Chapter 54

Name:Super Master Author:潇湘公子
"Don't be afraid! It's all right. There are seniors here. It must be all right! " Zhao Tianming put his arms around Chen Kexin, who was shaking slightly, and comforted her in a soft voice.

Looking at the gangster holding micro Chong at the door, Zhao Tianming frowns tightly. He can't figure out how someone might come to rob him now or in the afternoon? Moreover, as soon as the other party entered the door, they directly shot down the three cameras here. It is obvious that they have already found out the details here for a long time. So it seems that they have premeditated today's robbery! Thinking of this, Zhao Tianming also had to sigh that he was really unlucky. He seldom took Chen Kexin out to go shopping once, but he even sprayed such a thing!

Looking at the guns in the hands of the three gangsters, Zhao Tianming's yearning for martial arts Liuzhong is even stronger! If he can have the state of Zhang Wuliang now, how can he hide in the corner with Chen Kexin?

But no matter how much he thinks at this time, it's useless. The only thing he can do is to hope that the robbers will succeed in the robbery and leave soon. As for how much loss tianque jewelry will suffer after the success of the robbery, it's none of his business. Naturally, the police will deal with it! Although strictly speaking, he is also the security guard of tianque jewelry, he doesn't think that his ability of speeding regeneration can block the fire of weichong. According to his estimation of the effect of weichong just now, as long as he is shot by the other party, he will become a sieve immediately. At that time, the immortals will not be able to save him.

"Old three! Take delivery At this time, hiding in the corner, Zhao Tianming heard a rude voice from the robbers in the rear. However, the voice is obviously not the original voice, but the other side said it in a low voice, so that everyone here can't master his real voice. It can be seen that this group of robbers are definitely not the first time to commit crimes, otherwise they can't be so sophisticated.

"Do you hear me? Give me all the diamonds and gold, or I'll shoot you! " It seems that the leader of the three people spoke earlier. After he finished, another guy with 54 in his hand went straight to a counter with gold jewelry, knocked on the counter with the head of a gun, and said to a shopping guide squatting inside.

Zhao Tianming carefully looked up, and immediately found that in addition to the scene that the leader was back to the door, the other two had begun to pack diamonds and gold into their boxes!

"No! It's coming Suddenly, Zhao Tianming was surprised, but the robber, who was called the second, was walking towards them with a sack.

"Second, get the diamond first!" Earlier that leader looked at the next time, light said: "time is not much!"

From the beginning to the end, this person is very calm, it seems that there is no taboo to the presence of people.

"Grass, are you paralyzed to death? Bang All of a sudden, the third man gave a loud drink, followed by a gunshot. Then, Zhao Tianming heard a man cry in pain!

"Boss, how dare this man call the police!" After hitting the middle-aged man's left leg with one shot, the Third Elder scolded him carelessly. He crushed each other's mobile phone with one foot, then stepped on each other's palm and said, "if you want to die, just say it, I will help you!"

Speaking at the same time, the third directly aimed the muzzle of the gun at the middle-aged man's head, said darkly.

"Ah By the other party wearing big boots stepped on the back of his hand, the middle-aged man immediately tore his heart and lungs up, the voice is very sad, almost collapse.

Zhao Tianming takes back his head and holds Chen Kexin in his arms closer. From the fact that the gangsters did not hesitate to shoot at the hostages, it can be seen that these people are all cruel and ruthless characters. They can't point out how many lives they have taken. What will happen after that is beyond Zhao Tianming's control, In the face of powerful micro charge and pistol, powerful as Zhao Tianming can only avoid its edge.

After hearing the heartrending wail, Chen Kexin seems to be more and more collapsed. Holding Zhao Tianming is like holding the last straw to save his life. Although Chen Kexin's face could not be seen, Zhao Tianming knew that she must be pale and terrible at this time.

"Don't be afraid, seniors will protect you! Don't make a noise. They'll leave when they finish. We'll be all right Zhao Tianming patted Chen Kexin's back gently and regularly, just like coaxing a child to sleep, hoping to help Chen Kexin calm down.

"Old three, don't waste time, get the goods quickly!" The leader looked at his watch and said in a deep voice, "there is still half a minute left. As soon as the time comes, we will withdraw."

However, as soon as the leader's voice was heard, the police siren was suddenly loud outside. Then one police car after another rushed over and stopped in front of the gate of tianque jewelry. There were as many as ten. At the same time, a dark man in police uniform stepped down from the first arriving police car, took a high decibel horn from a small policeman nearby, and began to shout at the people in tianque jewelry.

"Liang Hui, I know you are in it! You listen to me. You are surrounded. Stop resisting immediately, lay down your arms and surrender... ""Grass, are these policemen idiots?" Zhao Tianming holding Chen Kexin hiding in a corner, heart hate curse. Why don't you arrange the sniper to kill the robber directly when the police are out in time? If the gangsters can give up by shouting with a trumpet like this, why do we need so many weapons in the world?

"Senior, are the police here?" After hearing the shouting outside, Chen Kexin, who was in Zhao Tianming's arms, suddenly raised her head and asked.

