Chapter 348

Name:Super Master Author:潇湘公子
Zhao Tianming saw that he finally covered up the thing that disgusted him, so he did it, lit a cigarette, and said with a smile: "Dear Mr. Arak David, I can't answer this question now! As for the final result, I think we can only make a decision after a series of talks! "

Alac David shrugged indifferently, took a cigar, cut it exquisitely, and pointed up, "what's your name?"

Zhao Tianming said with a smile, "your Chinese is very good. Which school did you graduate from? My name is Zhao Tianming

"I have a good friend. He is Chinese. He taught me to speak Chinese. Your name is Zhao Tianming? I've heard of you

Zhao Tianming asked with great interest: "Oh? That's what your good friend told you? "

Alac David shook his head. "It's not what he told me, it's what I knew. You have so many representative works at the banquet. If I don't know you, I won't agree. It's too fake, isn't it? "

Zhao Tianming became more and more interested in the foreigner. "You Jews are really interesting. I'm very happy to chat with you. You are very smart."

Alac David shrugged. "If we weren't smart, we wouldn't be alive, would we?" Then he blinked.

Zhao Tianming nodded, "yes, I agree! Now I finally know why Ling Aoran has such excellent purchasing channels, originally through you. You Israel are friendly with the United States, so no matter what latest weapons the United States has, you will get them at the first time! And Ling Ao Ran is also through you, can have those weapons, isn't it? "

Alac David said with a smile: "you are smart, too! But it's only half right. "

Zhao Tianming was surprised, "Oh? Half? How to say that. "

Alac David took a puff of cigar. "Ling Aoran did buy from here, but I'm not his boss. I'm a middleman. "

"But just because you are a middleman, my good friend almost died." Zhao Tianming knocked on the table.

"Oh, no, no, no! Dear Zhao, you shouldn't say that. Remember, it's him who killed him, you know? Don't attribute everything to external reasons! " Alac said David leisurely.

Zhao Tianming sneered: "Oh? So, this matter has nothing to do with you? "

Alake David said with a smile: "Dear Zhao, if you think about it carefully, is it simply because Ling Aoran owns me, a cheaper supplier of weapons, which leads to Wang Yulin's tragic defeat?"

Zhao Tianming was slightly stunned, then he figured out the key, frowned and said: "do you mean Ling Aoran? Just because Ling Aoran wants to fight Wang Yulin? The all-round crackdown that we have just carried out also includes the monopoly of weapons supply. "

Alac David clapped his hands. "You are a smart man! All this is Ling Aoran's idea! Ling Aoran is a man who has revenge. As for the life and death hatred between him and Wang Yulin, I don't know. I just know that all this is Ling Aoran's plan. If he wants to completely destroy the Wang family, it is impossible to bypass the arms business of the Wang family. Only by directly defeating the most proud part of the enemy can he create a shadow in the heart of the enemy! Let him fear himself

Zhao Tianming leans on the lady's chair and says: "that Ling Aoran is really not such a simple thing! Besides, there must be something Wang Yulin didn't tell me. Damn, can't it be simpler? "

Alake David stood up with a smile, handed Zhao Tianming and Wu Wencheng a glass of red wine, and said with a smile: "Dear Zhao, this must be your most loyal man, Wu Wencheng?"

Zhao Tianming looked at him faintly, with a frightening light in his eyes, "please take back your words, alac David, he is not my man, but my friend, my most loyal ally."

Alake David looked at Zhao Tianming in surprise, "Oh? I'm sorry, I'm wrong. " Then he turned to Wu Wencheng and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wu Wencheng. I didn't mean to offend you."

Wu Wencheng waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's not necessary."

Zhao Tianming said faintly: "Mr. Arak, actually I'm very surprised that you can say so much to me. Originally, I had planned for the worst when I came here! Now let's get back to the point. Are we enemies or friends

Alake David also laughed, with endless profundity in his eyes, "Mr. Zhao Tianming, I ask you in turn, should I treat you as an enemy or a friend?"Zhao Tianming and Wu Wencheng were stunned. Zhao Tianming frowned, "Dear Mr. alake David, I don't like you to play word games with me."

