Chapter 987

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
At the end of the European Cup, the most talked about team in the world media was Loew's Germany.

This team, whether in the preliminary round or in the group match, has shown a dazzling strength, especially the whole playing style has become gorgeous and fluent, which is amazing.

However, Loew is obviously still adjusting the team's lineup and is committed to reforming the team's playing style. Therefore, after the whole European Cup, the German team's lineup is not stable. Moreover, in key games such as the semi-final against Italy, the German team still failed to withstand the pressure and was eliminated by Italy one to two.

After this game, Loew's German team has been criticized and criticized as never before. Countless German fans believe that Loew's reform is purely a learning step from Handan. Although the playing method is smart and beautiful, and the attack and organization seem gorgeous and smooth, it has lost the traditional hard spirit and ambition of Germany, not to mention the iron and blood domineering spirit of the troika, efenberg and Ballack period.

Gao also commented on this statement in his column. He thinks that Germany is a very young team full of potential and hope, and Loew should not be blamed.

"Is love wrong?"

"Yes, of course, otherwise, how can Germany be eliminated?"

"But everyone and every team will experience such a process of groping and running in."

"Many people who criticize Loew think that it is the technical reform that makes the German national team lose its traditional spiritual strength. They think that the delicate technology under their feet is incompatible with the iron and steel domineering spirit, but this is a very narrow view in itself."

"I have coached Bayern Munich, so I know that in the past few years of youth training reform in Germany, a group of outstanding young talents have emerged, such as Tony cross, gerzer, Royce, Thomas Muller, humels..."

"With such a group of excellent players, it is undoubtedly the most suitable tactics for the German team to build the tactics that are most suitable and can give full play to their technical and tactical characteristics around this group of players. Loew is walking on such a road."

"I know the German team, Neuer, bardstubel, Boateng, humales, ram, Tony cross, hedilla, Thomas Muller, Schweinsteiger, Royce, Klose. They are all my players in Bayern Munich, so I know and understand their strength very well."

"I don't think Loew should be blamed. On the contrary, he should be supported. His team is undoubtedly on the right path, just like the 2006 experience of Aragones."

"Reform needs pains and takes a period of time. I firmly believe from the beginning to the end that Loew will lead Germany to success because of his strength."

Gao Han's support for Loew in his column has been reprinted on the pages of major media newspapers all over the world, winning the support of many fans and media people, but also arousing a lot of doubts.

Beckenbauer also reprinted Gao Han's comments in the following column, saying that Gao Han trained a group of outstanding young players for German football during his coaching in Bayern Munich, and also pointed out the future development direction. Loew's current direction of efforts is correct.

After the final of the European Cup, Spain won the cup successfully, and the grand prizes announced by UEFA began to arouse heated discussion.

During the European Cup, a technical committee composed of 11 European coaches headed by Houllier and Capello is specially responsible for evaluating the performance of players in the competition and giving suggestions in the selection of major awards after the competition.

In the end, Iniesta was elected as the best player in the European Cup. Although he failed to score, his performance was unanimously recognized and affirmed by the technical committee of UEFA, believing that he was the key role for Spain to win the championship.

Among the 23 best players, Spain successfully defended the European Cup and became the first team ever to win three consecutive European Cup and World Cup titles. A total of 11 Spanish players were included in the list, including Casillas, pique, Ramos, Alba, cavalhall, Iniesta, Xavi, Busquets, Xavi Alonso, Francois Benitez Fabregas and David Silva.

Among them, kawahar's selection is somewhat surprising, because he has only played three games in total. Although he started all the games and played all over the court, his selection into the best team is still not enough.

For this reason, UEFA technical committee chairman Roxburgh said in an interview that although cavalhall only participated in three games, it was Spain's best three, and all three games were crucial.

In the group match against Ireland, although the opponent's strength is not strong, it is the key battle for Spain to break through the group. In the knockout match against France, not to mention, the final game is against Italy. In these three games, cavalhall played the whole match and played a key role.

"In addition to his outstanding performance in attack, he also made a great contribution to the defensive end. There is no doubt that he is one of the best right back players in this European Cup. Therefore, we think that although he has only played three times, he has played a key role and should be selected into the best team."

As for Spain's left back alba, he deserves to be selected into the best team. He has played every game in Spain, is one of Spain's best players, and is known as the number one new star of this European Cup.

