Chapter 359

Name:Super Master Author:潇湘公子
At this time, came Ling Ao Ran's voice, "take away your dogleg, let him go."

Ling Ao ran was shocked, so he turned back, but his feet didn't move away. He sneered: "what did you say? Sorry, I didn't hear you

Zhao Tianming slowly stood up, "I said, you take your feet, let him go."

Ling Aoran didn't expect Zhao Tianming to be able to stand up. At the same time, he also felt that Zhao Tianming's voice seemed to be somewhat different, and some were not the same as usual. The voice is so calm, but full of an unquestionable forest.

Ling Aoran subconsciously wants to move his feet, but he still stares at Zhao Tianming.

What makes Ling Ao ran strange is that the wounds on Zhao Tianming's face have disappeared, and it seems that his momentum is more terrible!

Zhao Tianming didn't give Ling Aoran any more opportunities. Ling Aoran mistakenly thought that he had a delusion, but the fact is that Zhao Tianming came to him in a moment, and at the same time, he saw a fist that Zhao Tianming stretched out!

Zhao Tianming's fist is not as big and dark as Ling Aoran's, but it seems to be full of unquestionable power!

This punch seems to be through time and space, hard to print in Ling Aoran's chest! Ling Ao ran only thinks that this is a force that can't be matched by nightmares! It's too fast, it seems too slow.

So fast that I can't see clearly at all, so slow that I can watch the fist come to my chest.

This is a strange feeling, this fast and slow change, let him mistakenly think that he appeared illusion! Then, he felt a kind of unspeakable pain! Such a fierce fist hit him on the chest!

Ling Aoran just felt his whole body was shocked, and he was beaten and flew out in an instant! Hit the load-bearing wall of this house! Boom! The second floor of the load-bearing wall collapsed directly, smashing on Ling Aoran's body!

Ling Aoran was buried under the stone and wood.

Zhao Tianming slowly walked over, picked away the stones, and saw Ling Aoran with blood on his face. Ling Aoran was almost out of breath just now. He didn't know how many bones he had broken with this punch. He was almost killed with this punch, and he was almost out of breath just now.

Seeing Zhao Tianming remove the stone from his head, he gasped hard, "you..."

Zhao Tianming raises his hand is 20 slaps! Direct hit Ling Ao ran full mouth teeth all fall! Poor Ling Aoran, even without saying a word, was beaten by Zhao Tianming and couldn't speak!

Zhao Tianming grabs Ling Aoran's hair and pulls him out of the ruins. Ling Aoran feels a very painful feeling coming from his scalp. He can't help hissing and screaming. In addition, their skin and the ground had a fierce friction, their flesh and blood blurred, almost to be worn to death.

Zhao Tianming has been pulling him to the front of the exterminator, pulling his hair and bumping into the ground, said faintly: "apologize!"

Ling Aoran now has some fuzzy consciousness, but he still looks at Zhao Tianming. His face is full of blood, but he refuses to say a word. In fact, he can't say anything complete now.

Zhao Tianming shook his head, grabbed his head and knocked on the ground, "Damn, you kowtow for my brother!"

Looking at Zhao Tianming's lively appearance, Mie couldn't help but roll his eyes and say: "you are dying, aren't you?"

Zhao Tianming apologetically said: "good brother, let you suffer."

Suddenly, Mie was stunned, and a warm current flowed through his heart, humming.

Zhao Tianming fiercely raised Ling Aoran's head, pulled close to himself, and said: "damn you, you were very happy to hit me just now? Have you figured out how to make amends to my brother? "

Ling Aoran is now completely half dead. His eyes are empty and his orifices are bleeding. Zhao Tianming smashes his head on the ground, steps on his head and lights a cigarette. "Damn you, will the computer pretend to be dead with me? Where's the strength just now? "

Ling Ao ran slowly shed white foam in his mouth, and all the blood under his body. There are dozens of deep visible bone scars on the arms and thighs, and even some bone spines burst out of the skin. How miserable it is, how miserable it is.

Zhao Tianming also extinguished a cigarette. Looking back, he severely crushed Ling Aoran's right foot. "Damn, did you just step on my brother with this foot?"

