Chapter 388

Name:Super Master Author:潇湘公子
Zhao Tianming's hands were incredibly strong, and he easily crushed Duan Tianyu's hands. Duan Tianyu cried with tears in his heart, because when he saw that his hands were like stretching into the blender, he suddenly became bloody and white!

Zhao Tianming directly crushed Duan Tianyu's hands. His means were extremely cruel, but his eyes were extremely clear. It seemed that he was a holy emissary of Buddhists to cross the wrong path in front of him.

Zhao Tianming's hands did not stay, but directly climbed Duan Tianyu's head. Before he even had time to make a sound, Zhao Tianming had already smashed his skull. It was brain and blood again. All the people present had seen the big scene, but they still could not help retching!

Although Zhao Tianming is the creator of the terracotta warriors, his hands seem to be extremely white, and there is no blood or brain on them, just like the clear lotus out of mud and not stained, and the muddy green mud but not demon.

Duan Tianyu died. She was the best fighter in the world. Apart from the sect leader, she could rule the Wulin for a generation. So she was killed by Zhao Tianming. Such characters have not appeared for a long time, and such battles have not appeared for a long time.

In fact, the people present should be glad, because they may never see such a tough character as Zhao Tianming in their life.

Duan Tianyu's death is the death of a generation of strong people who should have been famous in the world. He died under Zhao Tianming's fist. Although he had already smashed his head, there was a strange feeling that he didn't die with hatred, but with his eyes closed and no regrets.

At the moment of Duan Tianyu's death, Zhao Tianming went all over the hall and killed all the apprentices left by Duan Tianyu! And it only takes one move to kill everyone, which is absolute strength.

Zhao Tianming knows that they can't leave their lives behind, because they have just heard that they and Duan Tianyu have quoted each other's boxing skills, and they have seen their boxing intention with their own eyes, as well as the fight with Duan Tianyu. They have gained a lot, and they are afraid that they will break through in a few days.

Zhao Tianming is not afraid of them. He asks himself that the only one who can compete with him in the world is Liu Lizun, the leader of the eclosion gate. He doesn't want his friends to be hurt.

Because Duan Tianyu's disciples must be prepared to avenge their master, and they will certainly attack the people around him, so he doesn't want the people around him to be implicated and hurt again, so he is ready to stop the killing and make all the crises disappear.

At this moment, Zhao Tianming stands in the center of the scene, like a peerless God of war, a figure that no one can invade. Proud of all people, such a person, only worthy of the admiration of thousands of people, and can not rise a little bit of resistance.

Duan Tianyu died, and Wharton's mind was shattered. He knew that no matter how he could make big waves, he could not really shake Zhao Tianming. Because without saying anything else, Zhao Tianming's decapitation tactics alone will certainly not be able to resist.

Unless he invited the leader of the eclosion gate, but he asked himself, can he invite such a person? How can a character like that come here to protect himself? It's just a fantasy.

So now Wharton's face is like ashes. He wants to go, but Zhao Tianming is standing there. He doesn't dare. He's afraid that he will die in his hands like Duan Tianyu, even though he has no chance of winning now.

But he has secretly saved a large amount of wealth. Even if he sneaks abroad, he can spend his old age in peace. But will Zhao Tianming let him go so easily?

Zhao Tianming seemed to sigh. He slowly turned his eyes to Wharton and said, "Wharton, I'll meet you. I won't kill you this time. The fate between us has been exhausted. Next time I see you again, I will kill you. You are ready. "

When Zhao Tianming said these words, Wharton felt his heart pounded by a big clock, with unspeakable pain. So when Zhao Tianming finished these words, he left without looking back.

Watching Wharton leave, several other gangsters also know that Zhao Tianming has completely controlled the scene now, because as long as he wants to kill anyone, I'm afraid no one can escape, and all their lives are in the hands of this man.

Zhao Tianming said slowly: "today is the day when the David family is on the stage. Even if you use this person to worship the flag today, you can all go. You can decide whether to obey or resist."

With that, Zhao Tianming suddenly laughed, "because I'm really reasonable."

