Chapter 1167

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
"Lin Xia, have you seen a recent public official account of a public address?"

In the morning, Lin Xia, who was still in Beijing, received a phone call from her best friend Chu Yao. The woman Altman also went straight to the point as before.

"What article?" Lin Xia is very curious.

"I haven't seen you. Your family must have offended people."

"What?" Lin Xia is a little surprised. Gao Han is leading the team to train in Wuhan at this time, preparing for the game in Syria. Who will scold him at this time? And blow up the circle of friends?

"I'm not sure about the details. I'll forward the article to you. I'll read it myself. It's too much."

With that, Chu Yao hung up.

Before long, Lin Xia landed on WeChat and received a public official account from Chu Yao.

Alpine is the Savior of Chinese football? Ha ha, you don't know the truth!

This is the typical title of the official account.

Lin Xia usually doesn't read these we media articles very much, but it's about her husband. At this time, she also points in and reads them seriously.

At the beginning of this article, Gao Han was highly praised. He affirmed a series of achievements made by him after he coached the national team. He led the team to break through from the top 40 and won the last 12 in a row. These achievements have been recognized. The author also thinks that Gao Han really has the coaching ability of the world's top coaches.

However, when his praise made everyone feel that his evaluation of alpine cold was reasonable and objective, the article soon began to reveal some of their so-called inside stories.

First of all, the spearhead is directed at Zhang Yuning, the number one center of the national team. He thinks that this player, who played for Vites before, does not have the strength to stir up the attack of the national team. In order to play the main force under Gao Han's command, he does not hesitate to fire his agent and employ his agent Mendes instead.

It is through the operation of Mendes, and through the relationship between the cold, Zhang Yuning successfully in the national team, and transferred from Vites to Ajax, in the Dutch league began to gain a firm foothold, in the national team is also the main force.

The author thinks that if Zhang Yuning's rise is a win-win situation, it is his selfishness to recruit Wang Lei and Zhao Jun, who are Chinese city players in succession.

The reason is very simple. These four young players don't have the ability to play in the national team at all, but Gao Han has recruited them into the national team again and again, especially Wang Lei and Zhao Jun. why are they selected every time, but they never play?

Since they are not allowed to play, why call them in?

There is only one reason, that is, gilding. I want to use the signboard of the national team to bid up the value of the players and make profits for myself.

But it's only a small matter. The real inside story of the author of this article is that he revealed that China City, founded by Gao Han, intended to buy Beijing team. Gao Han, as the head coach of the national team, took the opportunity to exert pressure on the state-owned enterprises behind the Beijing team, with the intention of embezzling state-owned assets at a low price.

The article describes the influence and status of the high cold as highly respected. The players of the national team have already dared to be angry and dare not say anything about his employment. In order to take care of the overall situation of the world cup, the football association and the government have to be coerced by him again and again.

In order to confirm my point of view, the author also takes out the low land price and policy benefits that Chinatown has enjoyed in building Chinatown training centers in some domestic cities in the past few years. He thinks that coaching the national team is not out of patriotism to save Chinese football, but to take advantage of the opportunity to make profits.

The author of the article, from simple to deep, makes a careful analysis of the so-called "truth" step by step through the ingenious layout. Especially in the back of the article, the author throws out some very heartbreaking remarks.

"As the best top coach in the world, Gao Han's annual salary in Europe is as high as 100 million euro, but why is he willing to take over the position of coach of the national football team whose annual salary is not even 20 million?"

"Is it true that, as he said, it is only out of his love for football in his motherland? If so, why didn't he pick up earlier or later, but only when the national team was in a desperate situation and the football association and the government were at an absolute disadvantage in negotiation? "

"Of course, I'm afraid it's difficult to get any evidence from the official channels for all the above contents, but I believe that all people who are calm and rational and know how to think independently will certainly have their own analysis and judgment."

"Can such a high cold become the Savior of Chinese football?"

"Ha ha, believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway."


After reading this article, Lin Xia's whole popularity was shaking, and her tears were almost falling.

It's so cruel! Too much!

Since coaching the national team, Gao Han has been away from home several times. A few days ago, she just returned to Beijing from Europe and immediately flew to Wuhan. Last night, she called Gao Han just before she went to bed. As a result, he was still watching the video of the game and studying his opponents. As a result, he has been slandered like this.

It is estimated that such a 100000 plus article has not only spread through wechat, but also microblog and even the whole Internet.

Before the key war, such a thing happened. What do they want to do?

If you are familiar with the cold and football fans, perhaps not likely to believe, but the other general public?

After reading such an article, how many people want to label the alpine cold as something that they can't clean up all their lives?

Lin Xia soon calmed down, and she quickly understood.