Alac David waved his hand. "Oh, no, I'm not playing word games with you. I really want to ask you, can we be enemies or friends?"

Zhao Tianming looked at him lightly, "there is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests."

There was an irrepressible admiration in Arak David's eyes. "Good! You're right! That's true! Only permanent interests, no permanent enemies

Zhao Tianming laughed and said, "well, let me guess, you are your dearest friend. Isn't Ling Aoran very satisfied?"

Alac David said with a smile: "I can't say that. The understanding between Ling Aoran and me is purely an accident. In fact, I didn't expect how deep friendship I could have with him. If you say you are not satisfied, there should still be a little bit. "

Zhao Tianming picked an eyebrow and said with a smile, "please do it carefully."

Alac David took a puff of cigar. "Actually, I originally provided Ling Aoran with such help for a reason, that is, I hope to quickly expand Ling Aoran's power, and then help me in turn! But, in fact, there is no big improvement! Ling Aoran didn't take care of the overall situation as I imagined or as he said. It makes me a little dissatisfied with him. "

Zhao Tianming said with a smile: "because of me, so you began to investigate me?"

Alac David waved his hand. "I didn't investigate you from this time, but when you were far away in Jinshan City, I investigated you."

This surprised Zhao Tianming, "Oh? Why? " It's just that there is a trace of dissatisfaction and gloom in the tone. No one wants to be investigated.

Alake David felt Zhao Tianming's dissatisfaction, but he didn't say anything, "did you attend a meeting called Dragon's head meeting in Jinshan City? There is a small buyer of mine. You blocked our supply of goods into China, so I have to investigate you. "

Zhao Tianming sneered and said, "and then?"

"Then I found out that you are really a strange man! Your rise in Jinshan City is like a comet. It seems that everything has been paved for you! There is no obstruction! It's easy to be the leader of Jinshan City Arak said slowly, "you know, Jinshan City is a very important port city in China, and even in some ways, it is not inferior to BANDU! Since you can set off such a violent storm in Jinshan City, I can't help but guess that you will only have a more violent typhoon at banquets! "

Zhao Tianming took a cigarette and said, "you are praising me when you say that to me?"

Alac David nodded. "Yes, I'm praising you! With my understanding of Ling Aoran, his strength is also very strong! Not only the physical strength, but also in the family and contacts, can be regarded as the dragon and Phoenix in people! So at the beginning, I was very curious about the duel between you! I also want to see what kind of sparks will be generated between you

Zhao Tianming said faintly: "can you still be satisfied with the result?"

Alac David shook his head, shrugged his shoulders and said: "in fact, I'm not particularly satisfied with the result. Although the duel between you didn't really start, Ling Aoran seems to have fallen behind! His several attacks on you have failed, which makes me very surprised, because Ling Aoran's previous moves were all vigorous and resolute, which will inevitably produce unexpected results. However, now he has made you succeed again and again. Doesn't that mean anything? "

Zhao Tianming stood up and looked at him with a smile. "You said so much, but you want me to help you. So, what are your conditions? Why should I help you? "

Alac David said with a smile: "Dear Zhao, I don't ask you to help me rashly. I just want to explain an idea of mine and let you know that we are likely to be friends."

Zhao Tianming took a smoke, "so now you will still help Ling Aoran as usual, right?"

Alac David pondered a little and nodded, "no mistake, I have this idea. Because, after all, Ling Aoran and I are the first to cooperate! I won't break up the cooperation with him just because of this! "

Zhao Tianming nodded and said, "I understand. I understand what you mean. Do you have anything else to say?"

Looking at Zhao Tianming's plain eyes, Arak David was surprised, "Oh? It's not like you this time. "

Zhao Tianming smiles faintly, "everything will change. Nothing is unchangeable. Mr. Arak David, I have nothing else to say. I just want to tell you that you are not a good collaborator. "