Chapter 878

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
As a real-time award ceremony that attracts more than 150 countries and regions around the world, FIFA annual award ceremony not only has a very fashionable and gorgeous venue and stage layout, but every step of the scene has been carefully arranged.

The first prize winner is the best team of the year, and the prize winner is van Basten, a famous Dutch football player.

But the interesting thing is that only the men's football team has the best team of the year, but the women's football team doesn't. Gao Han thinks that this more or less reflects FIFA's different treatment of men's and women's football. After all, men's football can bring them more benefits.

The best team was followed by the fair play award, which was awarded to the Haitian U17 women's national team.

In the Haiti earthquake in January 2010, the head coach of the team was killed in the earthquake, but the little girls still participated in the World Youth Championship qualifiers, showing great courage and won unanimous recognition.

After the fair play award is the best woman football coach of the year. The winner is the coach of the German National Women's football team, Ned, and the guest is the coach of the Spanish national team, Bosque.

Gao Han once dealt with ned in the German Football Association, and she also came to Bayern Munich to study the training of Gao Han. They both knew each other, and Gao Han also felt that she deserved her prize.

After receiving the women's football coach of the year award, Ned did not immediately step down, but continued to stay on stage and awarded the best men's Football Coach Award. For this reason, she also mentioned that she once went to Bayern Munich to learn from the cold training, saying that those experiences benefited her a lot.

"If I had a choice, I would not hesitate to choose Gao Han, because in my mind, he is the best and most outstanding head coach in the world, but unfortunately, I don't know how the head coach and captain of other national teams, as well as the media, choose."

Then, on the big screen behind Ned, the top three men's football coach of the year award winners were Bosque, Guardiola and Gao Han, which made everyone cheering, and even many people were calling Gao Han's name.

Ned in the stands seems to have been infected by the atmosphere of the scene. "OK, I know everyone can't wait. It seems that the cold weather has won the support of the vast majority of people, so let's have a look now..."

Then she opened the gold envelope in her hand and took out a paper card with the name of the winner on it.

"High cold!"

When ned called out his name, Gao Han stood up slowly from his seat.

In fact, he was not surprised by the result, because since FIFA announced the candidate list, he has been the number one favorite, even in the coaching circle. Gao Han will be elected by a surprising advantage.

At this moment, Gao Han stood up from his seat, first hugged Bosque, Guardiola and others, and then bowed to the guests in the stands and the fans in front of the TV camera to express his thanks.

After that, he quickly walked to the stands, shook hands with Cristiano Ronaldo, Harvey Martinez, Mascherano, pique, Messi and many other former players, and finally returned to the podium.

During this period, the big screen on the podium also showed the final vote rate. Gao Han, with a vote rate of 69.9%, was far ahead of all the other candidates and was elected the best man's football coach of the year without any doubt.

In the second place, Bosque is only 8.45%, only one eighth of alpine, while Guardiola, who won the Champions League, is only 5.12%, far behind Alpine.

Everyone present was not surprised by such a result, because Gao Han has led many teams in the past 11 years and never lost even one game, which is a miracle in the football world.

When Gao Han took the cup from Ned, he gave a polite hug to Ned, thanking the German coach for his affirmation.

But when he came to the microphone and delivered his acceptance speech, he was a little confused.

"Er... First of all, I would like to thank many people, including my wife, children, my family and my friends, for their support, so that I can concentrate on my coaching work."

"I love football so much that I can't even imagine that if I didn't work in football, I would be a guy with nothing, because I don't have any other skills

"I am very grateful to all the players of all the teams I have coached in the past, including Atletico Madrid, Inter Milan, Bayern Munich and Manchester City, as well as the players of Chelsea. Without your support, I could not have come to this day. I believe all of you will be happy for me, and I hope to share this trophy with you."

There was a burst of warm applause on the scene, and everyone could feel the sincerity of Gao Han's words.

In particular, he mentioned Chelsea.

As we all know, Gao's feud with Chelsea has not been resolved for many years, even now, but he mentioned the blues. It can be seen that in his mind, there is no resentment towards Chelsea.

Or rather, he doesn't blame Chelsea for the past.

If there is a knot in one's heart, it must be that he is not happy with Abramovich's way of management and his brutal and arrogant attitude towards the team's head coach.

