Chapter 1046

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
The day after the match in Chinatown, Atletico Madrid drew 1-1 with Villarreal.

The overall performance of the bedspread team was not ideal. Although they scored first, they were equalised in the 79th minute and failed to score again in the love song stadium.

However, Barcelona continue to defend their top position in the league by winning 4-1 at Bilbao.

After 13 rounds, Barcelona ranked first with 37 points. Martino's team's impressive record of 12 wins and 1 draw is really admirable. Zidane led China city to second place with 12 wins and 1 loss. Atletico Madrid is two points less than China City, ranking third. Real Madrid is six points less than Atletico Madrid, ranking fourth.

As for China city's ability to hold up the pressure and win Levante 3-0 at home, both the media and fans have given quite high evaluation. They think that as long as China city continues to maintain the current momentum, it is fully capable of forming a threat to Barcelona, and even has the opportunity to take Barcelona down.

If this team with the lowest average age in La Liga really wins the championship in the end, it will be a great event in Spanish football.

However, some media reporters expressed concern that, after all, China city was in full swing. Before bochetino's coaching period, China city once occupied the top of the League for a long time, but in the second half of the game, its performance was unstable, and its performance plummeted. Finally, it only got a fourth place in the league.

But in any case, Zidane's performance this season is impressive.

However, in La Liga, the most eye-catching is Martino's Barcelona, but this eye-catching is that although Martino's team remains unbeaten, still ranked first in La Liga, but both the team and the fans are not satisfied with him.

The impressive record of 13 games, 12 wins and 1 draw is a dream for Martino, who is a new comer and coach of a European team for the first time. However, everyone seems not to like it. The reason is that he does not continue the tradition of Barcelona passing and controlling the ball.

Rotating Messi and Ibrahimovic, playing Pedro as a substitute, adopting a double back approach and reusing lakitic

Martino's various moves have put him in dispute. Even Barca players such as Harvey have some doubts about Martino's playing method, especially the tactics of abandoning the ball control.

But Martino's attitude is very tough, said he will continue to adhere to his own set of play, will not waver.

It can be said that Barcelona's performance this season is really surprising, but it is also domestic and foreign.

In any case, after 13 rounds, La Liga stopped once again, ushering in two weeks of national team competition.

But Gao Han received news from China from Xiang Tianming.



"Just yesterday, the Chinese Football Association officially issued a selection notice."

In the living room of lafenka villa, Gao Han uses a tablet computer to communicate with Xiang Tianming, who is far away in Beijing. In the video, Xiang Tianming shows him a document, which is not very clear, but it will be sent to Gao Han's mailbox when he turns back to Tian Ming.

"According to the plan listed in the notice, the head coach who intends to compete for the new coach of the national football team should submit the application materials to the football association within 20 days, and then the football association will set up the selection expert group and working group to screen the application materials."

"The expert group includes a number of local coaches who have coached national brand teams and German football expert Stephen, while the working group is led by the technical department of the Football Association."

Gao Han was dumbfounded and said, "is this going to be a large-scale job fair?"

"As far as I know, in the past few years, the football association has not really carried out a series of reforms, as the outside world hears. The process and mechanism of selecting coaches have learned from the experience of many large state-owned enterprises in hiring senior executives, forming a complete set of procedures and systems, with corresponding responsible persons in each link."

Xiang Tianming often deals with the Football Association. He must be more clear about these things than alpine cold.

"This time, for example, there are seven stages in the whole selection process, including the formulation of plans, the collection of application materials, the selection of experts, the interview of candidates, the second comparison of expert groups, the negotiation of specific details, and the final decision-making of the leadership. Each process is very clear and transparent, and the direction is also very clear."

"True or false?" Alpine some accidents, he really is the first time to hear this kind of thing, some are not willing to believe, "Football Association coach really has such a mechanism?"

This is far from the image of the football association in his mind.

"It's true. It's been implemented. Every step is in accordance with the process and mechanism. Now it's the second step."

After hearing this, Gao Han shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "even so, what can I choose?"

This question really asks Xiang Tianming.

"This registration mechanism alone, I think, the real strength of the manager is impossible to compete Gao Han shook his head.

He doesn't know about others, but it's absolutely impossible for him to compete for such a handsome position. Isn't it that he has fallen into the market?

Let alone to his level, I'm afraid that those front-line and slightly famous coaches in the world football world can't compete for such a position. The reason is very simple. If they succeed, it's OK. But what if they fail?

"Yes, as far as I know, there is no first-line coach. It is said that several foreign coaches who are slightly famous in China have also asked for confidentiality, and they do not want to be known about their competition." Xiang Tianming said with a bitter smile.

