Chapter 934

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
It is a great event for the whole family to return home in the cold.

Since the villa in Yuquan mountain was decorated, Gao Damin and his wife couldn't bear the cold and Lin Xia's persuasion and moved in. Most of the houses in the urban area are for rent, and there is a considerable amount of rent income every month. In addition, the business of the clothing store is getting better and better. Especially after taking a stake in Zhang Quan technology, this well-known master in China is more and more dedicated, Business is booming.

This directly leads to the family's income is not poor every month, Gao Damin in recent years save save, and began to buy a house.

Every time he comes back from the cold, he will take his son and daughter-in-law to the newly bought house and Wangpu to have a look at the first time, so as to satisfy his little vanity, and by the way, he will give some advice on leasing.

In his words, all this will be handed over to the next generation sooner or later.

Every time he was advised to enjoy his life and take his mother to travel around instead of buying so many houses, he always said, "that's what you said at the beginning, but now you can see that the house prices in Beijing have gone up. If you didn't buy it earlier, can you buy this family property?"

More interestingly, as like as two peas do not think, the mother's thoughts are exactly the same as his. Even on weekdays, they never spend a penny in their lives. Most of them are public transportation. They want to leave a large family property for their children and grandchildren, as if for them, the greatest achievement in their life is two.

Gao Han can't understand this idea of his parents, but he respects it.

It's like it's hard for others to understand his dedication to football and youth training.

So, every time he comes back home, he will try his best to accompany his father to look around the houses and shops. The old man always has his own way to buy good houses and shops on the street. After buying, he only rents but does not sell them. Moreover, he is very selective about tenants. He does not rent any of the houses he despises. But if he does, it doesn't matter if he has no money to pay the rent.

Or tell Gao Han to Tianming. It is said that the old man suffered a loss when he rented the house a few years ago. He met an unscrupulous tenant. The house was badly damaged, which made him feel distressed. In a rage, he told the other party. Since then, he has been very demanding of the tenant.

However, this also brings another advantage. The old man has a good reputation. The house is always in short supply, and most of them are long-term tenants. It is said that the longest families have been renting for ten years.

"The old man is a nostalgic person. You don't know all day long, but he often tells me that when he came to Beijing, if he wasn't taken in by the sixth master, your family would have to sleep on the street. Although it's a new era, the new era also has its difficulties."

"Now Beijing's house price and rent are rising so much that the old man himself is flustered. He often says that if he hadn't bought it earlier, he would have worked hard all his life and couldn't afford to buy a small single room in Beijing. Therefore, he is really good to the tenants. Sometimes even I feel a loss, but he is very happy."

Sitting in the living room of the villa, listening to Xiang Tianming's words and looking at his father in the courtyard, Lin Guoping is studying his carefully cultivated flowers and plants. He is also deeply touched by the high cold. From childhood to adulthood, his parents have taught him this.

"Leave it to him, as long as he is happy. Besides, he doesn't often say that it's a blessing to suffer losses?" Gao Han said with a smile.

Sitting on the opposite side, he nodded to Tianming and said, "don't say, now the old man is worth hundreds of millions at least. How many big bosses are not as rich as the old man."

At that time, who could have thought that the house price in Beijing would soar like this?

Let alone the house. How many years has the land of the youth training center in Chinatown been?

Earlier, Xiang Tianming said that some developers are very interested in that piece of land and want to cooperate with Chinatown to develop it. They will change the land use planning. Chinatown will take a stake in the land and benefit at least hundreds of millions or even billions after it is completed.

This makes Alpine also very scared, thinking for a long time to block the temptation.

With his status and influence in the cold, money is no longer the most important thing for him.

"By the way, what happened to the reopening of the youth training center I told you before?" Gao Han asked.

"Well, I have studied it carefully, and many local governments are very interested in it. After hearing that we intend to open more youth training centers, many well-known enterprises in China have approached us one after another."

"Oh?" Cold some accidents, there are enterprises willing to invest in youth training?

Xiang Tianming knows the worry of high cold, "I have made a serious investigation. Many of them just want to make profits with the help of you and Chinatown. It seems that they are doing youth training, but in fact they want to earn something else. Some of them just want to cooperate with us. They may have their own professional teams, or they are interested in football."

If it's the former, we won't choose the alpine region. If it's the latter, we can consider it.

Now there are many young coaches sent by professional teams in the coach training class of Chinatown. After they study and improve in Chinatown, they basically go back to work in their own professional teams, but they will also encounter many problems.

Grassroots work is often the most difficult to deal with. Chinatown youth training center has introduced a set of mature youth training mechanisms from Madrid and Spain from the beginning. After several years of exploration and running in, it has also formed a set of relatively stable management mechanism and youth training system that are in line with the domestic environment.

For example, the plan of entering the campus in Chinatown has aroused great repercussions in Beijing, and even triggered an upsurge of playing football.