"Yes, the police are coming. Don't be afraid. We can go out soon!" Looking at Chen Kexin's pale face, Zhao Tianming said with a smile. Looking at Chen Kexin's pale face and helpless eyes, Zhao Tianming suddenly felt that his heart was stabbed like a knife.

"I must make them pay the price!" Zhao Tianming knows that he can't go on like this any more. When he was in Dafeng mountain, he swore that he would make his own decisions in everything. At this time, he would not give his life and Chen Kexin's life to those policemen outside!

"Grass! Here comes the cop The guy with the little charge suddenly changed his face and scolded angrily. Under the perspective power of Zhao Tianming, the silk stockings on his face are like nothing. He is a strong man with a smart face and a small beard.

"How could it be so fast!" As soon as his face changed, he pointed the pistol at the crowd who started to stir up again and said in a loud voice: "those who don't want to die, be honest with me! If anyone dares to make a noise, I will send him to see the king of hell! " With that, the second man raised his hand and fired a shot at the ceiling, which made everyone quiet. They all squatted quietly and didn't make a sound. Even the middle-aged man who had been shot before was also dead. He didn't want to be shot again.

"Brother, didn't Dong say that the police in Jinshan are investigating the murder of seven people in the west of the city? How can we get out of the police so fast! " The third asked.

"Well! What a seven man murder! It seems that it is a false news at all! Even I know my name. I think Xiao Dong has long been found out, and he specially put a smoke bomb for the murder of seven people to us, so that we can do it, and finally catch it all! " The leader said maliciously: "these police are very deep calculation!"

"Ah? What can we do? There are all cops out there, boss. What should we do? " Second smell speech suddenly some urgent, while frightening the hostages, while the boss said.

"What's the matter?" Boss Wen Yan waved his hand, looked at the crowd around and said: "we have so many hostages here, what dare those cops do? If they really have the ability to rush in just now, will they negotiate with us outside? You all stand inside and watch out for the snipers! Hum! It's time for us to negotiate terms. I don't believe they dare to ignore the safety of the hostages! "

"Yes! Let them prepare a car for us immediately, let us leave safely, or we will kill all the hostages here! " Old three angry voice says.

"Second, get me a hostage and I'll negotiate with the cops!" The leader with micro charge nodded and said in a deep voice: "pay attention to the window!"

"Yes The second one nods his head.

While the robbers were discussing things, Zhao Tianming found a strange figure in his sight. It was a girl with long hair in a black windbreaker. She was sweet and not far from her right side. Although she, like other people, squatted on the ground with her head in her arms, what surprised Zhao Tianming was that in the face of so many robbers, the girl's face didn't panic at all!

"Who is she?" Zhao Tianming immediately found that this girl is extraordinary, which is definitely not what ordinary people should have. In this case, let alone a woman, even ordinary men will be scared out of their wits. It is absolutely impossible to calm down like this! So, Zhao Tianming immediately began to scan the girl with perspective power, and immediately found that a tiny wireless headset was plugged into her ear!

"Is it the undercover of the police?" Zhao Tianming never believed that this woman was just listening to music. Sure enough, Zhao Tianming soon found a 54 pistol on her waist, which was printed with the steel seal of the Ministry of public security, "I'll be a hostage, you stay here!" Almost between lightning and flint, Zhao Tianming immediately had a general plan in his heart. He patted Chen Kexin's back and said softly!

Although there is a policewoman undercover here, Zhao Tianming does not believe that the other party has the ability to subdue three people at the same time in an instant, so he decides to take action. Anyway, this is his only chance!

"I'll be the hostage." Voice just fell, Chen Kexin did not even react, Zhao Tianming has already stood up, hands embrace the head, toward the direction of the robbers said..

"Yes?" The robber immediately aimed the pistol at Zhao Tianming's head, looked at Zhao Tianming coldly and said: "do you want to take the initiative to be a hostage?"

"Yes! I want to be a hostage. "Zhao Tianming pretended to be afraid and said," as long as you don't hurt me! ""See if he's undercover! Since the cops can guess that we are going to act today, they may have planted cops here! " The leader who was not far away nodded and winked at the second one.

"Yes Smelling the speech, the second son nodded. He stepped forward and pulled Zhao Tianming out. He felt him up and down, and carefully checked his ears and watch. Then he said, "boss, it's not undercover!"

"Looks like we're lucky!" The boss nodded and said: "fortunately, when I talked with Xiao Dong at the beginning, I just listed the general scope, otherwise we would be a group of undercover agents waiting for us now! It's estimated that the cops don't have so many people to put undercover agents in every jewelry store this time! "

"Boy, as long as you are obedient, we won't touch you!" The leader pulled Zhao Tianming over, pointed a gun at his head and said faintly.

"Xiao Li, what's the matter! Didn't you say you'd take hostages? How could it be like this now! Who's that guy who ran out to be a hostage? Why does this happen? " Just when Zhao Tianming was pointed at the gate of tianque jewelry, a faint voice came from his ear.