Chapter 1070

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
In everyone's envious eyes, Gao Han stepped into the central position of the chairman's stand.

This area can be described as a gathering of the world's top political figures. All the representatives attending the BRICs summit are sitting in this area, and FIFA president Blatter is also sitting here.

When the high cold passed by, many people nodded to him. Russian President Vladimir Putin also stood up from his seat and shook hands with the high cold to express the honor of meeting. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was invited to attend, gave a polite hug to the high cold and expressed her gratitude for it.

"Our national team can not appear in the final of Maracana stadium without your contribution in that year. On behalf of Germany, I thank you!"

"Thank you. You flatter me."

The chief executive is sitting in the middle of the grandstand, accompanied by the host Brazilian president Rousseff, while there is an empty seat between the other side and Merkel. When he sees Gao Han coming, he immediately greets Gao Han to sit down.

At this time, Brazilian president Rousseff also stood up, took the initiative to say hello to Gao Han, and said to the chief, "Mr. Gao Han has also made quite outstanding contributions to our Brazilian football, Kaka, Ronaldinho, Neymar, Tiago Silva... He helped us cultivate many of our soul stars."

"You flatter me." Cold and humble.

But the reaction of the fans on the scene is no doubt everything.

When the high cold appeared in the stands, caught by the live TV cameras, and played on the big screen, all the fans got up and cheered. The scene was like a tsunami, and countless fans were welcoming the high cold.

This is a privilege that even FIFA president Blatter has never had.

Although the scene of the gathering of political bigwigs, but in the field of football, alpine is the most supreme first person.

The chief kindly took Gao Han's hand and asked him to sit down beside him. He jokingly said, "I don't watch many football games and I don't know much about it. Wait a minute, you have to explain it for me."

A joke, let Alpine excited mood eased a lot, do not live in the first place: "of course."

"In fact, over the years, I've always hoped to have a chance to have a good chat with you and talk about your thoughts on Chinese football and Chinese sports. Unfortunately, you and I have been busy all these years. It's hard to hear that you have time. It happened that the president of Brazil sent an invitation and many things in China are almost ready. So I thought, I'd like to take this opportunity to show my attitude and have a good talk with you. "

Gao Han nodded, "I understand. Thank you for your affirmation."

"In addition to having a good chat with you, I also have three purposes when I order your general. First, I encourage and affirm your Chinatown. Before I set out, I told all the ministers accompanying me to let them have a good and in-depth understanding of you and your Chinatown."

"Second, I want to know about your youth training system and management mechanism, and see if it can help the improvement of Chinese football. As you know, domestic football is in the doldrums, but the revitalization of Chinese football is a crucial part of the country's vigorous development of sports industry and the top priority of the national strategy of national fitness."

"Third, I've heard that you've been sticking to youth training all these years. You've also made remarkable achievements, especially in promoting the cooperation between China and Spain in football. We're very pleased and want to know if we can help you."

"Generally speaking, there are three points. My schedule is very full. We only have one game. We should talk about the game and the three points well. No matter what you think or think, just speak freely."

Gao Han understands that it is a great honor for the chief to be able to give him about two hours of private chat time every day. It is not difficult to see that it is imperative for the national fitness to be promoted to the national strategy.

Now that the chief has said all these things, the high cold doesn't want to hide, so he directly takes out some words that he has repressed in his heart for many years.

For Chinese football, alpine is an idea.

In the past few years, through Chinatown, he has been conducting various domestic researches, organizing various forums and summits, and inviting experts from home and abroad to study and offer suggestions. Gao Han quite agrees that China has missed the opportunity of comprehensive reform in 2002.

It can be said that the world cup between South Korea and Japan is more about the rise of South Korea and Japan, but for China, it is an excellent opportunity for reform. Taking advantage of the opportunity of entering the world cup to comprehensively reform domestic football is undoubtedly a matter of getting twice the result with half the effort.

However, it is a pity that China missed this opportunity, which led to the growing gap between China and South Korea and Japan.

For how to revitalize China's football, alpine over the years also have this aspect of thinking, and repeatedly discussed with his father-in-law Lin Guoping in this aspect, by his old man to personally check, so now he started from the youth training, then talked about the professional league, and finally the whole professional football industry, even enlarged to the whole sports industry.

As one of the most successful professional clubs in Europe, which has been immersed in European football for more than ten years, many ideas and concepts of Alpine are incomparable to those of domestic experts. Moreover, he has conducted a very in-depth research in China, so it is quite in line with China's national conditions and has high feasibility.