Next, Chinatown will continue to cooperate with the education system, hoping to organize primary school football league to further attract more children interested in football.

Many young coaches of other teams come to study and return to their original teams. However, they find that what they have learned has no room for exertion. The management mechanism of their teams does not give them room to play. In addition, there are fewer and fewer young trainers in recent years, which makes them useless.

Before that, some professional teams learned from Chinatown, hoping to learn from the experience of Chinatown. Gao Han also urged Xiang Tianming to give his full support, but they failed because of various reasons, which is a big pity.

The problem of football youth training seems simple, but it involves a lot.

This is also the reason why Gao Han finally decided to invest in the construction of the youth training center.

Only this time, we must be cautious.

When talking about this topic, Lin Guoping, who was originally in the courtyard, came in while wiping his hands. He sat down opposite Xiang Tianming and Gao Han. "I heard some of your discussions just now. I have a few words. I don't know whether to say them or not."

Gao Han and Xiang Tianming were stunned, but they were not polite, and immediately when he spoke freely.

Lin Guoping held the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I am a fan myself, so I know that many things are superficially football problems, but in fact they are very complex social problems, which will involve a lot."

Gao Han and Xiang Tianming nodded to show understanding.

"Beijing Chinatown youth training center is a success now, but if you want to copy it to other cities, it will inevitably involve a lot of problems, and I think you should always grasp the eight words."

Lin Guoping looks at his son-in-law solemnly. He really doesn't want to see the cold fall into the pit.

"Close to government, far away from politics."

At the beginning of the cold season, I was still at a loss. But when I pondered it carefully, I could not help but feel that these eight words were undoubtedly enlightening to me, and relieved me of many troubles at once.

Ginger is still old and spicy!

It's a pity that my father-in-law retired at a young age when he was young. His mind moved and he couldn't help laughing. "I said, Dad, I'm not in China. Look at Tianming. He has energy, passion and courage. It's a good thing, but his character is too impetuous and unreliable."

Sitting on one side, Xiang Tianming opened his eyes. Hey, man, that's not what you said when you used me.

But what a shrewd man he was. When he saw the cold, he raised his eyebrows and thought about it again. At that time, his heart almost turned over with laughter.

Isn't it?

Master Lin is a diplomat. What he is good at is dealing with all kinds of people. If he is in charge of the overall situation and controls the interests, he will do things more smoothly to Tianming.

Thinking about this, Xiang Tianming immediately laughed, "isn't it? Old man, my father says all day that I am young and ignorant. I know it myself. The main reason is my lack of experience. When I talked with merchants in some cities before, I was totally blind and didn't know how to deal with them. "

"That is, I am very worried about when I will be harmed by him. So, I think it's safe for me to have a veteran who can stabilize the situation."

"I feel the same way." He nodded to Tianming busily.

Who is Lin Guoping?

Sitting on the opposite side, he watched the two boys sing together. Why didn't he understand their ideas?

Immediately stood up from the sofa, patted his ass, "you don't play those thoughts, I'm now retired days don't mention more leisurely and comfortable, let me go to your hard work, slowly want to go."

Then he really got up and went out.

"I'd better cut flowers and mow grass with Lao Gao. It's a comfortable day."

Xiang Tianming pointed to Lin Guoping's back, looked at Gao Han, shook his head and said, "you say, how did you become your son-in-law? Even your father-in-law doesn't care whether you live or die. "

Gao Han almost kicked him to death.

If Lin Guoping didn't care about him, would he come in specially to say this?

In the final analysis, he is also afraid of the cold, young, and long-term abroad. He doesn't understand the domestic situation, so he stepped into the pit carelessly. That's why he said a word of warning, but asked him to give up his comfortable retirement life

Gao Han carefully ponders, still has the play.

At night, let her blow the pillow wind for Lin Xia, let her blow the pillow wind for her mother Xia Rong, and then let her mother Xia Rong blow the pillow wind for Lin Guoping.

Other people don't know, where do you still don't know?

As long as Xia Rong comes out, Lin Guoping will surely follow.

What's more, Lin Guoping mentioned to Lin Xia more than once the boredom of living a retired life. I think he also has the idea of doing things. Isn't it right to come here to preside over the overall situation?

"What do you think? Laugh so wickedly Xiang Tianming is chilly.

Gao Han glared at him fiercely, "don't worry. In short, the most important thing for you now is to do a good job in the youth football Invitational match. This is our next top priority, and I will try my best to convince him that it's not a big problem."

Xiang Tianming also sincerely felt that if Lin Guoping came out to preside over the event, things would go smoothly.

"Don't worry, the invitational tournament has been arranged almost, Mendes will come to Beijing recently, plus the people of China City Youth Training Center in Madrid, this matter will not go wrong."

Gao Han nodded, but at the mention of Mendes, his brow wrinkled slightly again.

Before, he asked Mendes for some information. I don't know what's going on.