Chapter 1075

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
Eight to one, a bloody victory, officially sounded the clarion call of the comprehensive recovery of Chinatown.

The victory of riaso stadium not only silenced all the media and fans who questioned Chinatown, but also made the league ranking of the team quickly climb to the seventh place, and even played the confidence of Chinatown.

At least, this victory let everyone see the strength of Chinatown is not bad.

Even if Godin and verati are sold this summer, Chinatown is still one of the strongest teams in La Liga. Whether in La Liga or in the Champions League, they are still quite competitive.

But Atletico Madrid and Barcelona are also big winners, continue to lead the La Liga table.

Due to the late start of La Liga this season, the schedule is tight.

Three days after the fourth round, La Liga is in the fifth round of the week.

Chinatown was in charge of the Qatar Royal stadium to welcome Elche, but the result was still that the back line made a mistake. In the first 15 minutes, it gave the other side a penalty and fell behind miserably.

But only five minutes later, debraune assisted glitzmann to score a goal and equalized the score. Later, Azar used his personal ability to force the ball into the penalty area, made a penalty, and hit the penalty in person to make the score exceed.

The 32nd minute, Moreno assists morata to score a goal, expands the score to 3:1.

After Yi Bian fought again in the second half, the two sides were in a stalemate. After China city changed players continuously, Hesse, the substitute, scored his fourth goal in the 80th minute, which completely established the victory of the game.

Zidane replaced a young French player, 18-year-old Martha, in the 82nd minute after winning the game and controlling 68% of the ball.

This young French player came from Lyon youth training camp, but was valued by the Scouts of Chinatown. He was invited to participate in the talent day selection of Chinatown. After winning with excellent results, Chinatown offered Lyon a price to introduce him and play in the Chinatown youth team.

The 18-year-old did not show any diffidence when he first stepped on the stage of La Liga. He immediately became the most active member on the court. Together with Hesse, he constantly threatened Elche's goal. In the 92nd minute, after receiving Hesse's assist, he scored the last goal and helped the team win 5-1 over Elche.

After eight to one, another five to one, China city has been in a awesome state for two consecutive rounds. Not only the main players have been very strong, but even the substitute young players have shown great talent.

In particular, the first game on the goal of the French player marcel, is caused by all the media and fans attention.

After five rounds of fighting, China city's league ranking rose to the fifth place, while Atletico Madrid continued to lead the La Liga scoreboard. Barcelona drew 0-0 with Malaga this round, falling out of the top of the league.

But when everyone thought that Luis Enrique's team was going to be in trouble, Barcelona soon slaughtered Granada 6-0 at home in the sixth round of La Liga at the weekend, proving to everyone that the league game in the middle of the week was just a small stumbling in the high-speed sprint.

Atletico Madrid also won the opponent, continue to lead the La Liga table.

The Chinese city away with bogba and Azar goals, 2-0 beat Villarreal, assists are ISCO and fermino.

Three days later, Lisbon stadium of light, the second round of the Champions League group match.

China City narrowly beat Sporting Lisbon 1-0 away with ilia ramendi's goal in the 34th minute.

Chelsea beat Schalke 04 1-0 away to keep up with China city.

The situation of the whole group has been very obvious. The next two group games will be China city's first home game and then away game against Chelsea. These two games will also determine the trend of the group, especially the attribution of the group's top.

Back in La Liga, it's the seventh round.

Chinatown continued to play at home to welcome Athletic Bilbao.

Just two minutes into the opening, glitzman assisted Azar to score a goal.

After that, debrao helped to attack fermino.

After Yi Bian fought again in the second half, glitzman, fermino and Azar scored goals one after another, and finally beat Bilbao 5-0 at home. The Basque lions suffered their first big defeat of the season.

After the game, Bilbao athletic coach balwade regretfully said that Chinatown firmly controlled the midfield. The midfield combination of ISCO and debraune made the midfield of Chinatown full of creativity. The two players in the midfield were like flowing water, which made Bilbao athletic defensible.

"I think Chinatown is still one of the most promising teams in La Liga this season."

Also to this round, Atletico Madrid finally lost, away 1-2 accident lost to Valencia bat Legion.

Barcelona, on the other hand, successfully reversed Atletico Madrid to the top of the La Liga table after defeating balecano away from home. Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid followed closely. Sevilla also won La Coruna 4-1 in this round and continued to maintain the fourth position in La Liga. China city remained unchanged and remained fifth in La Liga.

After the seventh round, La Liga stopped again, ushering in two weeks of national team day.

Alpine also took advantage of this intermission, returned to China, came to Wuhan.

