Chapter 477

Name:Super Master Author:潇湘公子
The man was surprised, "how can it be?"

Old Zhang took a smoke and gave him a light look. "How can it be impossible?"

That person anxiously smoked a cigarette, "how can he have such strength? Liu Lizun is like a god! In the history of eclosion gate, there has never been such a powerful person! His strength, a surprise is to break the void, see God is not bad! No matter how powerful Zhao Tianming is, he is just such strength. However, according to reliable information, after returning from abroad this time, Liu Lizun has a new feeling. In addition, Zhao Tianming has gone to Liu Lizun before, which seems to have improved his strength even more! How could it not be Zhao Tianming's opponent? How many years has he been practicing? Even if I started to practice martial arts in my mother's womb, I can't be the opponent of such a great master as Liu Lizun! "

Zhang said faintly: "Zhao Tianming is a man who can't be judged by common sense. He has long been a figure who breaks the void. Some disciples reported that when he killed Duan Tianyu in Israel, he even used only one move! Moreover, the most important thing is that in the encirclement and killing a few days ago, he killed the four elites! That's four Dan masters! It's not a common master, even enough to challenge Liu Lizun! He was killed by Zhao Tianming! What's more, there was an ALTAX before, and he was killed in this way! Why not? Moreover, even with occasional fire, Zhao Tianming was able to retreat from his shelter and even killed the professional Gunners hired by the rich. You are still so determined that Liu Lizun will be able to kill Zhao Tianming? Will Zhao Tianming lose? "

That person seems to be a little dispirited, can't believe a way: "this Zhao Tianming how can suddenly so fierce?"? As far as we know, it's only a few years since he practiced martial arts! How can it be so powerful? Isn't the leader an opponent? "

Mr. Zhang waved his hand, his eyes were a little deep, "that's not sure. Liu Lizun, as we all know, is a very proud and arrogant person with strong self-esteem! The most wrong thing Zhao Tianming did was to provoke Liu Lizun the day before yesterday. It is useless to help him become a God. Most importantly, Liu Lizhun was really angry this time. Do you remember when Liu Lizhun was so angry last time? "

That person seems to have a lingering fear. When I think of Liu Lizun, I feel a little creepy. "Of course, I remember... That was the day when Liu Lizun became the leader of the eclosion sect. Liu Lizhun killed his master that day... Our leader at that time... It was really terrible! What a heavy crime it was to deceive the master and destroy his ancestors, but he killed them without hesitation! It's because the idea is different, because he wants to become a God, but the leader tells him that there are no so-called gods in the world, so he kills people in pain... "

One day a long time ago, Liu Lizhun had just finished his homework and returned to his room, but he was called by his master. Liu Li Zun also happened to have something about martial arts to discuss with him, so he ran quickly.

"Liu Lizun, how are you doing today? Did Zhou Guan still not fight you? I have told him that if you want to improve, you have to fight with you a lot, so that you can learn a lot... How about Liu Lizun and Duan Tianyu? "

When a man in his late fifties saw Liu Lizhun come in, a complicated look flashed in his eyes.

Liu Li Zun sat down and said slowly, "master, Zhou Guan didn't know where he was hiding. I didn't find him. But I saw Duan Tianyu. It seems that his martial arts have developed very fast recently, and he has already entered Dan Dao. We confirm each other's martial arts, but there are some things I don't understand very well. I hope master can give us some advice. "

He nodded. "What do you don't understand? Duan Tianyu is very good. She has already entered the Dandao, and you have now entered the Gangjin. She is in the same realm as me. If I give you advice, I can't give you too much profound things. If you and Duan Tianyu are here in the future, I can rest assured that Wuji gate will not be your opponent even if it has the most amazing talent. "

Liu Lizun frowned and said, "master, I've fallen into a bottleneck in my boxing practice recently. According to the common sense, Dan Dao is one of the most important barriers to the rise of the golden immortal. But why, Duan Tianyu into the Dan Road, but can not see a sign of eclosion? And I have already entered into the vigorous force, but I can not feel the feeling of becoming an immortal? There's no sense of following the sky. "

