Chapter 999

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting

"In the 83rd minute, Marcelo made a long-range shot from the outside of the forbidden area and once again broke through Manchester United's goal

"Navas reacted very quickly, but Marcello's shot was very sudden, and the angle was very tricky. Manchester United's players were pulled away, and Paris Saint Germain's corner was well organized

"We can see from the slow motion replay that David Lewis's header ferry is very important, very good, very comfortable. Marcello starts directly, very clean, and can feel the strong self-confidence of the left back of Paris Saint Germain."

"Two to two, the two sides are back to draw again."

"In the second half, Paris Saint Germain's counterattack was very fierce, which made Manchester United a little overwhelmed. Especially after Suarez came on the court, Gao's best on-the-spot commander once again played a miraculous effect and caught Manchester United by surprise."

"Ferguson is very dissatisfied with this goal. He really has a reason to do so, because his team should have controlled the advantage, but the situation in the second half turned around. Paris Saint Germain is now full of emotion and morale

"Manchester United changed and Phil Jones replaced Valencia, which should be a sign to strengthen the midfield defence

"The second time, Welbeck replaced muhitarian, who is a striker. With Wayne Rooney and Robin van Persie, Ferguson obviously wants to play three forward tactics

"Ferguson is making it clear that he wants to fight Paris Saint Germain

"This is also in line with the consistent style of Manchester United. Ferguson once said that Manchester United's style is to take the initiative to attack and never shrink back. It does not conform to Manchester United's traditional values to retreat. Even in the Champions League final, even if the opponent is Barcelona or a cold team, he will not shrink back."

"Alpine also made a quick change of players, Lucas Mora replaced DiMaria, which is also a signal to strengthen the attack, the Brazilian player has a strong personal breakthrough ability in the wing

"After the replacement, obamayan appeared in the middle, leaving only Yaya Toure and Pirlo in the midfield



With 10 minutes left in the game, both sides are changing players, but the ball control is still in the hands of Paris Saint Germain.

Ferguson's intention to replace Phil Jones and Welbeck is obvious, the former is midfield defense, the latter is the speed of counterattack and front court press. He still wants to focus on counterattack and is not willing to retreat easily.

And the meaning of Lucas Mora is also clear, further strengthen the attack.

"Ferguson is different from Jose. He is not used to tight defensive organization. Manchester United is not a team of this style. Therefore, when the back line and the midfield line are stable, Manchester United's defense is the best organized."

Gao Han looked at the current situation and analyzed the pros and cons of the game.

"The reason why we didn't score in the first half is that we didn't have a sharp attack in the front, especially in the middle. We always got the ball before the opponent's midfield and had to face two defense lines at the same time. We didn't make good use of the connecting area between Manchester United's midfield and back defense."

"In fact, when we get the ball in this area, Manchester United are always at a loss because our players have great personal ability to hold the ball, which makes it difficult for them to defend effectively

Compared with Drogba, Suarez's ability to hold the ball is also super strong. Like Neymar, Suarez is one of the most powerful players in Europe. The combination of these two players, coupled with obamayan, who is extremely fast, explosive, and has a very sensitive sense of movement and smell in front of the goal, makes it very difficult for Manchester United to defend.

Let alone Manchester United, any team in the world has to struggle to defend such a combination of attacks.

"Ferguson can actually pull back a little bit more Zidane said.

Although United retreated to the front of the penalty area for a period of time in the course of the game, on the whole, even in the second half, the focus of United's defensive counterattack strategy was on counterattack.

It's like Ferguson just replaced Valencia with Phil Jones, which is obviously a signal to strengthen the defense, but soon replaced msitalian with Welbeck, which is a signal to strengthen the attack.

Obviously, Sir Alex is not willing to defend and draw.

"His enterprising ambition is a bit surprising." Zidane said with admiration.

Or rather, it's called the desire to win.

Withdrawal defense can make Manchester United's defense more secure and more rigorous, which can make the penetration of Paris Saint Germain more difficult, personal ability will be more restrained, reduce the breakthrough space of Paris Saint Germain players, but it is conducive to Manchester United's counter attack.

It should be said that in the strong strong dialogue, the competition strategy is very pragmatic.

But Ferguson didn't because he was always following his own values.

This reminds Gao of the Champions League final between Manchester United and Barcelona, when Ferguson did not retreat.

And when Zidane from the cold mouth, know Ferguson in the Champions League final are still adhere to their ideas, the French can not help but praise.