First, accompanied by Lin Guoping and Xiang Tianming, as well as the provincial and municipal government officials, he inspected the training center project of Chinatown in Wuhan. The whole project is progressing in an orderly way according to the plan, and all the preparations are in good order.

The real goal of Alpine is the warm-up match between Chinatown and Thailand on October 10.



When Gao Han walked into the stands of Wuhan Sports Center, countless fans were calling out his name.

The fanaticism and love of the fans at the scene moved Gao Han, but the competition was just around the corner, and he was not on his stage tonight, so he sat in the grandstand with a low profile.

He came to the match at the invitation of national football coach Pei LAN. The Chinese Football Association specially sent him tickets.

Pelan's meaning is very clear, he hopes Alpine can give more and better advice to the national team to promote the progress of the team.

As the players of the two teams entered the stadium, the fans' attention gradually shifted to the game.

In this game, Thailand did not play its main role, only 15 players came, which can be said to be the second team of Thailand.

In the face of such a team, the alpine game before that, the national football team won the problem is not big.

But what surprised him was that he didn't score in the first half. The team played well in attack and created opportunities. But in the last kick, the efficiency was too poor.

Not only from the two wings of the ball missed the standard, the middle of the reception is also disappointing.

The two sides played until the 61st minute of the second half when the Chinese team broke the deadlock with an own goal.

After the goal, pelan changed players in succession. China also scored goals in 84 and 88 time points, and finally defeated Thailand 3-0. Yixue suffered a humiliation of a 5-1 defeat that year.

However, after watching the whole process of the game, I was not in a good mood.

The main problem is the attack, the team is not failed to create opportunities, but can not grasp the opportunity.

It should be said that this is not only a problem for the national team, but also a problem faced by all the teams of CSL.

One of the most important reasons for Evergrande to win the Asian championship is that it relies on strong foreign aid, but in the national team, it can not rely on foreign aid, which is very obvious in this game.

If the forward of the national football team can grasp the opportunity better, I believe it will be a bloody wash, that is the real disgrace, not like now, playing so hard.

Gao even doubted that if it wasn't for the Oolong ball, he didn't know what the game would be like.

In fact, the statistics after the game also confirmed the judgment of high cold.

Twenty two shots, six straight shots, thirty-seven crosses. Gao can only say that the attack efficiency is really low.

Pelan's tactics in this match are very right. He emphasizes more on the two wing cross, which can be seen from the 37 foot cross. The purpose is obviously to crush Thailand with the help of the national football team's header advantage. After all, there are traditional advantages in this aspect.

But on the one hand, the quality of the pass ball is not high, and on the other hand, the frontline players are suck, so that the two sides of the whole game are constantly looking for opportunities, but they can not create threats.

Center Han Peng got the yellow card because of his impatience, which shows that the team really has problems in attacking.

After the game, Gao Han visited the national football team's dressing room for the first time, and was warmly welcomed by head coach pelan and the international players. Gao Han mainly encouraged the team, but also pointed out that the team lacked efficiency and the attack conversion rate was too low.

However, in the end, Gao encouraged the players to continue to encourage, he said that he believed that the national football team in the next Changsha Helong Stadium against Paraguay warm-up game, is still very hopeful.

The encouragement from the high cold, together with the 3-0 defeat of Thailand, make the internal atmosphere of the national team eased a lot. In addition, the high cold's personal presence on the scene of the coach's support makes the international players have more trust in him.

But in private, Gao Han conveyed his observation to Peilan.

The French coach also felt helpless. He said that the main reason is that the international players' basic skills are not solid enough, especially in the face of Thailand's intensive defense, the team's midfield organization is very chaotic, and the delayed midfield can not effectively control the game, which makes the team's overall offensive and defensive rhythm chaotic.

"The opponent didn't do his best, that's for sure, but we had the advantage and only got three goals. I think it's worth reflecting on. There are too many chances wasted in front of the goal, which will be fatal at the critical moment." Gao Han solemnly reminds us.

What does Perrin know?

But in the front, he is really a clever woman, it is difficult to make bricks without straw.

What the national football team needs most is a strong center with strong personal ability like Evergrande's elkson, but there is obviously a lack of such players in the current national team.

However, pelan still said that the next team will focus on training the wing of the pass.

Sure enough, after being reminded by the cold, pelan was practicing his cross in the next few days. In Changsha Helong Stadium four days later, facing Paraguay in South America, it was just two cross from the side that made a threat.

In the first penalty, Zheng Zhi, the captain of the national team, took the lead and hit the ball. In the second penalty, Wu Lei made a pass from the left and scored the goal to help the national team beat Paraguay 2-1.

With two wins in two battles and defeating Thailand and Paraguay, the national football team is really proud.

After watching the game on the spot, Gao Han praised the national football team on Weibo for the first time.