The master looked at Liu Lizhun deeply and said slowly, "Liu Lizhun, you are the first person in the history of yuhuamen. No one can step into vigorous force at your age. So, I'd like to know what kind of situation you have about yuhuamen's boxing thought? In the end, what kind of degree is regarded as immortality? In the end, what kind of realm can we reach before we can emerge and soar? "Liu Lizun raised his head and said, "of course, it's only possible for the boxing level to reach the highest level! Break the void, see God is not bad, you can see God! At that time, when I saw the immortals, I was also in the immortal class! Achieve immortality, achieve legend. The founder of eclosion gate, that is, in the moment of breaking the void, achieved the true God

The master sighed and said, "Liu Lizun, do you really think there are gods in this world? Do you really think that the ancestor of our eclosion gate, in the moment of breaking the void, achieved the true immortal? Seeing God is not bad. What is the God you see? "

Liu Lizun frowned, looked at his father and said, "of course there are gods in this world! If there are no immortals, what can we see when we break the void? If it's not an immortal, how can we draw such a picture of the rising of an immortal? Master, I believe you will not fail to understand such a strong and extreme artistic conception. We've all grown up watching that picture since childhood. We practice boxing every day, and we understand the artistic conception in our hearts. Only in this way can we get to where we are now! "

The master looked at him deeply. "Liu Lizun, how can you explain that now you are all over the body, and you are almost far away from breaking the void. It's only one step away to see that God is not bad, and you haven't felt the slightest sense of flying up yet?"

Liu Li Zun lost his voice and said, "master, I should have asked you about this! Is it not the foundation of our eclosion? As our leader, why do you waver now? Now, although we are able to spread our strength all over the body, it seems that there is fairy music playing when we raise our hands and feet, after all, we have not reached the realm of breaking the void and seeing God. We do not know what kind of scene it is at that stage! I'm not sure. "

The master shook his head and looked at Liu Li Zun seriously. "Liu Li Zun, I used to believe that the power of our eclosion gate is to become an immortal. We all want to rise. But, after so long, are you still so persistent? Our eclosion sect was founded for hundreds of years. At that time, it was normal to want to be an immortal. But what kind of society is there now? How can there be an immortal? If there are immortals, why have we never met them? We are all the figures who are good at boxing. If there are gods, then we will certainly communicate with each other. But why don't we have any feeling now? Is there really no immortal in this world? "

Liu Lizun trembled all over, even some uncontrollably. He never thought that his belief would be questioned by the master who he worshipped since he was a child. It's like that you always believe in the Buddha. One day, the oldest historical books prove that the Buddha is actually a god invented by people, and the evidence is conclusive.

Do you feel the collapse of your whole life just like Liu Lizun?

Liu Li Zun trembled all over and stared at his master, "impossible! Absolutely impossible! If you can't be an immortal, what can you see when you break the void? If I can't be an immortal, how can I realize my ideal? "

The master sighed, "Liu Lizun, wake up, you are the pillar of our eclosion gate, and you are our future. If you have always believed that you can become an immortal, then our eclosion gate may be really lonely and become a heresy. Boxing, boxing and realm are just for health preservation and to express our feelings as a warrior, to help the poor and to kill those who do evil. It's not about being an immortal, it's not about rising. "

Liu Lizhun was shivering and sweating. At this moment, it was just like Zhao Tianming's belief in all the inner disciples of the eclosion sect. It was something that he had insisted on for decades, but now it was torn up by people!

This clarity broke out in an instant. Liu Li Zun trembled, and his face had become distorted. Tears and sweat were intertwined and flowed down. "Master... Master... Father... Are you serious? Is there really no immortal in the world? I don't believe it! I don't believe it

The master looked at Liu Lizhun sadly and pitifully, "Liu Lizhun, wake up. Eclosion gate needs you, and the future also needs you. Don't be stubborn. You still have time to face yourself. In this way, after my death, eclosion gate and you can lead us to the real light. "

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