Chapter 217

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
When Gao Han heard the cry, he turned around immediately.

I don't know when to see behind, standing a smiling old man, is not the national team coach Milu?

"Hey, Bora." Gao Han immediately put out his hand with a smile, "nice to meet you."

"Me too. It's a great honor to meet you."

The two shake hands, this scene was also secretly photographed by some people in the lobby.

The most popular and successful local manager in China meets Milu, who leads the national team to the world cup. What do they talk about?

In fact, nothing serious was discussed, but you boasted about me and I boasted about you. The scene was very harmonious.

"I have watched a lot of your Atletico Madrid games this season and I feel very deeply. I even feel that you are playing a more advanced football than others."

"Thank you." Alpine smile thanks, but also hard to praise the country foot a sentence.

Although many people say that the main reason why the national team can reach the world cup this time is luck, in fact, that is only part of it, because with the strength of the national football team, even without South Korea and Japan, they may not be sure to reach the final.

At least, in Asia, besides Saudi Arabia and Iran, the football level of some other countries is not low.

The national football team is really popular, but the advantage is not big.

Just ask, even the Dutch level can be eliminated in the European qualifier, who dares to say that the national football team is lucky to enter the finals?

Of course, recently, old comrade Milu has been too diligent in his work, which gives people the feeling that he is not doing his job properly.

Gao Han thinks so in his heart, but he still praises Milu and Guozu.

As the head coach of the national team, Milu seems to attach great importance to the opinions and judgments of Gao Han, a local born coach who has a firm foothold at the top of European professional football, so he always hopes Gao Han can express his own opinions.

I can't help but say something about the high cold.

"In the national football match, as long as the time is right, I watch every game. I think there is still a big gap between the players and the strong teams. There is no problem with the players' mental outlook and competition investment. The main problems are two points."

Milu nodded and listened carefully.

"On the whole, the tactical order of the team is not rigorous enough, and on the individual players, the tactical literacy is not high enough, so that in the game, the whole formation of the team can not form a joint force."

"Well said." Milu nodded.

"For example, in Atletico Madrid, our two players can oppress each other's four players, not necessarily win the ball, but at least effectively delay their attack, which requires the players to form a joint force with each other."

"But in the national football match, I think it's a little... Scattered."

Milu breathed softly. "I've noticed that too, but it can't be changed in a short time."

"This kind of failure to effectively form a joint force is reflected in the game, that is, the players are very hard-working, very active in running, very devoted, but too much useless work, too much physical strength and energy wasted on internal consumption, not consistent with the external."

"It's like running. I specially asked my team to do the data analysis of two or three national football matches. In fact, the running distance is not too bad. In some matches, there will be players who have run more than 10000 meters, but most of them are lack of purpose and foresight, just blindly follow the game situation."

When the analysis came to this point, Gao Han said with a smile, "I don't think these problems can be solved in a short time. It's a very successful start for the team to enter the World Cup finals this time."

Entering the World Cup finals with a record, domestic football has taken the first step.

Next, the next step is to enter the World Cup finals steadily, and at the same time, more efforts should be made to encourage players to stay abroad.

Only with the most advanced level of foreign football more exchanges, more communication, more competition, in order to improve the level of domestic football.

Milu heard here, but also nodded, "you said these opinions, very valuable, can you find an opportunity to your team's data analysis report, send us a copy?"

"Of course, there's no problem. I'll call them later and ask them to fax it." Gao Han said with a smile.

As a Chinese, he is also happy for his motherland's team to enter the World Cup finals.

Especially a fan, he would like to see his motherland's football level rising.

Because he never believed that a country with the largest population in the world would have no football talent.

But it will take more time.

It's like Atletico Madrid can't catch up with Real Madrid and Barcelona overnight.

What's more, the gap between the national football team and the world's advanced level is far greater than that between Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid.

After chatting with Milu a few more words, several active international players soon walked into the lobby.

For Gao Han, the local coach who is very popular in La Liga, the international players all admire him. They keep asking about the current situation of European professional football and the possibility of Chinese players playing in Europe.

Alpine also knows everything about it. It not only encourages international players to stay abroad, but also promises to help them where they can, even not excluding contact.

It also made him highly praised by the international players.



"Do you think there is any hope for our country in this world cup?"

Seeing off Milu and the internationals, Chu Yao asked with concern.

I didn't expect that this woman Altman was very interested in the national football team.