Before the training of the national team, Gao Han severely warned the media, especially we media on the Internet, that they were over hyped. It must be that some people want to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, pull Gao Han into the water, and use Gao Han's fame to hype.

Thinking of this, Lin Xia looked at the time, and determined that alpine should be free at this time. He immediately forwarded this official account to him, but unexpectedly, the opposite cold quickly returned to a smiling face.

"A clown is not worth mentioning."

Lin Xia guessed that at this time, the cold should be very dismissive.

In his eyes, these people's remarks are really not worth mentioning. If he wanted to be more serious, he would have been fighting with the European media for many years.

"I can bear everything else, but I can't bear what they say about you." Lin Xia's typing hands are still shaking.

Gao Han quickly said, "don't waste things on these boring things. They like to say what they say."

"Don't worry about it. I'll make them look good. I won't make an example. There will be people who will do it in the future." Lin Xia is determined.

"What do you want to do?"

"Teach them a lesson."

At this moment, Lin Xia's beautiful face is a face of cold air.



Two hours later, Lin Xia posted a long article on Weibo and wechat.

Alpine never wanted to be the Savior!

From the headline, you can see that this article is written to refute the previous one hundred thousand plus official account.

The writing style of this article is refined, and the writing is very calm. But between the lines, every sentence and every word makes people feel Lin Xia's anger of leaving, and the maintenance of her beloved husband's high cold. It can be said that it is the most restrained and elegant way to express her heart's great anger.

China's official account of China's antecedents and consequences of the one hundred thousand plus public address was made by Lin Xia. He made a clear remark, which not only made the husband and the cold take over the national team's cause and effect, but also made the appointment and selection of the national team after the national team. It also made clear the Chinese city's investment in Beijing and the planned acquisition of the team.

Chinatown's acquisition of Beijing team is absolutely to buy it with real money. The so-called price reduction is just a routine negotiation during the acquisition. There is no saying that alpine people use their power to enrich their own pockets. Even in the acquisition of Beijing team's home and surrounding land, Chinatown has also offered a very reasonable price.

In this article, Lin Xia talks about her teaching experience in Europe. Her words and sentences are like a scalpel, which cuts apart her husband's body and feelings one by one, and presents them to all readers. Every time you read a paragraph, you will have a deeper understanding of Alpine. After reading the whole article, you will have a deep impression on alpine.

The most rare thing is that Lin Xia clearly describes his feelings for the motherland and Chinese football.

The whole article is full of nonsense and superfluous words. It can be said that it is completed at one go.

Especially in the end, Lin Xia wrote that the more she wrote, the calmer she became. She was no longer angry when she wrote here, and her husband advised her not to pay attention to it. However, she claimed that she was a little woman without measure, and could not tolerate other people's offenses and false accusations against her husband, but she was indifferent. So she decided to put it into law, believing that a fair law would make a just verdict.



Lin Xia's article soon spread all over the Internet, and everyone was deeply amazed at her talent.

It's admirable that we can reach this level without changing a word.

As soon as the article was published, it immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens. Many Internet Celebrities also praised and forwarded it. They thought that the author who could write this article was absolutely a wonderful woman.

Within a few hours, the article quickly detonated the Internet, which has been widely circulated in micro-blog and friends circles. It has attracted the attention and reading of netizens. Many netizens have praised Lin Xia for their official account. They believe that some unscrupulous public figures have made rumours and slander the cold.

At the same time, Lin Xia also released the latest news on the microblog. Accompanied by her lawyer, she went to the public security bureau to report to the police for filing a case, claimed 10 million yuan, and revealed the evidence. She said that she would never be private! No tolerance! No mercy!

As for the claim of 10 million, Lin Xia boldly said that he would donate all to charity.

At the same time, many enterprises and departments such as Beijing Chinatown, China Football Association, Beijing team and national team have issued statements one after another, saying that they will investigate the matter to the end and never give up.

For a time, Lin Xia Wei Wei quickly exploded domestic opinion, forming a great momentum. Even the foreign media were very concerned about it. The government agencies quickly locked a Internet Co behind the WeChat official account.

This official account often repeals and creates some similar articles on weekdays, but never thought that it would lead to such a nationwide condemnation. It was immediately scared out of the bag. Not only the next day, the police of the company's location announced that it had arrested three people, Wang, Lee and ho Mou, who had made rumours and slanders.

As the party concerned, Gao Han did not participate in it from the beginning to the end, and has been leading the national team training in Wuhan.

It was not until the national team went to Xi'an and Gao Han attended the press conference before the match against Syria that he first talked about the event which caused a sensation on the domestic Internet in recent days and expressed his support for his wife.

"Whether Wang Lei, Zhao Jun, Gao Ren and Yang Xin have enough strength to have a foothold in the national team, I believe everyone will have an answer soon." Gao Han smiles confidently.