Chapter 426

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
"Our management is looking into whether Zaccheroni is still fit to stay in the team

Face to face with the cold, sitting in the garden pavilion, drinking tea, Moratti took the initiative to talk about the situation of Inter Milan.

The problems encountered by the Nerazzurri are really serious, not only the lack of competitiveness of the team's lineup, but also the frequent internal contradictions.

Therefore, Moratti came here with great sincerity this time.

"At the beginning I asked you if you would like to take over Inter Milan, but you couldn't let go of Chelsea, so you refused me, but now you are free, but my sincerity has not changed at all

Speaking of this, Moratti modest smile, "redundant words I will not say, I just say, as long as you come to Inter, everything, I listen to you!"

Gao Han was very moved to hear that. Is this the third time you have invited him face to face?

Especially now, he has just encountered the frustration of Chelsea, and there is another attack on him. At this time, Moratti came to say this, which really moved him and he really wanted to agree on the spot.

If a scholar dies for a confidant, that's how it should be.

But in his mind, he still calmly reminded him not to do so for the time being.

It's not the right time!

"Massimo, thank you very much for valuing me so much, but you also know my current situation. They slander me so much. If I coach Inter at this time, it's not suitable for you or me

Moratti also understood the worry of cold, "you know, I don't care."

Compared with inviting Gao Han to coach, he didn't pay attention to the pressure and criticism.

What's more, he believes from beginning to end that alpine is not such a person.

As long as a little familiar with and in-depth understanding of European professional football people are easy to find the news, who would believe such nonsense?

Who doesn't know the character of the cold?

But in the face of Moratti's trust, Gao Han still shakes his head.

"This is just one of the reasons. In the past four years, I have been too hard and tired. I want to have a good rest, and..."

Speaking of this, Gao Han turned his head and looked at the garden with a smile.

Deep in the garden, Lin Xia is sitting on a swing chair with her legs in her arms, reading in the soft sunshine.

"... I'm getting married!"

"Marriage?" Moratti's eyes widened, a little surprised, followed by a burst of congratulation.

Only now did he notice that Gao Han was too young to be 30 years old, and even married.

"It was decided some time ago." Gao Han said with a smile.

According to his plan, he plans to have a rest for a while. When the storm is over and the rebellion is over, he will marry his parents and Lin Xia's parents. After that, he will take Lin Xia to travel on his honeymoon to recharge his batteries and start again.

He believes that he will go further if he calms down to study.

Now that everything has been mentioned, Moratti also knows that it is difficult for him to change his decision on the high cold, so he goes back to the second place and asks how long he plans to rest this time.

"A year." Gao Han thought about it and replied.

According to the law of European football, a season off is a reasonable arrangement.

Moratti thought for a moment, nodded and said, "well, I'll come back in a year, and then you won't refuse me any more?"

Gao Han looked at Moratti deeply, then nodded and said: "OK, if you still want me to coach inter one year later, I will promise you."

"It's a deal."

"It's a deal."

After they reached an agreement, they talked about some other things.

Gao Han hesitated at first, but finally put forward his own suggestions.

"I've heard that inter intend to trade Cannavaro for Juve's karini?"

Facing the cold, Moratti did not hide the slightest, nodded: "yes, Cannavaro came to the team, the performance has not been particularly ideal, especially after the injury, whether Cooper or Zaccheroni, are not very satisfied with him, and the team in the goalkeeper position, Toldo is old, need a goalkeeper to fill his gap in the future."

Gao Han knows that whether it is to replace Koko with Seedorf, or karini with Cannavaro, each needs what he needs.

But the problem is that such a deal is clearly losing money.

"Cannavaro is a centre back who is rare in Italian football and is famous for his bravery. He is good at attacking and defending around the front. This is a rare advantage among Italian defenders who are always famous for their stability."

Moratti nodded. Gao's analysis is consistent with the suggestions given by the technical team when inter decided to introduce Cannavaro.

In a team, there are always different elements.

It's just like the Italian defence. It's not reasonable if the two centre backs are famous for their composure, because the lack of proper risk-taking will make the defence too regular and easy to be used by opponents.

Therefore, some people say that the best combination of Italian centre back is Nesta and Cannavaro. They are stable and fierce, and complement each other. It's a bit like the combination of Carvalho and machena, which is highly praised by alpine in Atletico Madrid.

"Because of the injury and the age, Cannavaro has to start to transform. It takes time and the collocation of his teammates. However, he is still one of the top defenders in football today."

