Chapter 388

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
The 2-0 home defeat of Manchester United has once again helped Chelsea defend their position as the premier league leader and triggered a new wave of hype in the British media.

Especially in this game, Gao Han rotated the midfield of the team and let Joe Cole replace Deco. The result was very good, and the overall strength did not decline at all, which surprised and appreciated all the British media.

The times put the picture of Gao Han clenching his hands after the match on its front page cover, with a powerful headline, the revolutionary declaration of the rebels!

The report commented that Manchester United have always been regarded as an example of the Premier League, winning eight titles in ten years, and their resume is amazing.

However, this season's Chelsea is like a revolutionary. The cold weather has not only brought more advanced techniques and tactics, but also steadfastly beat the traditional giants Manchester United and Arsenal.

In the two games of repression in the face of the traditional giants, Chelsea have handed over a nearly perfect answer, attracting more and more fans and people to themselves, making all the fans who are tired of the dull pattern of the Premier League very excited.

In the strong strong dialogue, Gao Han told everyone with iron facts that Chelsea would completely subvert the traditional situation of the Premier League.

At the same time, the times also published a sentence Gao Han said at the post match press conference.

"It's more meaningful to beat Manchester United than to lead the table, because in the Premier League, everyone knows what it means to beat Manchester United. Although the league is not half finished yet, this game will have a profound impact on the trend of the Premier League this season."

But the times also published Ferguson's counter attack at a post match press conference.

"It's just December. Yes, it's clear that Chelsea have a clear lead. But I think it's too early to talk about winning the championship. If they can still maintain their current lead in March next year, then I will consider admitting that they have the strength to win the championship."

The times analysis, Ferguson's meaning is obvious, winter break is all the Premier League team's problem.

If Chelsea want to win, it's OK, but they have to go through the winter break.

Alpine cold is a low-key reply to this. No matter how much you say, it's meaningless. The key is to prove it with actual achievements.



After the fourteenth round of the Premier League, Chelsea still lead the table, followed by Arsenal and Manchester United. It is difficult for other teams to shake the position of these three teams.

In this round, Arsenal drew at home with Fulham 0-0, and Henry suffered a goal shortage again.

Throughout the game, the performance of the Gunners is really low, not too eye-catching play.

On the contrary, Manchester United, despite losing the ball on the pitch, had a good harvest off the pitch.

On the second day after playing at Chelsea, the Red Devils officially announced that they had signed a new sponsorship contract with their sponsor Vodafone, with a sponsorship fee of up to 40 million pounds, the biggest sponsorship fee in the history of the Premier League.

The Red Devils United have once again defended their position as a successful club in Europe, showing everyone the commercial operation ability of the Red Devils empire.

On the same day, David Gill, the chief executive of Manchester United, also announced that Malcolm Glazer, an American tycoon, had further increased his stake in the club, which led many media to speculate that Glazer intended to buy Manchester United, but David Gill denied that it was an ordinary deal.

Two pieces of news completely cover up the United's defeat on the field, let everyone clearly realize that the failure on the field is difficult to hinder the United's success on the field, Red Devils Manchester United is still the most successful club in European football.

Three days after the fourteenth round, Chelsea are in the last 16 of the Carling Cup knockout, away against Reading in the League one.

This team's style is quite rough, but Gao Han still arranged young players and substitutes to play. In the end, he defeated his opponent 3-0 away and scored three goals in the second half.

At the weekend, in the 15th round of the Premier League, Chelsea went north to challenge Leeds United.

The young guards, who once swept Europa in the past, are at the bottom of the list and their performance is rather low.

It was almost effortless for Chelsea to win 2-0 away from home. Ibrahimovic and Eto'o scored goals one after another.

Manchester United are quickly out of the shadow of Stamford Bridge defeat, home 4-0 defeat Aston Villa.

Arsenal continue to suffer draw, away a 1-1 draw with Leicester City team, Henry continue to goal shortage.

Newcastle drew at home one-to-one with Liverpool in this round, and center shearer scored again, completely attacking Henry and ranking first in the scorer list.

A week later, in the 16th round of the Premier League, when Chelsea were at Stamford Bridge, Bolton were knocked down with a clean 2-0 victory. Ibrahimovic and Terry scored goals one after another.

Manchester United beat City three to one at home to win the Manchester Derby.

Arsenal finally got out of the embarrassment of being unbeaten in a row, beating Blackburn 1-0, with Bergkamp as the goal scorer.

In the middle of the week, Mitchell went to Birmingham to face Aston Villa away, which is the final eight elimination match of the Carling Cup.

The blues, who are still substitutes and young players, lost one goal in the away game first, but then pulled two goals in a row to reverse Aston Villa and make it to the semi-final 2-1.

