Chapter 427

Name:Super Master Author:潇湘公子
Zhao Tianming didn't have the heart to be sentimental and romantic with Su duanshui. The first thing he did was to rush to Charles wells' manor and find Charles wells. He said faintly, "Charles wells, I know you have your own secret flight route to China. Please fix the fastest time for me. I want to go to China."

Charles wells nodded and turned to inquire about the date and time for Zhao Tianming.

Zhao Tianming asks Su duanshui to have a rest here and goes out to find Mie himself. It seems that I really like Tiffany, Charles wells' sister. I have fun with her every day. Their relationship is warming up. Although this is a little deviated from the original intention of old Charles, but it is still a blind eye.

Zhao Tianming dragged him into a corner and even lit a cigarette. Zhao Tianming said calmly, "I'm going to go back home!"

Mie was so surprised that he almost ate the cigarette into his stomach and said in surprise: "boss, are you serious? I'm going home now? "

Zhao Tianming nodded, slightly pondered: "Mie, I'm going back with Su duanshui this time, but you can't come with us. You need to stay here first. I have something for you to do

Although Mie felt shocked, he calmed down in an instant, and the corner of his mouth showed a sign smile, "OK, I'm glad to serve you! Boss, we are going to have a big fight this time, right? "

Zhao Tianming nodded, and the gloom in his eyes flashed away. "Liu Lizun has already left. As far as I know, he went to the Vatican. I need you to continue to inquire about his whereabouts for me! Don't worry. Even if he finds you, he can't kill you. "

Mie nodded and said with a bitter smile: "boss, you really got me a hard job this time! A character like him, how can I grasp his clues? What's more, his whereabouts. People like him are no longer earthlings. How can I track such immortals? "

Zhao Tianming kicked him in the ass, "Damn it! You have to do it for me! If you can't do it well, you can come to see me with your head up! "

With that, Zhao Tianming turned around and left, but after two steps, he stopped and turned his back to him. He didn't look out, but said faintly, "be careful..." and disappeared here after a few steps.

Mie touched his nose, laughed and said to himself, "you are still so reserved, boss..."

Zhao Tianming knows that he left yesterday. For Meilin, he really went too far, but there's no way. He doesn't have that kind of love for Meilin, and he doesn't have any special feelings, It's just some physical involvement, but it's hard to say who is right and who is wrong. In short, Zhao Tianming really can't have any other relationship with her.

So he also plans to leave without saying goodbye, and is not ready to inform her. Although Zhao Tianming is not ready to inform her, she sends a short message to Zhao Tianming: are you ready to leave?

Zhao Tianming was silent for a long time, but he gave her a short message: goodbye, you are a good girl, there will be someone more suitable for you, I will take good care of Tang Tian.

On the other side of time and space, Merlin is crying with her phone.

Zhao Tianming knew that when he left, he might not come back. After thinking about it, there were still some things that needed to be explained, so he dialed Steve's phone, and a bored voice came from the other end of the phone, "hello?"

Zhao Tianming said faintly: "it's me."

Steve instantly woke up, a woman next to him panted and complained. As a result, Steve kicked him out of bed and flattered him and said: "old... Boss! What can I do for you? I have been waiting for your instruction... "

Zhao Tianming said faintly: "Steve, I order you from now on, give me the best and most potential people in secret! No matter how many people, the more the better! Someone will contact you in a period of time. You can give them all to him at that time. "

Steve nodded and frowned. "Boss, there's no problem, it's just... I'm afraid no one can suppress those crazy natives after those good guys leave! Other gangs may take the opportunity to make trouble, if so... "

Zhao Tianming lightly interrupted him, "Steve, in some places, we are all the same people! I don't know if you're going to create a Steve family, but if you're smart, it's not the time to hide, you know? I don't want to talk more about these problems. If you know all about them, you don't have to let me talk more. Now it's impossible for the Mafia in Israel to dare to challenge us. Moses kaleide will help you. Remember, you should keep the boss's words in mind at all times. "

Zhao Tianming said and hung up the phone. On the other end of the phone, Steve felt a shock and whispered, "he... He... He already knows?"Zhao Tianming lit a cigarette against the wind and tried to clear his mind. Of course, he knew that Steve had a group of elite hands. It was said that he was also a mercenary he had trained privately. He had performed a lot of tasks in Africa and were all valiant generals!

At that time, when Zhao Tianming raided the Wharton family, Steve did not take out these treasures. Zhao Tianming didn't know about it at that time, but later, when he was training mercenaries and killers in Africa, he knew about it by accident.

Since Zhao Tianming said this, it means that if you present these treasures now, I won't touch you, but if you still don't know your face, your fate should be very clear.

And Zhao Tianming's intention is also very obvious, that is because his assassin group has a weak foundation. Although there are several experts, there is no solid foundation, and the number of people is too small, which is not as large as other organizations.

Therefore, the people he selected wanted to make Mie the king of killers and add luster to the organization. At the same time, Zhao Tianming also wants to take the opportunity to beat Steve, so that he can't be too complacent and don't know what identity he is now.

Zhao Tianming took a deep breath of smoke, and his brain was spinning fast. Some of his layout abroad has gradually revealed its rudiment. Israel is a springboard, from which we can find some elite talents, transport them to Africa for training, and train them into elite killers and mercenaries.

At the same time, he also maintained a good relationship with European financial oligarchs. Only in this way can he not break his capital chain and have the capital to continue to play with Liu Lizun.

Moreover, if I can survive this time, there will be Moses kaleide's dark chess. At that time, Moshe kaleide should also become the president of Israel. Through some policies issued by Moshe kaleide, he can seek convenience, expand himself, and let the whole country support him. What a wonderful thing it is to be such a potential country.

This is a basic way and cannot be changed.

It's also since the incident of being forced to leave China that Zhao Tianming was greatly touched! He knows that sometimes a person will inevitably encounter a low point in his life, and also will inevitably encounter some setbacks! So leave a way out!

And their own power abroad is their own way out.

What's more, the enemy is too fierce this time! A eclosion gate actually secretly controls a country. If a country is its own enemy, what means can it turn the waves? Only with some of their own forces as the backing can there be hope.

Zhao Tianming gradually straightened out his thoughts, his eyes became bright, and returned to Charles wells' manor. The first thing he did was to find him.

"Charles wells, I'm sorry to disturb you again. I've decided not to use your private airline this time. Well, help me to contact the financial oligarch I met that day. We need to make more news. "

Charles wells had nothing to say about Zhao Tianming's order, so he did it immediately.

Ten days later, all the Chinese financial and economic sectors and almost all the influential foreign newspapers published such a news, that is, an important European financial delegation visited China. According to reliable sources, the contract amount involved may reach tens of billions of people's dollars.

Among the visitors on this special plane, there is one person, Zhao Tianming.

This article is read by the novel.