Moratti's eyes brightened when he heard this.

Alpine's wisdom of knowing people has been tested by countless facts. It can almost be said that all the players who have been identified by him are rich in gold, and he can't be wrong to say that Cannavaro is one of the top central defenders.

But what about the vacancy of goalkeeper?

Moratti naturally will look at the cold again, "the goalkeeper, there is no good introduction?"

Who said Moratti was an honest man?

"I remember that Mendes told me about a Brazilian goalkeeper who played for flamenco and performed very well. He joined the national team of Brazil in the Copa America, Julio Cesar. You can arrange for someone to visit him."

Moratti immediately recited the name several times in silence in his heart. After remembering it, he left contentedly.



While the high cold met Moratti in Madrid, as far away as a humble cafe in downtown London, guardian reporter green Wald sat in a humble corner, waiting for a mysterious witness to appear.

Just in the morning, someone who claimed to be a Chelsea fan called him to tell him the truth about the cold weather.

It is said that he witnessed the whole process of the split between the high cold and the top management of Chelsea.

Although the cold storm has gradually ebbed, green Wald firmly believes that there are still countless fans around the world waiting for the truth to come out, who can reveal the truth, who can be famous in the media circle.

What's more, no matter whether Gao Han makes friends with him or not, he always thinks that Gao Han is his friend.

He is duty bound to appeal to his wronged friend!

So, he came to the coffee shop earlier than the appointed time, asked for a humble corner, waiting for the man's appearance.

Every move in and out of the cafe made green Wald look up at the door, but he was disappointed every time. It wasn't until the young man in the cap appeared and walked straight towards him that he was sure he was finally waiting.

"Hello, green Wald."

"Hello, my name is Michael."

This is a very common name, but he quickly turned out a membership card.

"My family has always been a big fan of Chelsea since my grandfather. I have been a member of the club since I was born. Now I work in a travel agency and I am responsible for receiving tourists from other places. One of the most important places to visit is Stamford Bridge

In addition to recording the words of the Chelsea fan, green Wald also carefully recorded every word of the informant, as well as the expression and tone of his words.

"That day, I happened to take the tour group to visit the Stamford Bridge Stadium. At first everything went well, but Mr. Gao Han suddenly appeared. He was a very good person. He signed and took a picture with all the members of our group. You see, this is the picture at that time."

Michael took out some developed photos and put them in front of green Wald.

From the date and background of the photo, it can be seen that it was the day when the cold broke with the management of Chelsea, in the honor room at Stamford Bridge.

"Can I have these pictures?" Asked green Wald.

"Well, I still have negatives." Michael nodded.

After a pause, he took a deep breath and continued: "at first, I hesitated. You know, I love Chelsea very much, especially under Mr. Gao's management. What happened made me at a loss. I didn't know what to do, so I didn't stand up to speak."

Green Wald understands that this is a difficult choice for any fan who loves the team.

"But my grandfather told me that Chelsea wouldn't do that to their hero. He encouraged me to come forward and tell the truth, and all my family supported me, so I'll call you Michael said with a dignified face.

Green Wald's hand with the pen was shaking, because he realized it was going to be big news.

"I still remember clearly that day, after Mr. Gao Han took a photo with us and signed his name, he went to the conference room. He seemed to be in a good mood, and he kept saying hello to other people along the way and entered the conference room."

Green Wald recorded carefully, looking up from time to time to observe the changes in the face of the interviewer.

Although he has been working in this field for a short time, he can see the inner struggle and contradiction of the man in front of him, but what he said doesn't seem to be faking. At least, he doesn't seem to be lying.

"At that time, I had to go to the bathroom, so I had to pass by the conference room. As you know, the facilities at Stamford Bridge were a little old, and the sound insulation was not good, so the sound inside could easily spread to the outside. Not only me, but also the employees in the whole Stamford Bridge Office heard it."

"What did you hear?" Asked green Wald in a trembling voice.

"Mr. Gao Han said that he likes money, but he has to stick to his principles. He has given in to the management many times before. This time, he will not give in for money, especially he is not willing to be a pawn at the mercy of others. Therefore, he tore up the contract given by the management and announced the early termination of the contract."

When Michael said this, all the mysteries in green Wald's mind were solved.

He had guessed before, but now, everything has been confirmed.

Cold is not because of greed to leave!

He is to stick to his principles as a head coach!