Chapter 628

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
Daxing District, Beijing.

Beside the main road, the originally weedy grove has turned into a flat plot, surrounded by high walls, with colorful flags flying on the walls, attracting the attention of countless drivers.

On both sides of the gate near the main road, there are lots of vehicles, and even police are sent to the scene to maintain traffic order and arrange for visiting vehicles to stop to avoid traffic jams, which makes people even more curious.

Such a big battle, is it a big national leader coming?

At this time, the Chinese people's habit of taking part in the fun is reflected. From time to time, some passing vehicles will stop in the middle of the road to spy on the situation inside the wall from a distance. Their eyes are full of curious spirit of gossip and desire for exploration.

But often soon, the police will come to maintain order, urging them to leave quickly, do not stay.

As long as the fans like football, they will know that the youth training center in Chinatown is about to start!

As early as this summer, the youth training center has attracted great attention in Beijing and even in the whole country. Even in the past, almost every day, fans who have paid close attention will stop by to see if the construction starts.

In the forum where the network fans gather, there are long posts updated at any time to pay attention to the trend of the youth training center.

It can be said that this is a major sports event that has been concerned by countless fans, and also attracted great attention from Daxing District, Beijing and even the highest level government. Therefore, it has also attracted the attendance of Beijing municipal government, district government, General Administration of sports and Football Association, as well as famous media and enterprises at home and abroad.

From major media and enterprises, banners celebrating the start of the youth training center are hung on the walls on both sides of the gate, and almost all of them are familiar names at home and abroad, which also makes everyone feel the weight of the youth training center.

All fans know that behind it stands a man, alpine.



Alpine came to the construction site early.

Accompanied by Xiang Tianming, he toured around the construction site as if he were in a club on weekdays. According to the plan, he kept exchanging details with Xiang Tianming, and finally returned to the site of the temporary commencement ceremony.

By this time, the guests have begun to arrive one after another.

Therefore, Gao Han and Xiang Tianming met the guests who came to celebrate.

Xiang Tianming's family is a small well-known real estate enterprise in China. They have their own information channels. They have received the news as early as in the past. Therefore, they are not surprised that so many big figures are sent to the scene today. They just add some admiration to the cold eyes.

Xiang Tianming's father also came to the scene with the senior management of several well-known real estate enterprises. When he saw that his precious son was able to stand side by side with Gao Han to welcome the distinguished guests, he was very proud. It was a high spirited thing to introduce him to his friends.

The media reporters became the busiest people on the scene. They were chasing the high cold where the legendary dragon could not see its head and tail, while digging for bits of information about the project.

The whole project is in the charge of a well-known design company contacted by Gao Han in Europe through his own relationship. They have planned and designed the youth training center of Chinatown in Madrid, Spain before. Gao Han is very satisfied, and this time they are also in charge.

Xiang Tianming contacted reliable domestic builders to undertake the construction, and completed the first phase of the construction project before next summer, and the whole project will be completed in three years.

According to the plan of high cold, from next year, the youth training center will hold the first talent day summer selection activities, and the same as the Madrid Chinatown youth training center, twice a year, respectively in summer and winter. The whole selection process is in the charge of the coaches and Scouts of the Chinatown youth training center.

Moreover, just like the youth training center in Madrid, famous European stars will be invited to the scene to train and play with all the young players. This is also a traditional feature of the youth training center in Madrid.

Xiang Tianming, as the operator of the whole project, presided over the commencement ceremony and introduced the project planning to all present.

"In strict accordance with the advanced European concept, we will build a super first-class hardware standard, and equip the echelons of every age with perfect training facilities. In addition, we will build two standard football fields and equipped with stands. Therefore, we have invited a team with considerable experience in Europe to be responsible for the maintenance of the whole field."

"All fans who are familiar with the Chinese city team are certainly familiar with it. This Spanish professional team, which has been upgraded year by year, has cooperated with Nike to develop a complete set of player data and analysis system. For this reason, Nike even sponsored a training center for the Chinese city team."

"Here, I also solemnly announce that our youth training center will also introduce this whole set of system, which will help our coaching team better analyze and inspect the players, and help the players improve their football level. Nike will also sponsor a Nike Training Center for our players here."

In addition to training players, the youth training center will also set up a training center for coaches. Among them, the highest level master class, which is most concerned by the domestic industry, will officially open next summer. This time, the lecturer will be Uli Vieri, the general consultant of kovercano, who is known as Huangpu Military Academy, from Italy.

In addition, he solemnly introduced to Tianming that famous coaches Lippi, Bosque, Capello and heinks have accepted the invitation and will come to China next summer to teach the master class.

With a series of introductions to Tianming, all the participants were surprised. It was at this time that many of them really felt the contact and influence of alpine cold in European football. It was amazing.

