Chapter 430

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
On the evening of April 6, 2005, at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy.

Gao Han, accompanied by Lin Xia, is sitting in the stands where Inter fans live to watch the final eight Champions League knockout match. He is coaching inter when Juve and AC Milan are so strong

"What an interesting challenge Gao Han said with a smile.



Alpine appeared at the San Siro stadium, watching the photos of Milan's derby, and soon appeared in the reports of Italy and even the major European media, the repercussions even outweighed the final eight of the Champions League.

Everyone knows that it's a foregone conclusion for Zaccheroni to leave class, but the cold suddenly comes out at this time. Is it to coach inter?

The Italian media and the Inter fans were all boiling.

It's very cold!

Since his debut, he has maintained an unstoppable record of consecutive victories. If he came to coach Inter Milan, won't he win and win easily?

What is worth pondering is that when the outside world has been speculating that Gao Han is going to coach Inter Milan, the management of the Nerazzurri did not come forward to refute the rumor and support coach Zaccheroni as before.

On the contrary, the Swedish center Ibrahimovic, in an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport, openly said that he welcomed the cold coach Inter Milan, "the boss is a magical coach, he has a very unique charm, so that all the players are willing to work hard for him, and he will also push his heart to give the players trust."

Media understand that this is Ibrahimovic bombardment zaceroni half will replace him.

But after Ibrahimovic, central defender Cannavaro also accepted the media interview, but he did not like the Swedish center as straightforward, just implicitly said, "Alpine is all professional players are difficult to refuse the head coach!"

But soon, alpine's agent Mendes came out to clarify that alpine did not come specially to watch the Milan derby.

"He was traveling around the world with his wife, and recently happened to be in Italy."

What I didn't expect is that Mendes' clarification solved the problem of Inter Milan, but brought great trouble to alpine. Because the Italian media began to frantically search for his trace, so that alpine, which originally planned to have a good time in Italy, had to temporarily change its plan and escape from Italy.

But the progress of the game did not exceed the cold judgment.

After inter lost to AC Milan 2-0 in the first leg, they lost the ball again in the second leg. Even in the last period of the game, Inter fans in the stands dropped fireworks and hit AC Milan goalkeeper Dida, ending the game ahead of time.

The dispassionate behavior of the fans made inter suffer severe criticism from the Italian media at home and abroad, as well as UEFA, who even sentenced Inter to a 3-0 defeat in this game, and even almost banned them from participating in next season's European games.

At this point, inter finally lost to AC Milan with a total score of 0-5.

After losing the Milan derby, the morale of the Nerazzurri was greatly reduced. After returning to the Serie A League, they lost to Messina and fell out of the top four of the league. Although their performance improved and chased all the way, they failed to return to the top four in the end.

After 38 rounds, inter finally ranked fifth and were forced to play in next season's UEFA Cup.

This makes all Inter fans are not satisfied, even coach Zaccheroni himself feel disappointed.

After the end of the season, the president of the Nerazzurri, francheti, announced that Zaccheroni was out of class and the team would start looking for a new coach. He promised to reorganize the team and hope to build a more competitive inter around the new coach.

This piece of news also immediately caused an uproar all over the world, countless fans of the blue and Black Legion are eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the new coach, especially the long rumored Alpine.

There is even an Inter Milan fan association that has organized a public fund-raising campaign, bought the whole page in La Gazzetta dello Sport and issued an appeal, hoping that the management can pay a lot of money to hire Gao.

"He is our Savior!"

However, some media have also said that the coach that inter really like is Lazio young coach Mancini, who had an affair with inter last summer. In an interview with the media, Mancini also said that it is difficult for him to refuse the invitation from Inter.

For a while, the rumors about the new coach of Inter Milan are endless and complicated, which has become a big suspense in European football in summer and attracted the keen attention of fans all over the world.

It is in this atmosphere of speculation, alpine finally ended his holiday, with Lin Xia back home in Madrid.

And the first one to find a cold home is