seriously, "do you mind if the baby doesn't call your father?"

Ye Ming looks at the serious Chu Xuan and fondles her head: "I don't mind, as long as you and the baby are by my side. The baby is still small, don't worry about it

Chu Xuan nodded, "don't worry, baby knows who is good to her. Soon she will change her tongue

Ye Ming also nodded with Chu Xuan. In fact, Ye Ming didn't worry about it. What he called was just a title. He knew that the baby couldn't accept him.

The night on the mountain is very quiet. Stars blink in the sky, and occasionally cicadas sing. Everything is so quiet and beautiful.

At this time, suddenly came a harsh Scream: "ah!"

Chu Xuan and Ye Ming look at each other and say: "it's baby!"