At the same time, kawahar and Alba were also shortlisted in the eight new stars of the European Cup, and ranked at the top.

"Before the European Cup, Spain's full back was praised as the weakest link of the team, but the appearance of alba and cavalhall completely broke everyone's glasses."

"These two young players in their early twenties have been well known in the Spanish League. After coming to the European Cup, they are still impressive and keen on forward attack. They have also become two sharp weapons of Spanish attack and the most dangerous players in the Spanish national team."

Along with alba and kawahar, Russia's zagoev, Bayern Munich's Royce and Manchester United's Welbeck are also included in the new star list.

After the European Cup, the major media have selected their best lineup. Alba has basically locked the position of the best left back. Cavalhall has also been shortlisted for the best right back in many selections, but many people have chosen Bayern Munich's RAM.

In any case, the two flying wings of Chinatown became famous in the European Cup.

However, in the circle of European professional coaches, the last column of Gao Han is the most controversial one.

In the last column, Gao Han summed up the current European Cup. He continued to dig and explore in depth after the previous column defending Loew. He believes that the style of European and even world football is tending to the integration of inclusiveness.

"The most discussed team in this European Cup is the traditional strong team in the impression of many fans."

"England started not to play long passes. Apart from the defenders, they began to get used to the transition of midfield players or the transfer of the ball to the side to look for attacking opportunities

"Italy is no longer infatuated with reinforced concrete defense. They start to play with each other. The midfield is also very technical. There are many kinds of attacking methods and levels, which bring us a very strong visual impact."

"There is also Germany. They have always dedicated a high level of team cooperation, but they play more delicately, more unrestrained and more beautiful. Although many people think that they have lost their blood and courage, I think that this Germany is the result of integrating more and more advanced concepts of playing methods on the basis of the original tradition."

Gao's conclusion is that the European giants learn from each other's strong points, learn from each other's strong points and make up for each other's weaknesses, which makes the technical and tactical content of each team higher and the game more fierce and good-looking.

However, Gao does not think that this will lead to a convergence of styles among all teams, because teams such as Italy, Germany and England will not become Spain in any case, and vice versa.



With the end of the European Cup, all kinds of discussions began to settle, but the European summer transfer began in full swing.

The Premier League has the strongest purchasing power in European football in recent years, and it is the same this year.

As the Champions League champion, Manchester United's overall strength is very strong. This summer, they are aiming to attack the Premier League Championship. They mainly focus on metabolism and strengthening the bench thickness, and the recruitment action will not be too big.

The same is true of Manchester City, and Ancelotti announced earlier that the transfer of Manchester City this summer should be more cautious.

As a traditional strong team, the performance of Chelsea in the League last season was very low, and finally only got the sixth place in the league, not the Champions League this season, which made the blues suffer a lot. Abramovich is even more ambitious and wants to return to the top four, so he put forward a transfer budget of 100 million euros, hoping to strengthen the team in the summer.

First, he brought in Oscar from Brazil for 30 million euro, and then he brought in Marco Marin from Werder Bremen for 10 million euro.

However, the real weakness of Chelsea lies in the left and right flanks. Ashley Cole, 31, has only one year left on his contract with the club, but he has not reached an agreement on the renewal of his contract, which worries the whole team. The right back is the death of the club for many years.

At the end of the European Cup, the British media soon revealed that Chelsea are targeting China city's two full backs, alba and cavalhall, hoping to bring the two wingers to Stamford Bridge.

However, the team coveting these two players is not only Chelsea. Barcelona have been pursuing Alba for a long time. Although Real Madrid have avelloa, they are also very interested in cavalhall, a brilliant local rookie of the national team.

The participation of many rich teams has made the two rookies who shine brilliantly in the European cup hot.

In addition to cawahar and alba, erera has also received the attention of many teams, among which Atletico Madrid is the most interested. The bedspread team hopes to get the Spanish native star to strengthen the team's midfield. Moreover, erera's partner, Schneiderlin, has cooperated with each other in Chinatown, and they are not new to each other.

On the contrary, rajitic, who was brilliant before the European Cup, failed to break through the group stage due to his general performance in the European Cup, which made him less valued and some neglected.

Obamayan also won the favor of many top teams including Chelsea, Liverpool and Real Madrid with his outstanding performance in the past two seasons.

There is only one official reply from Chinatown to many teams, which is not for sale.

But it's not defensive at all.