"It depends on how far you want to go." Gao Han said with a bitter smile.

Chu Yao thought for a moment, "group stage qualification?"

This is also the goal of many domestic multimedia companies to strive for the qualification of the group.

But Gao Han shook his head, "impossible."


"Although Brazil did not play well in the preliminary round, I tell you that Brazil's super strength, Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho, these three are absolutely the world's top superstar players. Scolari's tactics are very pragmatic and easy to make people cold."

Although CACA of Atletico Madrid performed very well in La Liga and was selected into the latest Brazil national team, he is still a small player in front of Ronaldo and other stars. It should be OK to play occasionally, but it's hard to play as the main force.

"Turkey's strength is also very good, Costa Rica is not a fuel-efficient lamp, the national football team wants to get a bargain from these two teams..."

Gao Han didn't say much, just shook his head and laughed.

When the domestic media are staring at others, they also regard you as a fat sheep.

"To participate in the World Cup finals for the first time, it's better to be pragmatic and study first. Don't set too high goals for yourself. You can't get a lot of things on the football field if you try your best."

Chu Yao, on the other hand, turned her lips. Did she think that the high cold was a little too low on the national football team?

Finally into the World Cup finals, fight a fight should still have hope, right?

But when the three of them were about to leave the hall and walk towards the studio, they suddenly saw that the young man who had been giggling at them in the distance was coming towards them.

This guy looks good, but the smile on his face is a little creepy.

But when Gao Han, Lin Xia and Chu Yao all look at each other and guess who this guy is looking for, Xiang Tianming suddenly walks up to Gao Han and shouts heavily, "master."

"Teacher... Father?" Lin Xia and Chu Yao both looked at the high cold with wide eyes.

When did this guy take in apprentices?

Gao Han himself is stupid. I have an apprentice who doesn't know. It's amazing.

"Do you... Recognize the wrong person?" The high cold is a bit unprepared.

"No, I'm not wrong. You're Alpine."

"Well, yes."

"That's right, master. It's me. Have you forgotten?"

Cold on the depressed, scratching his head, really can not remember.

Why did he suddenly come up with an apprentice?

"Shifu, you are very busy. Think about it again. The last time in the park, the one who played football with a foreigner..." Xiang Tianming was also worried. Everyone recognized Shifu in full view. As a result, they just didn't recognize you. It was too embarrassing.

"Oh, you're the one..."

"Yes, it's me. I'm captain Xiang Tianming. Remember?"

Alpine Shan Shan a smile, "no impression."

Xiang Tianming almost cried. Is my sense of existence so bad?

Looking at the beauties on the left and right sides of the high cold, Lin Xia and Chu Yao couldn't help laughing. They told him that they just wanted to drill a hole in the ground. It was so embarrassing.

"Master, you taught me to play football that day, and you beat that group of foreigners. Later, you published it in the newspaper. Do you always have an impression?"

Alpine finally remembered, "but I'm not your master."

"One day as a teacher, all my life as a teacher. From that day on, I determined that you are my master."

Hey, you're a donkey?

"In a word, I'm not your master, and I'm not interested in taking apprentices." Gao Han pulls Lin Xia and Chu Yao to go inside.

Xiang Tianming really quickly walked beside him, "you can deny me as an apprentice, but you can't stop me from recognizing you as a master. It doesn't matter if you don't recognize me for the time being. I will show my sincerity to be a teacher."

My God, what's wrong with that?

I just want to see that you are playing too badly. Just a few words, how can you become your master?

What's more, it's also a coach, OK?



After finally getting rid of Xiang Tianming, he entered the studio and got more headache.

First, the familiar director Ma of CCTV's sports department came, along with the members of the shooting team who went to Spain at the beginning, including two famous commentators in China, then the leaders and officials of the Football Association, and finally some predecessors and peers in the sports industry, and even some representatives of sponsors.

This round of tossing down, has not received the award, alpine has been exhausted, simply more tired than directing a game.

But in the end, he went on stage to receive the rookie of the year award.

As for the acceptance speech, he was certainly not stupid enough to read it according to the previous spoof. He just gave thanks to all parties and left the stage after a few short polite remarks.

The best coach award was won by table tennis, while the national team won the best breakthrough award. Milu went on stage to receive the award on behalf of the team.

It can be said that the whole award ceremony ended in a happy situation( (to be continued.)