Chapter 107

Name:Super Medicine King Author:菜包
"What do you think?"

"Captain, I think we can have a try. Anyway, there is no other means. Even if we fail, there will be no loss. At most, we can make the butchers more alert."

Bat believes in Ye Ming's plan, or he believes in Ye Ming himself.

After hesitating for a while, Long Ling said, "OK, then follow Ye Ming's plan."

Agreed to Ye Ming's plan, a group of eight people rushed to the canyon not far away.

"Captain, I feel like the butchers are on their way."

Jiaoyue half squints and reports to Longling.

Ye Ming opened his eyes: "OK, the action can start."

Meanwhile, on the butchers' side.

"Boss, there's still no movement." Truse, the master, reported to the butcher.

The butcher frowned: "let's keep on going. After half an hour's rest, those ordinary people should have recovered a little."

"OK, boss, I'll let them get up and keep going."

It's not that they have to walk, but that ordinary cars can't be used in the mountains, and what they can use are some intelligent tools. But the special operations team in Jiuzhou has a God, so there's no way to do it.

Just as the butchers were about to leave, a voice came from a distance: "butcher grandson, I'm here. Do you have the courage to come and compete with me?"

The butcher raised his brow and said, "lone wolf, what's that noise?"

Bats speak Jiuzhou language. The butcher can't understand it, but he has his men who can understand it.

"Boss, they are saying..."

Listening to the translation of the lone wolf, the butcher gave a cold smile: "do they think this is a child's house? If they shout a few slogans, I will be stimulated? Keep going. "

"Butcher grandson, don't you dare to come? I know that the battlefield is not the place where you still come. Go home and have milk..."

The more the bat scolds, the more energetic he is. The more he scolds, the worse he hears. The lone wolf constantly translates to him in the butcher's ear. The butcher's eyes jump straight: "damn yellow monkey, you can only talk. Let's go."

"Wait, boss." Just as the butcher ordered him to leave, the master called out to him, "it seems that something is happening."

The butcher frowned. He didn't know what the Yellow monkeys were up to. When they scolded, there was a movement.

"What's the matter? Are there enemies here?"

"No, boss, I feel a very secret power fluctuation, as if it's the moon's power."

"Well, boss, this wave seems to be hiding something. I dare say something is near us."

"Oh," the butcher came interested: "quick, feel carefully, and see what those yellow monkeys are doing."

"Yes, boss, I feel it."

The master looked excited: "I feel two breath nearby, like the Titan and the hurricane."

"What are they doing?"

"I don't know," said the master with a frown. "I just feel that they are very well hidden without moving. If I hadn't improved my powers recently, I would have been cheated."

"Well, boss, I heard them."

The butcher frowned, "what do they say?"

"I don't understand, boss." The master has a bitter face.

"Then read it out and let the lone wolf translate."

"Well, boss, they say we are ambushing here. As soon as the butchers come, we will save the ordinary people here."

Hearing the translation of the lone wolf, the butcher was puzzled: "Why are they so sure that I will leave here?"

"What else do they say?"

"Boss, they also said that if you let the butcher know that Jiaoyue is just a bait, I don't know if he will pass. They also said that you white people are all muscular and brainless, and you will surely be fooled."

At this time, the master spoke again: "boss, the woman named Jiaoyue has entered our range of 30 meters."

The master frowned: "let Jiaoyue be the bait to lure us in the past, and then the two left behind take the opportunity to save these ordinary people?"

"Boss, I guess you're right. These yellow monkeys are sure to play these tricks."

"No," said the butcher, shaking his head. "Why do they think that one month can motivate us?"

"Boss, I know." The master said excitedly: "they must think that as long as we catch Jiaoyue, their combat power will drop a lot, so they sent Jiaoyue to lure us. In this case, why don't we make a plan?"

"Oh? What's the trick? "

"Boss, there are two people here. They are the main force of hurricane and Titan. Without these two people, their combat power will definitely drop greatly. It's better for us to take the initiative to attack them while they are few."

After thinking about it, the butcher still felt that it was not right: "no, the direction of the sound just now is a canyon. If they are ambushing somewhere, maybe we will suffer."

"Boss, you are too careful." The master said, "they have two people here now. Even if they have any ambush, we don't have to be afraid."

"I guess that bright month is just for delaying time. They dare not really let us go to that Canyon, boss. Don't hesitate. We should take the initiative."

"Truse, are you sure your perception is right?"

Hearing that the butcher suspected him, the master was a little unhappy, but he didn't show it. He just tried harder to persuade the butcher to take the initiative: "boss, believe me, there's absolutely no mistake. Don't hesitate, take the initiative to attack and take them by surprise."

At this time, the bat's voice came again: "butcher, you are a turtle grandson..."

The butcher gritted his teeth: "OK, truse, I'll listen to you for a while. Where is Jiaoyue? We'll chase her."

"Boss, it's about thirty meters in that direction." The way to dominate excitement.

"OK, let's go after it."

Seven people rushed out to chase Jiaoyue.

Jiaoyue saw that the people came after her, but she didn't hesitate. She ran with all her strength. Under the night, she was very fast.

"Look, boss, she changed direction. I guess that's right."

The master laughed, because he saw that Jiaoyue, who was supposed to run in the direction of the canyon, completely changed his direction and ran to another place.

There was a smile on the butcher's face: "good, everyone stop, let's go to the canyon."

Under the cover of the dominating power, a group of seven people touch the canyon, and Jiaoyue feels that the breath of the people behind her disappears, and she also smiles: "have you been deceived?"

When the power is activated, Jiaoyue also follows the butcher behind them and rushes to the canyon.