Chapter 571

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
"What can I do for you?"

Gao Han asked with a smile, but he skillfully boiled water, cleaned tea sets and prepared tea.

This is his habit every morning. After drinking a cup of tea, he is in high spirits all morning. Even the coaching staff have developed this habit with him. If he doesn't drink tea all day, the whole body is uncomfortable.

It's kind of like coffee addiction.

"There are a few things you need to make a final decision on." Said Facchetti.

Gao Han nodded, "tell me."

Blanca immediately handed over a material, "about the team this time to stay in Athens, Greece Hotel, we have found good, this is the hotel information."

Gao Han took the material from Blanca's hand and opened it up.

The Champions League final is different from the ordinary away game. Although there is a direct flight from Milan to Athens, it's only about two and a half hours, alpine decided to start ahead of time, and it's four days ahead of time.

One of the important reasons is that he is worried that the preparation of the team in Milan will be affected.

Although the pinetina training base is very remote, it can't stand the tracking of media reporters. Especially before the Champions League final, media reporters and fans all over the world are paying attention to every move of Inter. In this case, alpine cold has to be prevented.

The team starts ahead of time, the itinerary is confidential, which is also conducive to the team's preparation.

According to Gao Han's proposal, after the 37th round away game of Serie A against Atalanta, they will start the next morning.

As for the family members of the players, they will arrive in Athens the day before the game. At that time, the alpine cold will give the team a day off. The team will also organize some activities to let them relax before the game and avoid the tension before the game.

The management also attached great importance to the proposal of alpine cold, and soon gave a positive reply.

"This time, we chose a resort located in the suburb of Athens, about 50 kilometers away from the center of Athens. It belongs to a private club. There must be no problem with security and privacy." Blanca said.

According to the information provided by him, this is a top golf club, covering a large area. There is a five-star resort hotel in the club, equipped with perfect training facilities, including a large open-air swimming pool and gym, as well as a pure natural football field.

"Have you visited the scene?" Gao Han asked.

Blanca said with a smile, "I just came back with the team yesterday afternoon, just in time for our massacre of Rome."

After laughing, Blanca continued: "after several colleagues and I went there, we were very satisfied with the facilities of the club. The club also promised that they would not accept any more check-in during the five days before and after our check-in, and they were willing to cooperate with us in all aspects, such as catering and training facilities."

"What about the cost?" Gao Han asked again.

Facchetti after listening to but smile, "before they set out, Massimo said, as long as the right, regardless of the price."

It's no surprise that it's very cold. It's like Moratti's style.

In the past two years, the management of Moratti and Inter Milan have all agreed to any request made by Gao, which can be said to be unconditional support for Gao and the coaching staff. This time is no exception.

"This is the most upscale private club in Athens. It's not open to the public, and the price and cost are really expensive. But this time, the club gave us a big discount. The consumption in five days is not much higher than living in the urban area."

If Inter Milan live in the city, they must also contact the training ground, which requires rent and various other expenses, which will be a lot of expenses.

On the contrary, it's more convenient to live in a private club, where training, living and eating are all in one place.

"How far is it from the Olympic Stadium?" Gao Han asked again.

"The Olympic stadium is just in the north of Athens. There is an urban expressway. The traffic is very smooth. I calculated that it will take about 30 minutes, or even more than 20 minutes if it is faster." Blanca returned.

"Are you going to walk on the spot?" The high cold is a little strange.

How can we give such accurate data if we don't go through it on the spot?

Blanca grinned awkwardly. "I made a call, ran back and forth, and got to know the surrounding traffic environment with the taxi driver. It shouldn't be a big difference."

Gao Han nodded admiringly to Blanca, a man of practical ability.

Facchetti also gave Blanca an appreciative look, obviously very satisfied with Blanca's ability.

After several decades away, inter are determined to win the Champions League again. Moratti even went to Durini street for a meeting to ask all departments to do their best to cooperate with the cold and the team. He will help the team win back a Champions League at all costs.

So it's commendable that Blanca can do this.

Gao Han took a serious look at the material, then looked at Blanca, "what do you think?"

Blanca immediately felt the burden of himself, thought about it, nodded and said: "I think it's very good, whether it's the service of the hotel or the security facilities, it's trustworthy."

Alpine now also no longer hesitated, directly nodded: "well, here, I believe you."

This sentence made Blanca feel down.

After two years of cooperation, he deeply felt the high cold's demand for details. Now, with just a few words and a piece of material, he was able to hand over the food and living of the team four days before the final to him. What kind of trust is this?

