Chapter 491

Name:Super Master Author:潇湘公子
Master Huineng also looked at Zhao Tianming seriously, "the so-called predestined person is just the person who is predestined to be able to experience this change, produce change, or promote change. Benefactor Zhao, you are the most important part. You are the one who is destined for you. "

Zhao Tianming lowered his eyelids. "There are a lot of people who are predestined, but there are not many people who can cross... If I am predestined, then can I survive this disaster? What kind of people can I help through such a disaster? There are so many people in the world that they don't know how many they are... "

Master Huineng also slightly closed his eyes, "the changes of every era are breathtaking. Liu Lizun is also an important person of this change, even the initiator, promoter and promoter of this change. He leads the trend, he leads the change. "

Zhao Tianming lowered his eyelids and tapped his fingers on the futon. "Liu Lizhun is an important figure in the transformation of this era. Without Liu Lizhun, I'm afraid there would not have been so many masters who broke the void and saw the gods. What I did not expect is that in the 21st century and the new century, there will be a big discussion about the existence of gods, which is similar to that only in the ancient wilderness. I don't know that science has dialectically analyzed this paradox step by step. There has never been a God in history. There has never been a God before, and there will never be a God in the future. "

Master Huineng's left thumb turned the Buddha's bead. "Science is just a tool for human beings to explain the present phenomenon. It is because people are afraid of gods and supernatural things that they invent science and explain everything they see in a more acceptable way. Similarly, there are many things that can't be explained by science. It can't be explained now, and it won't be explained in the future. This is science. "

Zhao Tianming's fingers gently tapped on the futon, with a strange rhythm. "Science is really a tool, and now science is not perfect. Although I don't fully agree that history is a mirror, history can't be a mirror. Although it can't develop according to the historical track, what we are experiencing is also history. It is impossible to go against the rolling tide of history. Anyone who goes against the tide of history will come to a miserable end and will not get a good end. The past experience tells us that God is only created by human beings to confuse other human beings and consolidate his dominant position. The real God can't exist at all! If God really exists, what evidence do you have to prove that the real God exists? Is it three inches above our heads, high above us? "

Huineng turned the rosary beads left and right, and put a strange handprint in his right hand, which was the same as the Giant Buddha's gesture, giving people a sense of vastness and completeness, "Buddha, the true God, does not really exist on our heads. They have never been above the crowd. The real gods are among us. Our hearts are extremely divine. Our hearts are Buddha. Buddha exists in three thousand worlds. He recites scriptures to help the world tide over the calamities and help all living beings

Zhao Tianming's voice was very soft. "Master Huineng, since you can practice to break the void and see that God is not bad, you will surely be able to conclude that the God of this world is really ourselves. Internal saints and external kings are their own gods. To break the void and see the God is not bad, what you see is only yourself, your body and your God. Then why should we concretize it? To create Sakyamuni? And create Jesus Christ? And create Allah? Those gods who are far beyond human energy, change the world, or even create the world? "

Huineng said slowly: "to break the void and see the God is not bad, but to let people witness the God more clearly. Only by breaking the void and seeing the God is not bad, can we have some basic skills of peeping at the God. Gods created human beings, created Buddhism and martial arts, and helped people better understand themselves and achieve themselves. To promote historical change and help people change the world is the way for gods and Buddhists to transform the world. To give human civilization, knowledge, culture and even science and technology is to enable people to live a better life. Through change and creation, they can clear their karma, achieve their true self and finally enter the three worlds. Enter the Buddhist land and complete the detachment. It's sad that when people get something from God, they take it to prove that God doesn't exist. Isn't that ridiculous? "

Zhao Tianming's fingers are still gently tapping on the futon, and even gradually resonate with the echo of the whole temple, and even make people feel that here is the place where the temple rings the bell. Grand and direct, the Buddha is right in his thought of "turning the world around, asking people to do good, accumulate virtue and create beauty.". However, those corrupt officials took the stolen money and handed it to the temple as incense money. They lit one after another and continued to do evil. But can you say that they have been committed to the good and the Buddha? Can they, in this way, wash away their karma and become the Buddha? Into the vast Buddhist land? What to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, in my opinion, is all nonsense. Since only those bandits and robbers can lay down their butcher knives and become Buddhists, isn't it unfair to other people? It's better for people to just throw down the butcher's knife and become Buddhists instead of being good for decades? If the Buddha really is this idea, then the Buddha really does not believe it. "Huineng puts down her right hand and forms a strange handprint, which is printed on the ground gently, counteracting the sound of Zhao Tianming tapping on the futon. The big finger and thumb together seem to form a circle. There is a kind of momentum that the Bodhisattva of Tibetans lives in hell, and countless demons and ghosts are hard to approach! Exorcism, light hell.

Actually, it gradually counteracts the sound of Zhao Tianming's fingers, or forms a strange resonance, a terrible balance.

"Putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha is not the truth. Just want to time, Buddha for any people, are equal, treat everyone, treat anyone, even if it is evil, the history of the villain! It is also equal. The opportunity to become a Buddha is equal, and the opportunity to let go of sin is also equal. As I always said, as long as you have Buddha in your heart, you can become Buddha. As for those corrupt officials offering incense money, it doesn't exist here. As long as they are willing to believe in Buddhism, they will use the Buddha nature to restrain themselves. As long as they put on a stick of incense, they can express their heart. The door of Buddhism is always open to anyone. Even if it's an atheist like benefactor Zhao, it's the same. As long as you are in the embrace of Buddhism, the Buddha will bless you. "

While listening to Huineng's words, Zhao Tianming feels that Huineng's strength is so strong that it seems to be no different from Liu Lizun's, even if it is not as good as him. The king of Tibet's handprint is so strange that it can easily dissolve his voice when it is printed on the ground.

"If so, isn't it another paradox? As long as you believe in Buddhism, as long as you believe in Christ Jesus, God will bless you? Only believe them, they will pull you at the end of the world? What's the use of believing in such gods? Since God is so high, omnipotent, great mind, why can there be such a narrow mood? Only the believers can be protected, while the common people have no protection. Is such a God too selfish? Since it is a God, there should be no human emotions, treat all the world the same, whether it is a believer or not, should be unreserved protection is! So I said, if there are gods, and only in this way can they protect you, then such gods and such narrow-minded people really don't believe it. "

Hearing this, master Huineng can't help but be silent. Zhao Tianming's words are really on the point. Since it is a God, since it is so great that it can change everything, transcend everything, promote change, promote change, and transform the world, why should it be so narrow-minded? And have such a narrow mind? Is such a God really worth believing in?

Master Huineng stopped for a long time before he said, "there is some truth in what benefactor Zhao said. However, benefactor Zhao is not a theist, so he said something else. The real gods, though not narrow-minded, are not allowed to be desecrated by mortals. No mortals are allowed to criticize. If you have profaned the God, why does the God save you? And why do you want to be transformed? "

Zhao Tianming said faintly: "if I neither profane the gods, but also respect the gods, then the gods will really save me? We are all people who know all the great principles of boxing. Are you still so stubborn? Then again, if I am a bad person, I have killed countless people, committed many crimes, insulted the Buddha, profaned the gods, and then suddenly put down the butcher's knife, can I become a Buddha immediately? For a person who has insulted the Buddha and profaned the gods, will the gods tolerate such a person? "

Huineng said slowly: "that's inevitable. Although the gods severely punish those who blaspheme themselves, they still hold a tolerant attitude towards the people who are willing to be good and yearn for beauty. Even if you have insulted and profaned the gods, the Buddha will still help you, influence you, transform you, and lead you to a truly wonderful world. "

The first book is a novel