Chapter 738

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
In the early morning of the next day, the cold air landed at the home of the Chinese city team, and the news of the on-site supervision of the focus game of the West B League quickly spread throughout Spain, occupying the pages of major media newspapers.

The fact that the Chinese city team beat zarez 3-2 without danger and ranked fourth in the table has been greatly appreciated by numerous media reporters and fans, because they are one of the teams with the lowest average age in West B, only a little higher than Sevilla 2, but the latter is at the bottom of the table and has been demoted for a long time.

Limited by the conditions of China city's aldvera stadium, the game was not broadcast live. Therefore, the media can only publish the photos of the cold in person with text reports, among which the report of Marca is the most detailed.

As we all know, Javier matayana, deputy editor in chief of Marca daily, is a close friend of alpine, so Marca Daily has always been able to get some inside information about Alpine in recent years, and attaches great importance to the report of China city team.

This time, matayana was even invited to accompany Gao after the game into the dressing room.

"From the moment we walked into the dressing room, we deeply realized the lofty position of Alpine in this team."

But matayana also said that Gao Han visited the dressing room as the owner of the club and fully respected bochettino and the coaching staff. Before entering the dressing room, he stopped outside the door and entered only after bochettino's permission.

Matayana also mentioned another detail, that is, after Gao Han entered the dressing room, he did not give any criticism to Ramirez who was sent off by a red card. Instead, he praised him for his hard work on the field and hoped that he would continue to work hard.

"His simple words, so that the original look of the Brazilian midfield malaise to cheer up again

The arrival of high cold makes the winning China city team more jubilant and more aggressive.

After visiting the dressing room, Gao Han invited all the players and clubs to dine in a famous Chinese restaurant near fuenlavlada with bochettino's consent to reward the winning team.

At the end of the column, matayana focused on the Chinese city team this season, believing that bochetino's team can play fourth in the current table with such a young team, and its strength is beyond doubt.

"However, now the Xi'an League second division's first division battle has entered a white hot stage, each team is gritting their teeth to sprint, who makes mistakes, who will fall behind."

"The younger lineup of the Chinese city team should have been the biggest pressure, but now, with the arrival of the cold, the team's morale has been stabilized, which is bound to let the Chinese city team play a better strength on the field."

"Come on, magic Chinatown!"

But surprisingly, in addition to the news of the competition day, in the next few days, the alpine never appeared in the news.

Many media reporters and fans who came to fuenlavlada after hearing the news even crouched outside the training base, but they never found the trace of the high cold. He seemed to disappear again.

But a week later, China city away to challenge weska.

Ramirez's absence forced bochettino to adjust the midfield of the team, arranged for ISCO to start, and the team also increased its offensive strength. In the end, bochettino defeated weska 3-1 away from home.

This game attracted more than 5000 fans to watch the game, which set the highest attendance rate of weska this season. However, the media reporters and fans were disappointed that they had never seen the cold from the beginning to the end.

But on the second day of the competition, matayana once again reported in his column that Gao Han came to the scene to supervise the battle.

This makes countless media reporters feel sorry.

After the 40th round, the league ranking changed again.

The focus of this round is to challenge Tenerife away from home. As a result, after he lost 2-3 to China City, he lost 2-0 to Tenerife again, ushering in the final two consecutive losses.

Zaragoza won 3-0, while Hercules also scored 3 points. Only palecano drew 0-0 in this round.

After this game, the ranking of the West B table changed again. Both of them had 75 points, and they tied for the top of the table. However, Tenerife, by virtue of each other's performance advantage, overtook him and took the lead.

Zaragoza finished third with 74 points, China City finished fourth with 72 points, Hercules finished fifth with 71 points, and barecano was five points behind Hercules and has begun to fall behind.

For the Chinese city team, the current situation is still not clear, the remaining two rounds of the league, only all win, the team has hope to rush a success, and this has to wait for the opponent to make mistakes.

It can be said that up to now, the top five teams in the league have all felt amazing pressure. Those who can't bear it will fall behind like balecano.

Alpine is also very clear about this, so he is very cautious in every move, except for the game, most of the time is nest in the villa of lafenka community, not a step out of the door.

But he knows everything about Chinatown.

A week later, the Chinese city team sat down at the aldvera stadium and welcomed Salamanca, who ranked ninth in the West B League.

As a result, Salamanca took the initiative to attack at the beginning of the game, played better than the Chinese city team, and took the lead to break the goal of the Chinese city team in the 15th minute.

This almost pushed the Chinese city team to a dead end.