Ling Aoran is almost a dead man now, and has no consciousness at all. Even if Zhao Tianming just crushed his ankle, he didn't react at all.Zhao Tianming took a pity look at him, took a barrel of gasoline from outside and poured it on Ling Aoran's body. At the same time, while walking in the house, he went out with his back on his back and gave a light look at the house for the last time.

Zhao Tianming murmured, regardless of whether Ling Aoran could hear it or not, "Ling Aoran, if you can die under my hands, it's a proper death! Who do you want to offend? Who do you want to offend me? "

When he went out, Zhao Tianming threw his cigarette butt into the sea of oil at the same time. Suddenly, the fire burst out and annihilated the whole house.

Ling Aoran, who could have fought with Zhao Tianming, died here.

Back at the villa, Zhao Tianming cured Mie's injury in the first time. Mie's face looked at Zhao Tianming strangely, "what were you doing just now? Why let him do that? "

Zhao Tianming was slightly stunned and shook his head. "You don't understand this kind of thing."

In fact, Zhao Tianming is just a sudden rise. He knows that he has terrible healing ability. At the same time, in the process of being severely beaten by Ling Aoran, he finds that there is a wonderful feeling in the red airflow in his body.

When he moistens his body with green energy, he feels that he can understand a little truth from it. Just like the blow he just made to Ling Aoran, he felt a wonderful feeling.

It's like the change of the speed of the punch, which makes Ling Ao ran have an illusion. In fact, Zhao Tianming doesn't know how to fight that fist, but just under that situation, he seems to have such strength suddenly.

Perhaps, there is the middle-aged man in black's perception of boxing theory.

Ling Aoran died, Ling Aoran group of those mixed relations are also collapsed! Wang Yulin has once again become the king of the banquet City, and has become a person who has no choice but to talk about banquets. Wang Yulin's body has been completely recovered, and he took over all the industries of Ling Aoran in the first time.

Zhao Tianming thought Ling Aoran would feel a trace of sadness, but he didn't. Zhao Tianming felt relieved after thinking about this. In fact, there is nothing. How much money has passed. Such a fetter may have tormented Wang Yulin for many years.

However, a great change suddenly started at this moment, which surprised everyone.

Wang Yulin and Zhao Tianming are drinking in the dark blue night bar. They both wear ordinary clothes, so no one can see that these two people are the people who have changed the whole banquet. These days in the banquet, countless people have been implicated.

Wang Yulin drank a mouthful of wine and said with a smile: "master Zhao, now that things have come to an end, why don't you settle down at the banquet? Call over your confidants. It's better to live a happy life here. "

Zhao Tianming shook his head, light way: "these days of intrigue let me a little tired, I want to go home to rest."

Wang Yulin nodded to understand, "you are always welcome to the banquet, because after all... You are also the host of the banquet!"

Zhao Tianming lit a cigarette and said with a smile, "you know, I'm not interested in these. Then again, why didn't Xiao Yiqing come back? "

Wang Yulin shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "you are a sex wolf! Would you have known her if I hadn't told you to overtake? Now, it's good to be obsessed with her

Zhao Tianming was about to explain, so he saw a man come in a hurry, "little... Young master... Old... Master, he... He..."

Wang Yulin's pupils shrunk. "Don't worry. What's the matter? Speak slowly!"

The man said anxiously: "master... He... He's dead!"

Wang Yulin's wine cup fell to the ground, and Zhao Tianming patted the table, "what are you still doing? Come with me

At the same time, a number of police cars stopped at the door of the bar. Seeing Wang Yulin and Zhao Tianming who were going out, they took out a piece of white paper and their ID: "Hello, I'm a policeman from Yandu Public Security Bureau. We suspect that you are suspected of intentional murder. We will arrest you immediately!"

Then he gave Zhao Tianming a look at the arrest warrant and involuntarily handcuffed him.

Zhao Tianming did not resist, because he knew that if he resisted now, it would be equivalent to attacking the police, and the police could shoot himself to death!

Even if you're not afraid of bullets, you can't do it. Because once you do something like this, you will be a fugitive, and you will be wanted all over the country, so it is more difficult to deal with the aftermath!

Now that someone dares to arrest himself, it is certain that there is something on it! Zhao Tianming had expected that it would come so soon!