Chapter 1126

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
"AFC has officially announced the list of the top 12 matches. We are in the 12th place."

When Gao Han arrived at the headquarters of the Football Association, many leaders of the Football Association, including vice director Cai, had been waiting for him for a long time.

He has been able to lead the national team Jedi to the top 12. With the support of the senior management, everyone knows that he will be the head coach of the national team in the next few years, and no one will be able to shake his position.

I'm afraid even the whole Football Association has to listen to him. Everyone has to try to adapt to this change.

"According to the current ranking, we will be in the fourth place in the top 12. The first place is Iran and Australia, the second place is South Korea and Japan, the third place is Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan, the fourth place is UAE and us, the fifth place is Qatar and Iraq, and the sixth place is Syria and Thailand."

"Every team is hard to play." Deputy director Cai set a tone for the top 12.

"The most important thing is that we are seriously short of experience in the last 12 matches. In the past 15 years, we have never entered the final group stage. We are short of real experience in fighting against strong teams. We can only rely on warm-up matches, but we know the value of warm-up matches."

The lack of actual combat is a serious problem facing the national team, especially the lack of experience in the top 12.

This kind of experience is not only the opponent, but also includes a lot of details such as the intensity and difficulty of the competition.

Since entering the world cup in 2002, Chinese football has never entered the final stage of the group stage, that is, the former top 10 matches and now the top 12 matches, which is quite disadvantageous to the preparation and competition.

And these are not learning, can only rely on their own to accumulate.

"Then try to treat every game as a final as much as possible. Everyone and all departments should have enough understanding. The preparation work should be as meticulous as possible and deal with every game with the highest standard attitude. This will also be a valuable experience for us." Gao Han said solemnly.

He has no way to blame anyone present, because the leading group of the football association has changed one after another, and the weakness of the past years is not caused by any one of them, it is caused by all-round reasons.

As he said before, this is a tragedy. Everyone here is not innocent, but sympathetic.

There is no way to prepare for the war with the highest standard. Who has no experience?

Deputy director Cai understood the alpine proposal, and there was no way.

"Last night, what you said at the post match press conference caused a huge repercussion in China. What you said is true. The football level of our country is still very backward, which is a fact. But we should try our best to do something to change this situation, don't you think?" Deputy director Cai looks anxiously at the high cold.

It's hard to play in the last 12. Gao Han knows it, so does he.

It's totally different from the top 40. The difficulty level is not the same.

As the leader of the Football Association, he is very worried that if the team encounters a big rout in the last 12 matches, the good situation that has been hard fought in the past few months will be destroyed.

Not only him, but also everyone in the Football Association knows this very well.

Even the leaders of the State paid attention to the cold weather.

"Backwardness is all-round and needs a long time to accumulate and change. For example, I mentioned running without the ball, which has been ignored in China. But with the arrival of high-level foreign teachers in the past few years, this situation is gradually changing. It's urgent. In the next training, I will take a training list of about 40 people to investigate the international players as comprehensively as possible."

"The focus will be on the outstanding and younger players in the league, which will be my focus in the next period of time. At present, I have a preliminary plan, but I still need to polish it carefully."

In China, many players in their first year of playing are less malleable, playing football has been shaped, leaving little room for shaping in the cold. Instead, it's better to find a group of young players to join the team. Their malleability is stronger, and they can better adapt to the requirements of the cold.

As Gao Han said, in the past few years, since China's professionalization, it has introduced a lot of internationally famous coaches and brought more advanced football concepts and training methods, which is obvious for the improvement of the strength level of Chinese players.

However, the national team has obviously not kept up with it. The arrival of high cold will change this situation. He will carry out drastic reform in the national team, especially in training and selection.

"Running without the ball is just the tip of the iceberg behind our Chinese football. There is also a very important reason. Our national players lack an effective self-regulation mechanism to maintain their competitive state for a long time, which is also very obvious in the national team games."

"Many players perform very well in a certain period of time, but after several weeks of high-intensity performance and high-level play, they soon fall into the doldrums and perform in a mess. We should put an end to such ups and downs."

Gao Han's words, not only the leaders of the Football Association, but also the layman, deputy director Cai, deeply thought it.

"I think there are many reasons for this, which are related to our daily training and the players themselves. I have asked my physical fitness coach and sports rehabilitation expert Lorenzo Buenaventura to start to prepare. I will start with the international players and try to find out the crux of the problem and get rid of this stubborn disease."