But seven minutes later, the last round of red card suspension, feel the pressure of Ramirez use a long-range shot for the Chinese city team to level the score.

The outstanding performance of the Brazilian midfield won the cheers of the fans.

Only ten minutes later, Falcao went to the next city and overtook the score.

But before the end of the first half, Ramirez's back shot extended the score for China city.

With the score of 3-1 into the half-time, after the second half Yi Bian fight again, the performance of China city did not reduce.

The successive goals of Diego Costa and Falcao finally helped the Chinese City win.

Five to one, China City won at home.

But just at the end of the game, a piece of exciting news came to the aldvilla stadium.



"All the players and fans of Chinatown, good news, good news!"

"We've just received news from sares that they've just drawn 1-1 with Vigo CELTA at home

"There is also news from the Canary Islands that Tenerife was reversed by the visiting team Castillon at the last moment when he scored the first goal at home and lost the key battle one to two

"In Madrid, not far from our north, the poor performance of several rounds in a row of balecano finally gave birth to a fierce one. They fell behind twice at home and leveled Zaragoza twice

The words from the stadium radio made the whole aldvilla stadium into a dead silence.

Everyone was stunned and didn't respond for a while.

Alpine stand in the stands, the whole person is Sparta, feel a bit chaotic.

Until Lin Xia, who was standing beside him, took him by the hand, "second, second, second in the table."

The whole person suddenly realized the cold.

It was also at this time that earth shaking cheers burst out from the stands of 5000 fans.

The players are in a carnival on the pitch.

Second in the table!

After this round, the Chinese city team climbed to the second place in the League!

Gao Han kept shaking his head. He couldn't believe his ears, but he was moved to cry.

He did not expect that the team could play to this extent.

After the 41st round, sares returned to the top of the table with 76 points, while Tenerife was the top one-day tour. He could not bear the pressure and still had only 75 points. Zaragoza drew this round and chased one point, but also 75 points.

China City won again with 75 points.

However, among the three teams with the same points, the Chinese city team, relying on the excellent results in the strong strong dialogue and the advantage in the goal difference, scored two positions in one breath, ranking second in the league, Tenerife third, and Zaragoza fourth.

This undoubtedly brought a great surprise to everyone.

But after the cold calmed down, it was still very dangerous.

With the last round left in the league, the current situation has entered the most critical moment.

It can even be said that few people pay attention to the league championship, and all they want to do is to keep the promotion quota.

In the last round, all the five teams are expected to compete for the three promotion places. Who will be the last to laugh?

"This season's La Liga competition is more fierce than we had in those years Cantarello said with a bitter smile.

In the season when Gao Han was coaching Atletico Madrid, the overall strength of xi'b was very strong, and the competition was extremely fierce. However, Atletico Madrid was the best, and did not give other teams the slightest chance, but this season is different.

The three points in the last round determine the gap between heaven and hell.

Of the five teams, only three can be upgraded successfully, and the remaining two will stay in West B, which is undoubtedly quite cruel.

After all, it is the result of the concerted efforts of everyone on the team in the past year that every team has come to this day.

But that's what professional football is like. The winner is the king and the loser is the Kop.

However, the most concerned about the cold now is not whether the team can upgrade.

Of course, he attaches great importance to the promotion, but he and the management have to consider another thing.

That's the summer transfer operation of the team.

After this season's xi'b League training, this summer is sure to eliminate some players who are not suitable for the team, but also to introduce a few new players to strengthen the competitiveness of the team.

There is not a big problem in the front line. Falcao, Diego Costa, obamayan, msitalian and Azar of the youth training camp are all valued by bochettino.

But the problem is in the middle and back.

The winter break can be said to be the watershed of China city's performance this season, and the sign is the arrival of Marcos Senna.

His appearance not only stabilized the midfield of the Chinese city team, but also liberated Schneiderlin and Ramirez, and made the young players like ISCO, cork and even verati get the chance to play one after another.

But the problem is that no one in the current Chinese city team can fill the vacancy of Marcos Senna.

This has become a big problem.

The same situation also comes from the defensive line, the main players are good, but the substitute team is awesome, which will inevitably lead to a team's long-term battle.

If it's just La Liga, it's OK, but if it's really promoted to La Liga, then we have to consider more.

What's more, if they are promoted to La Liga, the Chinese city team will certainly have to invest a lot of money to transform the alderilla stadium, especially the surrounding stands. At least they should be closed and a multimedia system should be set up.

Otherwise, how can it be broadcast live?

But when you think of money, you have a headache.