Gao Han spoke very quickly, and the chief heard it clearly, but the Secretary at the back remembered that he was sweating. Finally, he had to find another helper. They recorded Gao Han's words at the same time.

When Gao Han finished, they were also greatly relieved.

"What you said is very thoughtful and deep, and has brought us a lot of thinking and valuable opinions. But after all, you are not a person in the system, and many things are much more complicated than you think."

After listening to the cold words, the chief nodded, but also pointed out the problem.

"Your perspective is only limited to football and even sports, but we can't look at the problem so simply. We need to stand in a higher position to coordinate the overall situation and consider more and more complex issues. The focus is not on the reform of football, but on the impact after the reform. Do you understand what I mean?"

Gao Han kept nodding. Of course, he understood that this was what his father-in-law Lin Guoping said.

"However, your idea is very good, especially if you want to continue to promote youth training in Xinjiang and Jilin, I think it's very rare." When the chief said this, he turned to the confidential secretary and said, "help me to write this down. We should encourage and support things like this."

Confidential secretary nodded to agree at the same time, also did not forget to have a deep look at the cold.

For the national team, Gao Han thinks that pelan is a high-level head coach. There is no problem with the process and vision of the selection team, but it is hard to say whether he can lead the national team to success.

In this regard, alpine is also outspoken, the foundation of Chinese football is really too thin.

This also made the chief feel rather sad.

"We have a saying that pigs can fly at the air outlet. It's very rough, but it's not unreasonable. The current Chinese football is so bad. As long as the wind blows, many things will be much easier."

Gao Han nodded, "yes, I hope that peran can lead the national team to successfully enter the Russian World Cup in 2018. By that time, the whole nation's fanaticism in 2002 will reappear in China. With the help of this wave to promote reform, we can achieve twice the result with half the effort."

After listening to the chief, he said with a smile, "if you are the head coach, I am sure full of confidence, but others..."

The words have not finished, but Gao Han has already felt the deep trust in the words.



After 120 minutes in the final of the world cup, the German national team beat Argentina 1-0 with GEZE's goal, and Messi missed the best chance to win the title.

Although it is GEZE who helps the team win, it is the Bayern Munich internationals who really help the German national team to the top, and most of them are promoted and cultivated by the cold.

The goalkeeper Noel, the defenders ram, bardstubel, humales, Boateng, Schweinsteiger, Tony cross, Thomas Muller, Klose and Royce are all the players in the period of coaching Bayern Munich in the high cold, and the pass and control play adopted by Loew is also inherited from the high cold.

It can be said that the head coach of the German national team is Loew, but in fact, at a deeper level, it is Gao Han who helps Germany win.

After Germany won the championship, Merkel kept thanking Gao Han and her leaders.

In the second place Argentina national team, sabaleta, Mascherano, Messi, DiMaria and Aguero are also players of the cold past.

Combined with the last Champions League final, China City beat Atletico Madrid to win the Champions League. Throughout the summer, the two most important champions have a deep cold brand.

However, different from the uproar of the media outside, after more than two hours of private chat in the World Cup final, Gao Han once again returned to the idle state of no one in the delegation, and returned to China with the delegation after the BRICs summit.

At this time, FIFA also officially announced the major awards of the world cup.

The golden ball is given to Messi, the silver ball is Thomas Muller, the bronze ball is Robben, the golden boot is Hames Rodriguez, the silver boot is Thomas Muller, the bronze boot is Neymar, the golden glove is Noel, the best rookie is bogba, and the fair play is Colombia national team.

The best lineup is goalkeeper Noel, the defensive line is Rojo, Tiago Silva, humales and devery, the midfield is Hames Rodriguez, ram, Oscar and Tony cross, the forward is Robben and Thomas Muller.

This has also become a big controversy about Messi's election to the Golden Globes, because the winner of the Golden Globes did not enter the best team.

China City won only two awards in the world cup, bogba's best Rookie Award and devery's best defender.

After Godin left for Atletico Madrid, devery added the role of centre back to the starting line-up with his left foot, which has become the consensus of all. He will work with varane to stir up the back of China City in the new season.

Bogba also performed well in the world cup and won the attention of many teams. However, China city has renewed his contract with him. The penalty of the French midfield is as high as 200 million euros, which belongs to the highest level of the team. It shows that bogba is optimistic and valued.

Villatti's departure is a foregone conclusion. The difference is which team to go to. Bogba, debraune and cork will have more opportunities in the new season. I believe the fierce competition among these young players will stimulate the overall vitality and performance of Chinatown.

At the end of Gao's visit to Brazil, when Gao returned to Beijing, China, there was another big price transfer in European football.