Arsenal, Middlesbrough and Bolton are also in the top four.

At the weekend, in the 17th round of the Premier League, the last round before Christmas, Chelsea will face Fulham away.

The cold team encountered the city team's tenacious sniper, although in the first hour occupied the advantage, but has not been able to find the way to break Fulham goal, finally in the 63rd minute, relying on Eto'o's sneak attack, a small win over Fulham team.

With the goal of this game, Eto'o also scored 11 goals in the Premier League this season, only one step away from Henry's 12 goals.

The Gunners drew Bolton 1-1 this round, and Henry's goal shortage continues.

After the end of this round, Alan Shearer scored 15 league goals, ranking first in the shooter list. Manchester United's van Nistelrooy scored 13 goals, ranking second. Henry ranked third with 12 goals, and Eto'o ranked fourth with 11 goals.

Ibrahimovic scored eight goals, tied with Owen and three other players.

After the 17th round, it was Christmas.



Since last year, most European football circles have begun to hold their purse tightly, and they have to haggle over every cent. Even the annual Christmas Carnival has begun to shrink sharply, or even cancel directly.

According to Premier League tradition, Christmas parties should be held in advance in order to avoid the Christmas devil schedule.

But I don't know if the management's lack of experience in this aspect resulted from taking over the team for the first time. There was no news in this aspect. It was not until Christmas that the team was temporarily informed that there was no party this year.

It was a loss for all of Harrington.

If we don't have good results and financial difficulties at ordinary times, we can't do without holding the event. Now we are all the leaders of the Premier League. It's hard to say that we can't hold the event without relying on the rich and powerful Russian boss.

At the very least, Tottenham Hotspur in North London has already done it, and Arsenal have also held a Christmas dinner ahead of time. Only Chelsea has nothing, cold and quiet, so that the players are full of disappointment.

According to the original arrangement of alpine, he was going to invite the members of the coaching team and their families to a Christmas dinner. After all, they have helped him a lot in the past few years.

But now, seeing that the players are not available, they just wave their hands and have a holiday on Christmas day, and invite all the players, their families and children to his Christmas party in advance.

The location is a newly opened high-end Chinese restaurant in the south of Hyde Park.

Gao Han's invitation was immediately appreciated by all the players. After receiving the invitation message, all the players came to this high-end Chinese restaurant on time the next day, that is, Christmas day, to attend the head coach's Christmas party.

At first, they didn't feel much, but when they heard that the waiter politely called Gao Han the boss and emptied the whole second floor to decorate their Christmas party, they suddenly realized.

It turns out that this Chinese restaurant is named after Han.

After he was found, Gao Han was not afraid to admit that he was indeed one of the owners of this Chinese restaurant. His partner was a top chef of a very famous chain catering company in China. He was very familiar with Lin Xia's family and had always been interested in starting his own business. Gao Han had a good impression on him, so he put in his name and let him use it.

But Chinese translation is Chinese.

This restaurant is located in the south of Hyde Park, the environment is very good, the decoration design is also from the famous domestic, very traditional Chinese flavor, style is very high, even the furnishings, tables and chairs and tableware are traditional Chinese style, but also joined a lot of Western flavor, such as the bar, open kitchen and so on, it is very Chinese and western.

For the cold, investing in a restaurant is nothing, and whether you can make money is also very important. So you don't care about what you do. Basically, you leave it to your friends to take care of the partners. Even if you have something, Lin Xia comes to have a look.

Chinese restaurant just opened, business is more general, plus Christmas, so less guests.

But the cold treat and the Christmas party at Chelsea naturally attracted the attention of British journalists.

They all know that every Christmas party in the Premier League will bring about something, even some big scandals.

They have been working hard in the cold, and they have been squatting outside the restaurant. It's hard to be forthright. Let the hotel staff invite them all in and invite them to a big dinner.

Such an open and aboveboard way to let reporters participate in the work has made the sinister reporters feel ashamed and embarrassed to dig any more inside information. In fact, there is really no strong material to shoot.

The only eye-catching part of the match was the cold Christmas message. He encouraged all the Chelsea players to keep away from arrogance and rashness and keep on working hard to win not only the Premier League but also as many cups as possible.

"Not only this season, but next season, and the Champions League, we all work together and work together. I firmly believe that no one can stop us

Gao's heroic words have also been unanimously supported and responded by most of the players.

In the end, the Chelsea players asked their familiar reporters to take a big group photo for them. All of them surrounded the alpine group in the middle, which showed the United atmosphere within the team.

Gao Han jokingly said that he would enlarge this picture and hang it on the wall of his office.

And this picture has also been published in major British newspapers.