"As a head coach, I am very happy to receive the first men's football coach of the year award. I would like to say with pride to all the head coach colleagues that we finally have our own award recognized by the world."

The voice of the high cold just fell, and the scene burst out thunderous applause again.

In professional football, there has always been a tradition of valuing stars over coaches. The selection of stars is like a crucian carp in the river, but the award for the head coach is rare, and some of them are just the selection of league matches, lacking authority at all.

But now it is different. After the combination of FIFA and golden globe, there is a coach of the year award, which is undoubtedly a recognition and affirmation of the head coach's status.

"I want to say that the head coach is a very difficult job, but he is very important to a team. I always say that the work of the head coach should be more and more affirmed, so I am very happy and very grateful to FIFA and French magazine for adding such an award."

"And my biggest wish is to push the award order of the best coach of the year back in the future, preferably after the golden ball award..."

Gao Han's last words made everyone in the room burst into laughter.

"Of course, I know it's impossible, but I really hope that everyone can recognize and affirm the work of our head coach, because he is very important to the success or failure of a team

Gao Han's words once again won him full cheers.

Everyone knows that in such a grand award ceremony, all the awards are presented in order of importance and influence, so the miss world football and Golden Globe awards are arranged at the last finale.

Gao Han said that he hopes the coach of the year award can be arranged at a lower level, which is undoubtedly to enhance the understanding and affirmation of the importance and influence of the head coach from all walks of life.

As the No.1 coach in the world, Gao Han's words are undoubtedly in line with his current status and responsibility.

After Gao Han finished his acceptance speech, FIFA president Blatter came to power. After he came to power, he publicly responded to Gao Han's initiative, saying that FIFA would reconsider the award order. At the same time, on behalf of FIFA, he expressed his gratitude to Gao Han for his contribution to the development of world football in the past decade.

But Blatter certainly didn't come to power to say that. He came to present the FIFA president's award.

This is a special award, a bit like the special contribution award. The first winner is former Archbishop of South Africa and Nobel Peace Prize winner Tutu, who won the award for his strong support for the world cup in South Africa and his commitment to using football to improve social life.

After the FIFA president's award, there is the highly concerned Puskas award, which is the best goal of the year.

This award was founded in 2009. The criteria for selection are mainly considered in the A-level competitions of the national team, the championships of all continents and the top leagues of the clubs. The more important the competition is, the more exciting it will be.

The winner of the final prize was the great altentop, who made a long-range volley in Turkey's European Cup qualifier against Kazakhstan on September 3, 2010.

Interestingly, the winner of the grand altentop award was the Kazakhstan national team's main goalkeeper sidernikov who was defeated by him at that time.

It also made everyone at the scene laugh. I didn't expect FIFA to have such a humorous side in such a serious event.

But the high cold thinks more.

In fact, he thinks that the award of the best man's football coach of the year should be postponed to the Puskas award, even after the miss world football, because everyone knows that the importance of the head coach for a team is constantly improving.

Whether it's alpine, or Guardiola, or Ferguson and Arsene Wenger, in European football, or even in the world football, a good head coach can bring amazing changes to a team that lacks combat effectiveness.

But in fact, throughout the ages, the role of the head coach has never been truly recognized.

Many rich teams are proud of changing managers. For example, Ferguson and Arsene Wenger, there are few cases of serving as the manager of a rich team for a long time. It is normal to change managers frequently.

But behind this, how many head coaches have become the underdog of the team innocently and suffered too much injustice without any reason? Even after many years, they are still criticized and even reviled by the fans.

At this moment, Gao Han suddenly found that the trophy of the best man's football coach of the year in his hand was very heavy.

It's easy to receive the prize, but after receiving it, he has the responsibility to do more.

If he doesn't fight for many things, the situation of other colleagues will only be worse.

After the Puskas, the next one is Miss world football.

This is almost an award without suspense. Brazilian international Marta has won this award five times in a row. This is another award that has been decided in advance almost before the competition.

After presenting the Miss World Football award, we finally ushered in the final finale tonight.

Golden globe!

Who can win the first FIFA golden ball award, Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo?

As the last prize winner, Gao Han was also full of curiosity, but also felt some pressure.