"In addition, our physical training system and rehabilitation physiotherapy system are still quite backward. For example, the injuries of some players are obviously only minor problems, but they become major problems. Some players are obviously major problems, but they are not treated in a timely and effective manner. This kind of situation is very common in the national team and clubs."

"My idea is that since the football association wants to transform itself into a service provider, it should make a difference in these supporting fields. With the help of the football association and Chinatown, it will promote the medical system in the Chinese Professional League and the national team, including all-round targeted testing and physical monitoring of players' daily life."

"This kind of medical system has long been used to in European leagues, but it has not been paid attention to in our country. Only a few strong teams such as Hengda have introduced it. I think we should pay attention to it. After all, in professional leagues, the body is the foundation of everything and the most precious and scarce resource. We must pay the most attention to it."

After listening to this, vice director Cai and several leaders of the football association all looked at each other face to face. They were all laymen in these aspects, but it was very reasonable to hear Gao Han say so.

"Will the club agree?" Deputy director Cai pointed out the problem.

Gao Han nodded, "I believe it will. In recent years, the domestic league has become increasingly prosperous, and the investment of clubs is also more. However, due to the gap in other aspects, they focus more on the stars and famous coaches. Now some clubs have begun to invest in the construction behind the scenes, and I believe they will pay more and more attention in the future."

"The investment in this aspect is invisible, but the effect is real, which benefits the players of the club. Moreover, compared with the high salaries of stars and coaches, the investment in this aspect is negligible."

"But we don't have such a talent pool in China." A football association leader said anxiously.

"Therefore, we can provide training and guidance services in Chinatown, and we can hire Buena Ventura as a medical consultant, not only to work for the national team, but also to train talents for corresponding positions, and even to cooperate with universities. Specific matters can be dealt with by the Football Association."

After listening, deputy director Cai couldn't help nodding.

Gao Han has run the most successful and advanced Club Chinatown in Europe. Many clubs in China, including Hengda, have learned from Chinatown. The football association has also organized many groups of people to go to Chinatown to learn from it.

Now Alpine for the national team and professional club's situation put forward such a proposal, football association which has reason to oppose?

But it's obviously more than that.

"In addition to the above aspects, I also hope that the football association will come forward and cooperate with various clubs to build a set of physical training system."

After Gao Han said this, everyone in the audience was surprised again.

"What do you mean? Is this to involve the football association in the club Deputy director Cai can't believe it.

He is very clear that Gao Han has always strongly supported the transformation of the football association and the separation of management and management. How can the football association now cooperate with the club to build a set of physical training system? What is the purpose of this?

"You misunderstood me. I didn't mean to let the Football Association interfere in the work of the club."

In fact, we are still very primitive and backward in physical training, not only compared with the top teams in Europe, but even in Asia, compared with South Korea and Japan, we are still behind them. This is all-round, including the personnel quality and training concept in physical training and so on

"If you carefully observe, it is not difficult to find that in the two matches of Maldives and Qatar in the national team, we have a lot of players who have played all over the court, and the running distance is much more than that of our opponents, which is much more than our usual. What can we do?"

After being reminded by the high cold, all the people present were aware of this one after another.

Isn't it?

Everyone thinks that it's the mental strength that is working, but if there is not enough foundation, how can the national team have such a performance? How can international players get such beautiful data?

"Just like the previous medical system, the physical training system is also provided by the football association with the full assistance of the national team coaching team and Chinatown, which is dedicated to training talents and providing relevant services for the club. But at the same time, we need to form a good interaction mechanism between the national team and the club."

"The purpose is very simple, through this interactive mechanism, to ensure that players' physical training between the national team and the club can maintain maximum continuity, so as to minimize the impact of players' movement between the club and the national team, which can ensure the common interests of the national team, the club and the players."

Everyone immediately understood the meaning of alpine cold. We have to say that from the medical system to the physical training system, alpine cold proposals are very bold, but also very targeted.

China's football is backward in all aspects. The football association is the leader of the industry and has enough authority to promote such cooperation. This is an advantage that European football advanced countries can not have.

Once this effective interaction mechanism is formed, the role transformation of international players between the club and the national team will become more smooth, and the impact of the national team competition will be eliminated to the maximum extent.

For example, in pre-season training, the international players have carried out physical reserve training in the club. When they arrive at the national team, there is no need for this. The national team's coaching staff can arrange the training items of the players according to the training situation of the players in the club, or even directly transfer to the technical and tactical training.

If such a mechanism can be formed, it will undoubtedly be good for all parties.