"A lot of people say that Arsene is a man with strong idealism, but now I find out that Ferguson is also a man with strong idealism

Zidane's words made Gao Han smile, "maybe it should be said that all the people who succeed in European football are more or less a group of paranoia. The most important thing is how to make sure that what you are paranoid is right."

The cold words made Zidane think deeply.

There are too many people in the world who go with the flow, the manager is like this, the players are like this.

From the day of football training, a player is constantly undergoing transformation. Maybe this coach thinks you are suitable to play in this position, but the next coach thinks you are suitable to play in another position. This is true for the youth team, the adult team, and even the number of famous stars.

Di Maria joined Paris Saint Germain, the cold will not transform him into the middle of the midfield?

Many people only pay attention to such successful cases as DiMaria, but ignore how many players are completely lost in the process of transformation every month, from the original brilliant to mediocre.

Isn't it the same with the coach?

The coaching environment of any team is complex, and the dressing room of any team is in constant trouble. If a head coach can't stick to his heart and stick to what he thinks is right, he will soon be lost in the torrent, waiting for only one result, failure.

Zidane also clearly remembers that Gao Han once said in his class that the last thing a head coach should be afraid of is failure.

It's funny to say this from Gao Han's mouth, because he has never been defeated.

He believes that a manager's greatest fear should be not knowing what he wants. If he does not know this, he will not know how to choose, how to choose, and how to manage and coach a team.

It's not terrible to lose. If you lose this game, there will be another one. If you are fired by this team, there will be another coaching opportunity. As long as you know what you want, every failure will be a valuable lesson.

Zidane has experienced a lot of coaches in his career, as well as a lot of teammates and partners. They undoubtedly have one thing in common, that is, they clearly know what they want, even Bosque, who is regarded as a good man.

Everyone underestimated Bosque's technical and tactical attainments and ideas, even now.

At the very least, he advocated the no front tactics in the Spanish national team, even the cold are admired.

"What do I want?" Zidane asked himself.



Lucas Mora's appearance makes the wings a breakthrough for Paris Saint Germain.

The excellent personal ability of two Brazilian wingers makes it very difficult for United's two wings to cope, especially Lucas mora, who has just come on the field, is frequently given the opportunity to take the ball and carry it, constantly attacking United's left wing.

Finally, in the 89th minute, after the court officials played the sign of four minutes' stoppage time, Lucas Mora took the ball from the right side to attack Manchester United's left side again. After attracting the pinch of Mattic and Leighton Bynes, he returned the ball to azpilikuta, who crossed Pirlo.

The Italian made a diagonal cross to Neymar on the left side of the penalty area.

Brazil's superstar stopped the ball on the left side of the penalty area, constantly bullying Dario sRNA and Phil Jones, but Manchester United's defenders did not dare to step lightly for fear of accidentally breaking the penalty.

"Neymar's personal ability is very strong, also very self-confident, skilled and courageous."

"United's two defenders have to deal with it with some difficulty, defending carefully

"Look at this time, Neymar, a series of fake moves, failed to pass."

"Turn back... Just kick the door!"



"The ball hit the right column and bounced back into the penalty area..."


"The ball's in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



"The Gabon international scored in the 89th minute to help Paris Saint Germain beat Manchester United 3-2

"It was a very beautiful attack."

"Paris Saint Germain tried to break through on the right, failed to get the chance, and then moved to the left through Pirlo. Neymar faced two or three defenders' attacks alone, but he still protected the ball, swung past the defenders and hit the goal directly."

"The Brazilian superstar's personal ability is really excellent, the quality of this shot is also very high, even Navas has been unable to help, but in the end, the right column saved Manchester United

"But at the crucial moment, Manchester United still failed to block the attack of Paris Saint Germain

"Obamayan started suddenly in the penalty area and pushed the ball into the goal before everyone else

"This shot is very easy, no one interferes, no one defends, obamayan easily picked up a key winner, but his sense of smell is very sensitive."

"Obamayan should thank teammate Neymar, thanks to the continuous beautiful performance of the Brazilian superstar

"Paris Saint Germain finally scored a goal against the Super League, which is undoubtedly a painful blow for Manchester United

"Ferguson's team has been very brave and once had a leading edge. It's close to the European Super Cup, but it's a pity that this time they met the cold Paris Saint Germain

"Half an hour, three goals, the attacking ability of Paris Saint Germain is impressive

"This is the cold team!"

"No matter where you go, everyone can easily recognize it at a glance and be conquered by him."

"Let's congratulate Paris Saint Germain and the high cold!"