The water boiled, the high cold skillfully brewing tea, soon a person a cup, sent to them.

"Anything else?" Gao Han asked, drinking hot tea.

"It's like this." Facchetti said, "this time in the Champions League final, UEFA arranged 17000 tickets for us. After discussion, we decided to take out 2000 tickets and distribute them to the sponsors and the family members of the players' employees."

According to the allocation of tickets in the Champions League final, it is generally divided into three parts. The tickets allocated by UEFA and the opponents are almost the same. The capacity of the Athens Olympic stadium is 55000 people, and the tickets allocated by Inter Milan and Chelsea are 17000 respectively. The tickets allocated by UEFA are more than 20000.

"But if you take out 2000 pieces at a time, isn't it too much?" Gao Han asked, frowning.

According to the market outside, if a ticket is sold to the scalpers, it can be sold for at least 5000 or 6000 euros. Now it's a big deal to share 2000 tickets at one time.

There are only a few sponsors. The tickets they get are relatively fixed. It is the players and employees who can really get the benefits.

"You know, the players work very hard and the staff are very attentive. Without everyone's concerted efforts, the team can't reach the final at all, so the club can't be too stingy this time, right?"

Cold is no opinion, anyway, it is a matter of human feelings.

"OK, you decide."

Facchetti nodded, and that was the decision.

As for how to divide the 2000 tickets, it's not something that alpine people worry about.

"In the end, it's about the prize money." Said Facchetti.

As early as before the season, Inter have formulated a detailed bonus system, including the Champions League.

However, it was just before the season, and the team was not very sure that they could enter the final or even win the championship, so the bonus was relatively small. They only promised that if the team won the championship, each of the 14 players participating in the game would get 150000 euros.

This is also a move to follow the trend, because AC Milan and other big teams have almost the same amount of bonus.

But just two days ago, the British media reported that Abramovich publicly said that if the team won the championship, he would give all the champions income of Chelsea in the Champions League final to the players participating in the game.

According to the data list given by UEFA this season, the final appearance fee and bonus of the Champions League are as high as 6.5 million euros, which is quite amazing in European football. Every player can get a lot of money, especially the starting force.

Looking back at Inter Milan, it's just a million dollars. It's really mean.

"As you know, the team is not very well off financially. We certainly can't give big bonuses like those local teams, but after careful consideration, we also decided to adjust the bonus intensity of the team."

"According to our meeting, if the team wins the championship in the end, we will adopt graded reward measures. Each of the 14 players participating in the Champions League final will be awarded 300000 euros, while other players and first-team members will be awarded 150000 euros."

The high cold is also moved.

Although Facchetti said just now that he can't compete with the local team, in fact, the reward strength of Inter Milan is basically to reward the team's appearance fee and bonus for winning the championship.

The only difference is that Chelsea awarded more than 6 million to the 14 players who participated in the competition, which is also the consistent practice of many teams in the Champions League. However, inter adopted the grading system evenly and distributed it to each player.

Although some players are substitutes, the effect is actually quite obvious.

For example, veteran Figo, who can deny his contribution to the team? He has played a key role for the team by coming on the bench many times or starting in rotation.

And Materazzi, the centre back's performance this season is also remarkable. Can't he get the prize just because he can't get into the Champions League final and start?

Not to mention captain Zanetti, the main position belongs to Maicon, but he should also get a bonus, right?

Therefore, in contrast, Gao Han agrees with this practice of Inter Milan.

"I see." Gao Han nodded, "when you go back, you will send a notice. I will pass it on to all the players."

Facchetti and Blanca nodded, and the cold was really easy to talk.

Although the club took out a lot of money this time, if it can win the championship, the bonus is just a drop in the bucket compared with the club's income, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Not to mention much else, just the appearance fee and winning bonus of this season's Champions League, the income of Inter Milan can reach 40 million euros, plus the income of TV broadcast and match day, etc., which are quite gratifying.

More importantly, winning a Champions League will not only bring real benefits to Inter, but also bring more long-term potential benefits in the next few years, both of which are astronomical.

Facchetti was born as a professional player, and he knows this better than anyone else, so the management made such a plan.

Time is almost up, there is gradually movement in the training building, Facchetti and Blanca get up to leave.

Before leaving, Facchetti looked deeply at the cold and said: "Champions League final, please!"

Gao Han forcefully grasped his hands and nodded: "you wait to receive the award on stage!"

"OK, I'll wait!" Facchetti did not forget the promise he made when he visited him in the cold.

As long as inter dare to win the title, he will dare to take the stage.