When Zhao Tianming finished his words, all the gangsters were submissive and wanted to surrender one after another. Moreover, there was something at home, so they couldn't stay here, so they left here after saying hello to Zhao Tianming and Yage. They didn't want to stay here for a minute.Because it's not only Zhao Tianming's terrible oppression, but Duan Tianyu at his feet, as well as the several students who died miserably. They all felt a deep shudder as if they had entered a bloody hell.

It is worth mentioning that when they came to Yager's body, they all bowed their heads and deeply kissed his right hand as a sign of submission. At this moment, a Mafia family that will eventually rule Israel was born, and a new generation of godfather, Yager? David.

Those gangsters all left here, but a few didn't, that is, Moses kaleide and others.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he walked to Zhao Tianming with a smile. In fact, God knows what kind of mood he is in his heart, because Zhao Tianming's tremendous momentum has almost completely crushed him. It's the first time that he saw the vivid smashing of human brain. The scene is very frightening. What's more frightening is Zhao Tianming's skill.

All of a sudden, he had some doubts. Even if he mobilized the ace special forces, it was also a question whether he could get rid of Zhao Tianming.

Zhao Tianming watched with a smile as Moses kaleide came over, so he stretched out his right hand, "Hello, Mr. Moses kaleide! It's nice to meet you. I've always wanted to visit you, but I don't have the time. It's a great honor to have this opportunity. "

Looking at Zhao Tianming just like a murderer, now he seems to be a modest student, and Moses kaleide can't help but lose his mind. This is really a strange man.

Especially when Zhao Tianming saw Duan Tianyu's right hand stretched out, he was afraid that there was still brain and blood on it, so he could not help shivering a little. But he was still in the upper position, so he shook hands with him.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao! Today is really an eye opener for me Moses kaleide said with a smile.

Zhao Tianming nodded and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. kaleide. In fact, I've always been a good citizen. My favorite thing is that the police and the people cooperate with each other to get married! I hope we can cooperate more in the future. "

That's a big lie! Because he had just killed several people under the eye of Moses kaleide, and now he said such a thing, it's really a very thick skinned man.

But seeing that Zhao Tianming didn't mention what happened just now, he couldn't skip it. "Mr. Zhao Tianming, do you know what you just did? You are just playing with fire! I'm the chief of the police. Aren't you afraid I'll arrest you? "

Zhao Tianming laughed and lit a cigarette. "Mr. Moses kaleide, if you want to arrest me, you will be able to arrest me long before the banquet begins, won't you? Maybe even earlier, when I first appeared in Jerusalem, I could be arrested! "

With that, Zhao Tianming looked at his right hand, "maybe Mr. kaleidi, you can press the button of your mobile phone, and those elite ace special forces forces will rush in for the first time and beat us into a sieve."

Moses kaleide was surprised. He didn't expect that Zhao Tianming said the matter in a few words. It turned out that he had known his secret arrangement for a long time! It turns out that he has always been fearless!

Seeing Zhao Tianming's bold and fearless remarks, Moshe kaleide felt a little uncomfortable. The policemen behind him were also angry. They couldn't help touching the pistol around their waist. They didn't believe that no matter how fast this man was, he couldn't be faster than a bullet.

Moses kaleide frowned and said, "Mr. Zhao Tianming, you know, our country is also a member of Interpol. You are a fugitive wanted by China now. If we catch you, we can take you back for trial at any time, or directly kill you, because you have committed a felony in our chassis!"

His words may have some deterrent effect on other prisoners, but he seems to have forgotten that he is facing a murderer Zhao Tianming, not to mention that he has just witnessed his strength.

So in the end, his voice can not help but also some strange.

Zhao Tianming's expression was still very relaxed, and he didn't seem to mind, "Mr. Moses kaleide, you know, your threats are really worthless in my eyes. Oh, please restrain your men. Don't think the gun in your hand can kill me. Do you want to try? Is it your bullet or my skill

Moses kaleide's eyes contracted slightly and said in a low voice, "Zhao Tianming, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Tianming looked at him leisurely and took a cigarette. "Mr. Moses kaleide, I know you will come today, so what I want to talk about with you is the underworld."