The super first-class hardware of the youth training center, the strong sponsorship of big brands such as Nike, and the invitation of gold medal coaches such as Lippi, Bosque and heinks are incredible. It can even be expected that many top European stars will appear in the talent day selection activities next summer.

It can be said that the software and hardware of Chinatown youth training center are all of the world's first-class standards.

Therefore, after the introduction to Tianming, the top leaders of Beijing Municipality and the leaders of the General Administration of sports delivered speeches one after another, expressing their expectations and hopes for the youth training center of Chinatown, hoping that it will become the crayffindan of Chinese football and the cradle of Chinese football talents.

Gao Han attended the ceremony and sat in the first row of VIP seats, but he did not give a speech.

When the whole process of the ceremony ended and Gaohan sent away all the guests, many media reporters gathered in the venue, many of whom were still familiar with each other.

In the past, Chinatown youth training center did not invest much in promotion, but relied on the support of this group of media friends, so the whole project attracted people's attention very much. They are willing to accept their exclusive interview.

He also hopes to reassure the players and parents through his reply.



"Mr. Gao Han, recently, there is news on the Internet that the youth training center will adopt a charging system, so many netizens think that you are collecting money in the name of youth training. What do you think?"

Gao Han stood in front of all the media reporters and said with a smile: "yes, yes, we will charge a certain fee, about 5000 to 10000 per year, but for some outstanding players, we will provide considerable scholarships every year to reward those outstanding players."

"Now I can explain the cost more clearly."

"You can have a look at our dormitory building. All the facilities in it are in strict accordance with the standards of three-star hotels. All the players in the dormitory have two people in one room. We will also employ professionals to take care of the players' daily life. They have a special canteen and professional nutrition experts to provide them with healthy recipes."

"But it's just a small part. We organize teams of all ages to go out to play every month to increase the players' practical experience. We will not charge extra transportation and accommodation fees for going out to play. In addition to the deduction of scholarships, senior people will go to Europe for training and training. I don't think this fee has any profit-making space."

"According to the internal assessment of our team, it is estimated that we will lose at least 20 million yuan a year. If I really want to make a profit from it, I don't have to."

"As we all know, now parents are generally chasing famous schools. We are linked with a famous primary school and middle school in Beijing nearby. We can use this as a gimmick to relax the selection and assessment of football. It's very easy for each student to charge 30000 or 40000 yuan, isn't it?"

People feel that what Gao Han said is very reasonable.

Let alone scholarships and tax breaks. Even if they don't have them, the average tuition fee is 10000 yuan a year. They are admitted to famous schools, and they are also free of board and lodging. In addition, the gold lettered signboard of high cold weather is also included. I'm afraid I don't know how many parents of students are going to break the head.

"Mr. Gao Han, according to what you said, you will lose money every year. Then I would like to ask, is this part of the loss borne by you?"

Gao Han nodded, "yes, I have considered this aspect, so we have introduced sponsors, we have reached an agreement with Nike, all players wear Nike clothing and equipment."

"In addition, next, we will consider introducing other sponsors to make up for the loss of the students with the income of the sponsors. In the future, we will publish our financial revenue and expenditure every year and submit it to all walks of life for audit. If we have a surplus, we will reduce the tuition fees of the students as much as possible, or invest in the construction of the youth training center."

When they heard this, they all understood.

At least, if there are netizens who think that the high cold is trying to make money, it's really speechless.

How much is the annual salary in alpine area? How does he come to earn such hard money?

If you have spare time, it's better to get some sponsorship. It's fast and easy to get money.

"I also want to say that professional football is a business. We should not kidnap it with feelings and feelings, nor place too many unrealistic illusions on it. It is a business, an industry, and youth training is to maintain long-term development, which requires it to have a set of long-term input and output planning."

"Our decision to charge tuition fees and solicit sponsorship is for long-term development, but it does not mean that we will compromise. On the contrary, all sponsors have no right to interfere in our operation. I can guarantee that we will only focus on football."

People also agree with this explanation of alpine cold.

Football is perceptual, but professional football is rational.

In Alpine view, if China wants to enter the world cup, or even win the world cup, it is very difficult?

It's not hard.

He can go to provincial teams, municipal teams and schools all over the country to select the best players, gather together and train them. With the assistance of the coaching system, is it difficult for him to enter the world cup?

But the question is, does it make sense? Can this help Chinese football improve its level?

What if the coaching system doesn't work in the future?

Professional football has to develop in accordance with the rules of professional football.

"Mr. Gao Han, you are very reasonable, and you have a deep understanding of professional football. But what I want to ask is that at present, parents in China generally have the mentality of expecting their children to be successful, but the football youth training is so cruel. How can you persuade them to send their children here safely?"

Alpine and everyone present know that this is where the deadlock lies in the current development of youth training.