It's understandable for alpine people to ask for this. After all, if the news leaks, it will be a big loss to their reputation.

That's why brokers need to exist.

Whether it's the players or the manager, in the current situation, it's the need for agents.

"In fact, the failure of Camacho has caused a lot of controversy within the Football Association. The annual salary is so high, although there are sponsors to pay for it, it is also a big pressure. Now the new coach has no sponsors to pay for it. The football association is too shy to give so much money, so I didn't want to be a famous coach from the beginning."

Xiang Tianming is somewhat ironic and helpless.

Alpine is not willing to continue to entangle in this issue, "what's next?"

"The next step is for the expert group to screen candidates in the first round according to the actual needs of the national team, eliminate some inappropriate targets, and enter the second round of interviews for the rest."

"Interview? How to interview? " Gao Han asked with a smile.

"It is said that members of the expert group will raise various questions, including football concept, professional consciousness, teaching experience and ability, understanding of Asian football and Chinese football, etc., covering everything from the overall situation to the details, which will be unified by the working group to form a face-to-face test outline."

As soon as Xiang Tianming's voice fell, Gao Han shook his head and laughed. "Then, as in the case of large-scale enterprise recruitment, invite all the candidates who participate in the competition one by one, interview them one by one, and ask all the questions again?"

In the video, Xiang Tianming shakes his head and laughs, nodding to show that this is it.

"If the head coach of a team can be selected through such a short period of selection and interview, then under such a mature management mechanism in European football, where can a team choose the wrong head coach?"

"To say the least, if those expert groups are able to select whether the interviewers have enough coaching level by a few questions, how valuable and technical should the questions they ask? How high is the teaching level of an expert who can ask such high-value and technical questions? "

The continuous questioning of the cold makes Xiang Tianming speechless, and the whole person is Spartan.

He does think that the selection mechanism is a bit strange.

The simplest, such as the cold, he is absolutely impossible to send a resume and interview.

Don't say it's cold. The first-line managers in Europe, such as Jose, Guardiola and Lippi, can't accept such a selection mechanism. Isn't that tantamount to smashing the signboard?

What's more, Gao Han is right. Just a few broken questions can test whether a head coach is really talented or not?

It's very simple to coach a team, and it's also very complex to coach a team. It's not something that can be tested by a few experts or problems.

Even if it is like Gao Han, this season Zidane such a rookie to the front stage, but the reason is that Zidane was the world's best top star, and then under the command of Jose and Gao Han to learn, and then after two years of cooperation, Gao Han recognized Zidane's ability, which invited him to coach Chinatown.

During the whole process, no resume was delivered and no interview was needed.

"According to the information I got, the selection team will go to Europe at the end of December or January to interview and talk with many candidates, and then they should go to Madrid." This is the key point to Tianming.

The cooperation between Chinatown and the Chinese Football Association has been long prepared by the cold weather, mainly in terms of youth training.

After arriving in Madrid, the Chinese Football Association will visit the training base in Chinatown one after another and meet with Spanish Football Association and government officials. Alpine has made arrangements for this.

Whether it's the Spanish football association or the government, they have a strong interest in cooperating with China in youth training. Alpine and Chinatown are also happy to see the success. After all, it's good for the promotion of La Liga in China and Asia.

According to the communication and consultation between the two sides, Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy plans to visit China in 2014, so the three parties intend to promote this cooperation before their visit to China, so as to promote the whole football cooperation project to the national level.

As intermediaries, alpine and Chinatown will also play a crucial role in the focus of cooperation between the two sides.

"Don't worry, I've dealt with everything in Spain." High cold nods a way.

"Well, I will also follow the working group of the football association to Europe. I will communicate with you in detail about the specific matters and procedures."

Xiang Tianming said here, and looked at the cold, "in addition, a big man of the football association wants to invite you to the expert group, you see..."

With today's high cold's influence in the world football world and China, if he attends the expert group as a nonvoting member, it will undoubtedly make the whole selection mechanism more authoritative, which is tantamount to high cold's endorsement for the Football Association.

But Gao did not believe that such a process can really select a coach with excellent coaching ability.

Even if really selected, this head coach can lead the Chinese national team to achieve good results?

Coaching is not so easy!

Think of here, Gao Han shook his head, a long sigh, "come on, you help me refuse, just say I've been busy with the operation of youth training recently, can't separate, I won't participate in the selection."

Gao Han is not willing to take part in such a controversial event, which is also his wise move to protect himself.

"OK, I'll get back to you." Nodding to Tianming, his reply must be more tactful than Gao Han's.

"See you in Europe then."

"See you in Europe!"

At the moment of closing the video, Gao Han sighed and shook his head.